A Big Thank You ...

A Big Thank You ...

I would like to say a BIG thank you to anyone who donated or has given Parker B Associates business which has all contributed to raising over £1200 for Alzheimer's.

Running the Manchester marathon was a massive challenge (it's 26.2 mile - the amount of people who have asked me that!), especially with my Dad doubting I'd last the training. Training in those cold winter mornings, aches in muscles I never knew I had, hobbling up and down the stairs. I could have easily quit. But I learnt a HUGE lesson during this time that with a purpose you CAN and WILL achieve anything you want. Setting goals, targets and having a plan is key to succeeding. Use this in your day and you will achieve greatness.

My purpose was my Nan x. I set a new PB of 3 hours 33 mins (although my first as well!). Big love to anyone who have family members or friends going through similar situations. It is not the best feeling having someone know you so well, who even use to clip you round the ear to not recognising you at all. I believe the Alzheimer's Society is doing excellent work and will find a cure for the illness in the near future.

Parker B Associates will continue to support charity and good causes with each placement made.

It is still not to late to donate, if you can it would be much appreciated as it is all for a great cause


I'll leave you with a thought - what is your purpose?

Have a great week.

Ben Parker


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