Big steps in African science
Welcome to this month's Africa Research News.
We are happy to share some exciting news about science in Africa. Let us take a look at the big progress happening and the top places too.
Reports show that science work from Africa is getting better and there is more of it.
In the last ten years, Africa's share of world research has grown from less than 1% to almost 1%.
This shows that African scientists are doing more work than ever before.
Looking at the Stars
Africa is doing great things in star research (astronomy). There's a big telescope in southern Africa called SALT. It's the biggest of its kind in the southern half of the world.
Recently, scientists used this telescope to find a group of galaxies. This is a big deal in understanding space.
Top 10 Science Institutes in Africa
Here are the top 10 places doing great science work in Africa:
1. University of Cape Town, South Africa
2. Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kenya
3. Academy of Scientific Research, Egypt
4. National Institute of Medical Research, Tanzania
5. International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya
6. South African Medical Research Council
7. University of Pretoria, Johannesburg, South Africa
8. Cairo University, Egypt
9. University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
10. National Research Centre, Egypt
These places are doing amazing work to help Africa grow and solve her problems.
In the next issue, we will tell you more about the work these places are doing.
Keep learning and discovering.
The Everey Team