The Eternal Search
Sumith C Mohan
Key Accounts Management | Telematics | AIS 140 | Tailor made Solution | Indigenous | Fleet management | Tender Management
" There is a purpose, oh so clear
For every manifestation here
From small ideas to great deeds
Everything flows, as nature leads
The cycle of existence, it never ends
In atoms, plants, and solar bends
We search and search, from life to life
For something that can calm the strife
Like a deer that seeks its scent
We too search, with intent
For something to soothe our hearts
A mystery that sets us apart
But one day, we'll turn within
To find the object, we've been seeking
Heartfulness meditation, it will guide
To our own finding, deep inside"
There is a big purpose for every manifestation on earth. Everything comes from the Supreme through small ideas, to our aspirations, to thinking, and to actions, just like how a big river like the Ganges originates from small ice drops in the Himalayas. The flow from higher to lower is a natural rule, and thus it recycles. This cycle of existence can be seen in any atom in the world - in our breaths, in plants, in day and night, in solar systems, and in galaxies everywhere. What is the purpose of our lives in these human bodies? Why were we born? Who am I? These questions are at the root of our spiritual journey. In this journey, we search for something like how a Kasthuri deer searches for the fragrant scent emanating from its own body. We too search for something that can calm our restless minds and soothe the "tadap" in our hearts. This search continues from one birth to the next, in an infinite cycle. It is like a child who has lost their parents in a crowd. Sometimes we think we have found what we are looking for, only to later realize that it is just a temporary accomplishment. We keep searching for something beyond that. One day, we will lose our desire to look outside and instead turn inward to discover the mysterious object that our hearts long to merge with. That is what Heartfulness meditation can do for us. Welcome to your own finding through the Heartfulness way. Welcome, brothers and sisters!