The Big Problem of Giant Turbines that Threatens the Future of Wind Energy
Dudley Stewart
Managing Director - Micro Electricity Generation Association (MEGA) & Charleville Castle - cityxchange
A recent Harvard Business Review report exposes a huge hidden problem with offshore wind: the lifetime and decommissioning costs outweigh the benefits. Find out more here!
Joana Campos Meteored Portugal
02/27/2024 9:00 AM5 min
There is a mantra in wind energy that says that the bigger the wind turbines are, the better they work and the cheaper they are to install and produce electricity. It is for this reason that developers of this energy source prefer to install them off the coast, where their enormous size (some are as tall as skyscrapers) can make the most of strong gusts of wind from the ocean without disturbing the surrounding environment too much.
However, a recent report published in the Harvard Business Review undermines this claim and warns that maintenance and deinstallation costs are higher than previously thought and could make its use unfeasible in the near future. It has been said for years that the future of wind energy is offshore. Companies and countries are investing millions in consolidating an energy source that is spreading throughout the world and that, little by little, can make us forget the time when consuming electricity was synonymous with releasing tons of CO? into the earth. atmosphere.
The size of turbines and why they are so big
These gigantic structures (wind turbines) can reach the height of the Eiffel Tower and their blades can have a diameter of more than 250 metres, which allows them to sweep areas of more than 50 thousand m2.
...the larger the turbines, the more energy they produce and the less is spent on installation and maintenance...
Its enormous size is not a whim. The industry claims that the biggest cost of these offshore installations is the labor required to build them, so the larger the turbines are, the more energy they produce and the less is spent on installation and maintenance. But the increase in size, which makes wind turbines more efficient, can also be a serious problem, according to a team of academics.
The hidden costs
In this report, environmental sustainability experts Sam Aflaki of HEC Paris , and Atalay Atasu and Luk N. Van Wassenhove of the INSEAD business school argue that the costs involved in installing a wind turbine are not limited to just the cost of the turbines.
They also include the costs associated with installing robust and durable offshore platforms, maritime logistics and extensive submarine cables to connect these turbines to the onshore grid many kilometres away.
These tasks become difficult and expensive as the distance from the coast increases and often require specialised vessels and equipment, not to mention increased risks for workers, the authors say.
However, according to their analysis, the majority of expenses occur when turbines become obsolete. Decommissioning is a complex and expensive operation that involves dismantling turbines, removing foundations and cables, the reverse logistics of moving blades and towers ashore, and responsible waste management.
Smaller wind turbines needed
Researchers used publicly available data to create a model of the lifespan of offshore wind turbines. The calculations show a relationship between blade size, distance from shore and the lifetime value of the turbine, which is what the team calls "the total revenue generated by the electricity produced by a turbine minus its total cycle cost of life."
The conclusions of the analysis carried out by the researchers are clear. Although larger turbines are generally more efficient, this efficiency varies depending on the distance from the coast and the ideal blade size, which is clearly affected by the level of maintenance and end-of-life costs. Therefore, smaller blades may be more suitable for projects further from the coast, they say.
Reference: Aflaki S., Atasu A., Wassenhove L. The Long-Term Costs of Wind Turbines . Harvard Business Review Home (2024).
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