Connie P. Milligan
LCSW, Therapist, Transformational Coach, Trainer and Consultant
The “Big Picture Perspective” is one of my favorite therapeutic techniques, useful in a myriad of situations. I’m traveling to England (to attend WOMEX, World Music Exp) so views from the plane have prompted me to think and write about this.
Utilizing the big picture perspective is like looking down on the sequence of events of your life, as if at a scenic overpass or on a plane. It can be helpful in finding answers to many questions. Why has this happened? Again? What do I need to do next? Why do I react the way I do?
See if this helps you use this technique to understand patterns in your life:
Everything that happens to you is a consequence of a series of cause-and-effect relationships, it’s one of the natural laws. Understanding the often long sequence of events, one affecting, causing and leading to another, is helpful in understanding the “why” questions about yourself and your life. This kind of understanding helps put things into a long historical context, like a timeline of your life, often going back generations.
The ‘Big Picture Perspective’ is like making a freeze-frame view of your life in a point of time. By looking over the sequence of events, you can rise above the details to look at the patterns. It gives you objectivity, takes the blame out of situations to help you be more matter of fact. It helps you develop acceptance and understanding, with an ‘of course’ that would happen’ kind of understanding.
When you can objectify your situation with clarity and understanding, you are operating from your wise mind, your wisdom, what I think is your soul’s knowing. It’s the part of you that knows your truth and sees things clearly. The more you access this part of yourself, the more peace and acceptance and lucid understanding you will have about yourself and your life situation. You are no longer a victim; you are no longer overwrought with emotion, you can make decisive decisions and move with surety form one circumstance to another. If this sounds appealing, please try this, it will change your life!
If this speaks to you and you’d like to know more, reach out.