Prof. Lora Levitchi
Open to Global Financial Transformations roles; Ex SVP Citi; JPMorgan Chase; New York Life; Author/Writer
Pharma Death Clock:
Do you know that Pharma industry owns the conventional medical industry, LITERALLY??
Big Pharma basically wrote the text books and got on the board of directors at all the medical schools. The money-power hungry elitist tyrant ROCKEFELLERS used their oil profits to buy into the PHARMA INDUSTRY. Rockefeller knew there were many types of natural healing modalities in existence at that time, chiropractic, homeopathy, holistic medicine, and herbal medicine.
Rockefeller hired Abraham Flexner to submit a false report to Congress in 1910 that all the natural healing modalities which had been around for thousands of years were unscientific quackery. He did whatever it took to eliminate the competitors of western medicine! “Rockefeller put so much money into the universities and filled up the board of directors in these schools with people who were on the payroll of the donors. The curriculum swung in the direction of pharmaceutical drugs and has remained that way ever since. In return for the donated money schools were required to teach course material that was exclusively drug oriented with NO emphasis on natural medicine. By 1925 aprox. 10,000 herbalists were out of business, by 1940 over 1500 Chiropractors would be prosecuted for practicing quackery. The 22 homeopathic medical schools that flourished in the 1900’s dwindled down to 2 by 1923. By 1950 all the schools teaching homeopathy were closed.
This explains why so many people are against chiropractors, it has been ingrained in people’s heads that these types of doctors practice quackery.” Even today after all these years, word of mouth, not scientific knowledge, keeps people in the dark. In the end, if a physician did not graduate from a Flexner approved medical school and receive an MD degree than he or she could not find a job anywhere.
This is why today MD’s are so heavily biased towards synthetic drug therapy, and know little if anything about nutrition! Obviously, the narcissistic elitists BULLIED natural medicine out of the health care arena so they could monopolize the marketplace. No more competition, now they can manipulate, lie and deceive the public into believing drugs and surgery are the only answer to healthcare.
This is the introduction of band aide medicine with a never-ending search for a cure! now you understand how corrupt the very foundation of Big Pharma is ?
It isn't a surprise at all that Pharma industry would develop a system that would allow them to dominate and remain in control. What could be better than deriving a system that never get to the root cause of the disease?! A system that treats the symptoms with drugs that then cause side effects, so you will need more drugs to treat the side effects of the original drug. This sounds like an amazing business plan to me!!! You can’t be cured, you have to remain on many of these medications for life, and hopefully you won’t experience too many side effects, or die!
ITS DISEASE MANAGEMENT AT BEST! All synthetic drugs, even aspirin, at the very minimum, disrupt the pH balance of the microbiome where most of the immune system resides. None of them are safe, some much worse than others. There has been up to 130,000 deaths a year reported from taking pills properly prescribed, not counting overdoses or pharmacy errors, which is more than double the amount of drug overdoses in US!
Anyone who is awake knows that you can heal most ailments through natural or holistic medicine by getting to the root cause of the issue. Yes, completely reverse the symptoms of most disease through diet and lifestyle changes, supplementation, mindset, emotional and spiritual wisdom.
They basically indoctrinated and recruited doctors to push their INHUMANE profit driven agenda. Naturopathic medicine, which can actually CURE disease, was criminally being suppressed so they could push patented drugs! The misconduct runs deep. The pharmaceutical companies are famous for recruiting FDA drug reviewers, both the legal drug cartel and the government are in bed together, literally turning a blind eye to corruption, all in the name of profits! This complete CONFLICT OF INTEREST is legally allowed to exist?! Big Pharma spends almost 50% more on lobbyists than any other industry compensating 1320 lobbyists in 2015, or 3 lobbyists for every US congressman! Big Pharma is a legally run CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, one of the biggest in the world!
This may all seem unfathomable, but couldn’t be any further from the TRUTH. Sure, there may be some medications and drugs that have some value like antibiotics used discriminately, emergency medicine, drugs for genetic predispositions, but most ailments can be cured naturally, with no symptoms, no additional drugs, just nourishing the mind, body, spirit with what it needs to heal itself through homeostasis.
The majority of drugs are a complete hoax to mask the symptoms of a disease that can be most times be cured naturally. You become a SLAVE to these drugs. Afraid to take them and afraid not to take them. Then doctors will say you must remain on the drug for life, often times developing other horrific symptoms that require you to take another drug, or even die! Due to a toxic disease promoting commercial food industry, and suppression of natural medicine, people have come to rely on unnecessary, harmful medicines to mask their symptoms and manage their illness with no cure. Are you beginning to understand that sickness is a business, and the sicker people are the more MONEY they make! Managing disease is far more profitable than curing it! Don’t expect to hear this on TV because Pharma Industry owns the media. These companies spend over 9 billion per year advertising their drugs!
The majority of pharma drugs are NOT necessary because the ailment can be healed through natural means, and they are NOT SAFE, and knowing how corrupt this criminal enterprise is, why in God’s name would you believe that VACCINES, drugs created by a corrupt organization, could be necessary and safe!? No man-made drugs are safe, and very few are necessary! Just like any other drug it has side effects, correct? The doctors are so indoctrinated they will just regurgitate information, telling you it can’t be the vaccine if you claim any symptoms, quick to ignore or deny your claim and blame it on something else. This is not coincidental, this is how the system is supposed to operate.
They PROSTITUTE the doctors, to sell their drugs, brainwashed into thinking drugs and surgery is the only answer to treating disease. They control what these doctors, say, think, and feel. Then the doctors use this band aide on their patients. The doctors, who areglamorized for their extensive education, ability to regurgitate information, and high salaries, are seen as the powers of authority by a society that for the most part are obedient slaves, followers of the powers that be, never thinking for themselves. Little do they know they have been deceived, lied to, taken advantage of, misled, and fooled. The consequences of this ignore-ance often times results in physical harm and death!
Sickness is a BUSINESS as you see, the more people that get sick, the more money the criminal enterprise makes!
Most prescribed drugs like NSAID, steroids, opioids, synthetic vitamins, pshychotropic pills ( antidepresants, benzodiazepines) they are not necessary, they are pushed by the money greedy doctors seller and Pharma and their benefit can never outweigh their risk! Unless of course you believe its safe to consume GMO glucose, neurotoxic brain swelling metals, formaldehyde and other potentially cancer-causing ingredients, DNA from aborted human fetal, insect, and animal cells, etc. There are MANY symptoms, highly damaging side effects, and even death associated with them, and like any other drug, can cause physical damage that require drugs to manage the symptoms from the vaccine drug.
Any industry as corrupt as the pharmaceutical industry that preys on innocent people to drive profits can certainly not be trusted IN ANY WAY. Profit driven Big Pharma creates vaccinations, they want you sick or dead, they are the enemy! DON’T BE ANOTHER VICTIM OF A CORRUPT BROKEN SYSTEM, DO THE RESEARCH, THINK FOR YOURSELF, SAVE YOURSELF AND FAMILY!
It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy that makes happiness
7 年So very true! Big pharma is now the biggest money hungry social manipulator in the world, mind you alcohol, tobacco and drugs are also big players however at a smaller scale.