Big O
Big O - Describes an upper bound on the time. This is similar to less than or equal to relationship.
for example : Alex age is X years old ( Assume that no one lives longer than 100 years old ), then you could say X <= 100. It would also be correct to say that X <= 1000 or X <= 100000. Printing the values in an array is O(N) as well as O(N^3) or any runtime bigger than O(N).
Big Omega - Describes a lower bound on time. Printing the values in an array is omega(N) as well as omega(log N) and omega(1). Because it won't be faster than those runtime.
Big Theta - Theta means both O and Omega. Describes the tight bound on runtime.
Note : In industry, people seem to merged theta and Big O together. Industry meaning of Big O is closer to what mean by Theta, in that sense it would seen to be incorrect to describe printing of array elements in O(n^2). Industry would just say it is O(n).
Add vs Multiply :
Add the Runtimes : O( A + B)
for(int a : arrA){ print(a); } for(int b : arrB){ print(b); }
If your algorithm is in the form "do this, then, when you are all done, do that" then you add the runtimes.
Multiply the Runtimes : O(A * B)
for(int a : arrA){ for(int b : arrB){ print(a+","+b); } }
If your algorithm is in the form " do this for each time do that " then you multiply the runtimes.
Some Problems asked in Interview :
Suppose we had an algorithm that took in an array of strings, sorted each string, and then sorted the full array.What would the runtime be?
Incorrect Approach :
Many candidates reason the following:
Sorting each string - O( N log N )
We have to do this for each string - O ( N * N log N )
We have to sort the array - O ( N log N )
Total runtime complexity - O ( N^2 log N + N log N ),
which is just O ( N^2 log N)
Reason of above approach to be incorrect : The problem is that we used N in two different ways.
In one case, N is the length of the string and in other case, N is the length of the array in above case.
Correct Approach :
s - length of the longest string
a - length of the array
Now we can work through this in parts:
Sorting of each string - O ( s log s )
We have to do this for every string - O ( a * s log s )
We have to sort all the strings(array). There are a number of strings, so you will be inclined to say that this takes O ( a log a ) time. But, we have to take the string comparison into account which will take O( s ) time. There are O( a log a) comparisons, therefore it will take O( a*s log a ) time.
Finally, we get O( a*s ( log a + log s ) ) and there is no way to reduce it further.
The following code prints all Fibonacci numbers from 0 to n. What is its time complexity?
void allFib(int n) { for (int i= 0; i < n; i++) { System.out.println(i + ": "+ fib(i)); } } int fib(int n) { if (n <= 0) return 0; else if (n == 1) return 1; return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2); }
Incorrect Approach :
Many candidates reason the following:
fib( n ) takes O( 2^n ) exponential time complexity
and it's called n times, so overall time complexity is O( n * 2^n )
Reason of above approach to be incorrect : Yes, fib( n ) takes O ( 2^n ) time, but it matters what the value of n is.
Correct Approach :
Let's walk through each call:
fib( 1 ) -> 2 ^ 1 steps
fib( 2 ) -> 2 ^ 2 steps
fib( 3 ) -> 2 ^ 3 steps
fib( n ) -> 2 ^ n steps
2^1 + 2^2 + 2^3 + .............................. + 2^n = 2^n+1
So, overall time complexity is still O( 2^n )
Rate of Increase: A final way to approach the runtime is to think about how the runtime changes as n gets bigger. After all, this is exactly what big O time means.