The Big Career Jigsaw Puzzle Problem
Tom Harris
I Help Retail Managers Secure New and Exciting Careers With Better Work-Life Balance and Job Satisfaction Without Having to Take a Salary Cut Learn More at ??
When I decided that I'd had enough of retail.
I faced a MASSIVE problem.
And it held me back for years.
That problem?
I had absolutely no clue what I wanted to do outside of retail.
Well.. so I thought at the time anyway.
But either way, I probably spent about 5 years hoping I'd work something out.
Although that never happened.
Do you feel like you're facing the same problem?
Maybe you've already wasted enough time trying to figure something out?
I kind of liken our situation to buying a jigsaw puzzle from a local charity shop.
But instead of getting the puzzle with the picture on the box.
You just get the pieces in a clear plastic bag.
You see, you've got the jigsaw pieces but no picture to work from.
And that's exactly the situation your in right now.
You don't have a picture of what your next career looks like.
But you do have the pieces.
So what are those pieces?
Well, to start with, you've spent your career understanding two things.
What you DO like about work.
What you DON'T like about work.
You want to ensure your next move has more of those things you do like about work and less of those things you don't.
But you've also identified more specific things...
- Skills you enjoy using (like coaching, managing, customer service etc)
- The knowledge you choose to know about (like things you choose to learn about in detail)
- The people you like working with (like working in a team or on your own)
- Things you like doing on a daily basis (the day in day out of the job e.g do you like admin or hate it!)
- General career attributes (like Mon - Fri, flexibility, bonus focused etc)
And when you get clear about these things.
You start creating a picture of a career that you'll love.
It's then your job to go out there and find jobs that include these things.
And I can promise you there are jobs out there that include 80% of everything you want.
In the UK alone, there were over 800k vacancies on average each month.
You're telling me not one of those fit the bill?
Of course not! there are opportunities everywhere when you know what you're looking for!
But if you're struggling to figure that out.
Then reach out and let's have a chat!
Drop me a private message and reach out.
It's much easier than you think...
Isn't it time you put the pieces of your puzzle together?
Did you like this article?
If so, you might like my FREE guide called "Top 7 Tips for Escaping Retail".
This guide has been specifically designed to show you:
- How to Break Through the Fear of the Unknown When Retail Is All You've Ever Known
- How to Make the Leap into a Career You Will LOVE!
- How to Land a Job Outside of Retail When You Don't Have the Qualifications.
- How to Market Yourself So Employers Will Be Begging You to Join Them.