Big Ideas That Will Change Our World: A Vision of the Future Job Market
An Employee's Thoughts Throughout the Pandemic
The workplace is changing. Apart from myself, others come to the same place as well. We're all noticing more how everyone behaves, how we are already different than we were, seeing each other in a new light, and feeling different than before. We used to have a certain relationship and it was more or less understood what kind of relationship that is, and now it is less clear. The change that everyone has received (the internal upgrade I'm always talking about), creates new spaces between us. We don't really know how to start getting used to each other in the new circumstances, and to see each other in this new perspective. Suddenly we begin to feel the distance between us as a different distance, a different kind of connection. Life has changed.
We were in lockdown, we were vaccinated, people died, people were infected, you couldn't fly, you couldn't race around from mall to mall for a while. We were at home for two whole months, and still felt very connected to each other even though in reality, we may be very different people, we all have our unique character, and our own habits. We have children of all different ages, but despite everything - we all felt we belonged to one family.
This is the first time we really felt part of one family, something we may have never felt before. It used to be only one or two days a week, and even then we escaped to nature, the beach or something, but we were never closed in like this together with four walls around us. So now we've all come back to work with a different feeling.
All the impressions we received over the past year or two are changing our perspective of life in general and also of the workplace. The upheaval we went through put us in a kind of lack of connection between us. This stems from the huge gap between just having an external type of dependence on work colleagues, where you're only there to make a living; and all the internal impressions that have accumulated in us over the past year. It's not simple because we are not returning to the normal external states, and still don't understand the effect of the internal changes in us and in the world. What will happen as a result of all these shifts, is difficult to say.
Then my friends and colleagues all come back to work, each from their own family. Everyone is carrying their own "luggage" with them, everyone without exception. And we are in a place that is very different now than it was before. So one way or another this necessary shift will happen, and it will affect and shape new relationships between us. The only question is which path we'll take - the one of suffering by going through the changes with a total lack of awareness of what's happening. Or whether we'll actively participate in these changes to the extent that we'll help make them with our own two hands. And there is a huge difference between these two paths, whether we take our fate into our own hands, or don't take our destiny into our own hands.
The general desire that exists in everyone wants to break through to new and broader boundaries. The company has much to contribute here because beyond professional success we're focused on everyone's inner fulfillment and mental satisfaction that is far beyond any satisfaction we can get from a salary.
Many New Reflections
We used to go to work mainly to make a living, to do good business. But now we have new thoughts running around inside our head all the time:
?Are we getting back to normal now?
?Are we preparing for a new kind of setup in the workplace as well? And if so what exactly is it?
It can be very different for everyone, but it is clear that everyone will conduct a thorough re-examination of everything that is happening to him to this day. To what extent the workplace is a more external or internal place, and more or less important than before. These are questions that everyone will have to answer for themselves at first. There are different goals at work here that everyone wants to achieve in their life.
Am I only alive to come to work and make a living?
Or am I alive to discover myself, to express myself, to succeed, to prove to everyone who I am, what I am?
Vision of the Future Job Market
As a result of the whole process that the economy will go through, the million dollar question pops up right away: what will the future employment market look like? Is the future in professions that are closer to the food industry? Or communication technologies?
Which industries and professions will survive? Everything is needed and we can continue to develop everything, but only to the extent that we do not cause destruction to the environment or to human society. Everything needs to be arranged according to the benefit of the individual who is in balance with his inner nature and nature outside of him. And we need to discuss this among ourselves all the time, through learning how much we need to take such diverse steps forward, until we become bound together in one feeling around the whole planet, and everything will be for the good of man.
All the professional, managerial and operational aspects of the company will shape themselves according to the quality of the mutual connection they build in their organization. It is important to note that first of all this is a matter of the commercial, economic and ideological success of the organization - otherwise they cannot justify their existence. I'm always talking about how to achieve it in a new way. We now have new tools after everything we've been through, meaning a new means of realizing the same goal.
The process before us includes the entire hierarchical ladder of any business organization, both managers and employees. Everyone will need to change their attitude to build a new management template based on the integral connections between us. And in our relationship we will feel how we are all connected together, and this will be the source of strength required for the successful development of the company. Rather than relying on the human ego that has already reached the limit of its current capacity. It's the same ego, but now we're becoming aware of how it's growing. The general desire that exists in everyone wants to break through to new and broader boundaries. The company has much to contribute here because beyond professional success we're focused on everyone's inner fulfillment and mental satisfaction that is far beyond any satisfaction we can get from a salary.
All the professional, managerial and operational aspects of the company will shape themselves according to the quality of the mutual connection they build in their organization. It is important to note that first of all this is a matter of the commercial, economic and ideological success of the organization - otherwise they cannot justify their existence. I'm always talking about how to achieve it in a new way. We now have new tools after everything we've been through, meaning a new means of realizing the same goal.
This is precisely the purpose of our time, and this is precisely the content of our time. Because we are now changing from within in our view of the world, of society, of man, of the universe, of history, of our whole life, of our future. And for each and every thing we do a question mark will pop up - Why? What for? Where to? And humanity now has to answer that question, because without it, we really have no ability to exist on Earth.
As I always say, the private sector has the most at stake here. All kinds of physical and digital assets in various forms all over the world. But the most crucial asset that the focus needs to be on is the one element that will determine a company's fate from now on - the quality of our connections. ?
So start investing in human connection. But if you're using any man-made method or theory from before the pandemic, you may want to try experiencing these new tools I'm always talking about. The future is about integral thinking and methods, and we still haven't prepared all the technology and platforms we will need for the future job market.