Big ideas 2023
Kathi Woods releases an annual market trend report that serves as the foundation for her investment strategy. Despite a bearish year that has taken a toll on her exceptional 2021 results, her closely tied market performance (represented by the Nasdaq in the graph) should not detract from her vision.
In a remarkably dynamic innovation context, the explosion of two of her most significant investment drivers, AI and Blockchain, can yield great results in the near future.
In her annual report on big trends, "Big Ideas 2023" she details the studies conducted in key sectors. A concept we have consistently emphasized in these articles is the importance of convergence of innovation, the sum of technologies. The report highlights five technologies that will define the new technological era, two of which are AI and Public Blockchains.
Among these, neural networks are highlighted as the most important catalyst:
Although the biggest economic impact will be seen into the Financial sector due to the double impact of Neural Networks and Blockchain technology.
We have previously discussed that the transversal impact of AI is due to the way it changes the work of any professional (finance, accounting, design, training, coding, etc.) and makes them much more efficient. Let's look at a couple of examples:
Or the AI generated images which reduces the costs of creating new images drastically:
Conclusion: We are about to witness one of the largest leaps in global productivity that we have ever seen. It's as simple as that.
Yours in crypto and AI.