The Big Idea – Joining hands
Jeffrey Cait, MBA, CFP, CLU, CH.F.C., TEP
Independent Life Insurance Consultant + Educator
Everybody working together to make sure they’ve optimized for their customers.
Start by talking. I like the idea of a massive study group. All the stuff they forgot to teach you when you study life insurance. I like to think we have a different perspective. We even added Peter Merrick who brings a perspective to the important role we all play in getting deals done. I think we need both. No?
Rule #1: “just keep doing what you've been doing”.
?Does anybody who knows math and product want to work on this project with me?
I want to address the issue of compensation as a cost to join a great investment club. It's a fair cost.
How? See calculation in picture. We build: How long before the life insurance investment catches up, if ever. ?We try to measure it. We answer the questions the client should be asking… How long before it catches up, if ever.
Cash vs Cash. Apples vs apples. Time value of money. Ability to weight various financial and emotional issues. What if??
?Assumptions are guesses. Variables are kept as variables. You choose.