The "BIG Green Change" Is Upon Us
There is no hiding from the "Big Green Change".
Environmental markets are difficult, BIG and here.?
If you look at the history of water markets and the regulated carbon offset markets, there is good reason for farmers to be reluctant about getting involved in broader environmental markets.?But, when you are talking about the sums of money entering agriculture looking for a home because of the environment, then farmers individually and collectively need to understand what some call the "Big Green Change".
How Big Are We Talking?
The CSIRO says $48Bn by 2050*. To put that in context, that's twice the combined value of all meat, grain, tropical fruit and cotton industries.
The "Big Green Change" is on top of existing demands on farmers
Living With Sharks, Green-Wash and Green-Tape
Different government and corporate actors, with motivations that aren’t always transparent are shaping the environmental markets without farmers. The outcome is a market where transaction costs are punitive, income is unequally shared, and self-interest hides behind complexity. And, if you look at the history of water markets and the regulated carbon offset markets, there is good reason for farmers to be reluctant about these coming changes.
One-time Opportunity To Avoid Dysfunction
The Regen Farmers Mutual is a farmer-owned broker. It is wholly aligned with its farmer-owners. It is farmers that collectively manage the biodiversity and carbon sinks upon which all Australian's depend on when meeting any national targets. Farmers are critical actors in the market and can't be left with no power.
Negotiating Power In Co-operation
The more farmers that ultimately join as members, the stronger will be Regen Farmers Mutual negotiating power. Combined, the members of the mutual have the ability to shape markets in their favour for once. Together farmers can have the size and influence required to negotiate a better outcome.
Negotiating power is why we need a farmer-owned environmental broker i.e. Regen Farmers Mutual.?
Gathering Support
We’ve created a waitlist for the foundational product - the Environmental Farm Assessment - as a simple way for farmers to demonstrate support right now - before we launch later this year. There’s no cost or commitment to join the waitlist now, but every farmer that joins strengthens the ability of the Regen Farmers Mutual to deliver the best outcomes for Australian farmers.
If you are a farmer, please join the waitlist by clicking through below. If you know a farmer, then please send them this invitation today.