The Big Gamble?
There is something terrifying on the horizon at Brandon James.
It’s going to require bravery, commitment and character. It’s going to be something that could change everything we thought we knew, forever.
Flexible working.
Sure, we worked from home for a period during ‘you know what’, but that wasn’t through choice and was during a period when following ‘you know what’ we saw a boom that, in hindsight, probably negated any WFH productivity issues we might otherwise have experienced.
This time it’s for real.
As someone that’s been in this industry for twenty years, most of that as a recruitment business owner and sales floor manager, I’m having more sleepless nights than when GDPR was introduced, and I thought I was one missed email away from ‘doing time’.
I’m hoping the increased trust given will result in increased trust earned.
My suspicion is that it will work better for some than others and a previous experience of a watered-down version had mixed results. I am hoping that any downside is balanced out with increased productivity borne from not having to listen to my Dad jokes post 4 pm when my concentration starts to wane.
We have a mature, intelligent and professional team at Brandon James who I am actually confident will thrive. This doesn’t stop the control freak in from me from screaming “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???!!!”
We are enjoying what seems to be an upturn across all of our sectors from Construction Consultancy and Contractors to Fire Safety, CDM and even in our Legal Division. And long may it continue. This move to entrusting our Consultants with more autonomy will, hopefully, compound the positivity and allow us to be even more of an asset to our clients.
Alternatively I’ve made a huge mistake and my next blog will be asking about career opportunities for middle aged recruiters with Duolingo level Spanish (currently 9 day streak) and a 25 meter swimming certificate.
I’ll let you know how it goes…..
(Any comments or advice more than welcome!)