Big Five Marathon for Parkinson's UK
On June 23rd 2018, I’ll be taking to the start line of the “Big Five Marathon” in Kruger National Park, South Africa. 26.2 miles of off road running through the African savanna surrounded by some of Africa’s most wonderful animals. I’ll be battling along the track hoping to not get too close to the lions, elephants, rhinos, leopards and buffalo.
Yes, I will probably collapse with exhaustion, get eaten by a lion or trampled by a rhino but I’m doing this all for a cause very close to my heart.
So who am I doing this all for?
Parkinson’s UK or more personally my Dad. I lost my Dad coming up to 4 years ago after what felt like a lifelong battle with Parkinson’s disease.
Why am I doing this?
I want to find a cure.
I don’t want others to have to experience what my family & I went through.
My Dad died after a long fought battle with Parkinson’s about 4 years ago. He’d had Parkinson’s for nearly 15 years. Over those fifteen years I’ve seen him go from one of the most independent and adventurous men I know to someone who was completely reliant on 24/7 care to make it through a day and eventually losing the ability to walk, speak and swallow.
Today, there is no cure for Parkinson’s. We only have ways to manage symptoms and slow progression of the disease. But researchers have made progress in treatments and hopefully one day we’ll find a cure.
This is a brilliant cause to be raising money for and please believe me when I say the every penny raised will really make a difference to the lives of those affected by Parkinson’s.
If anyone donates £100 I'll let you print a logo or message on my t-shirt! The lions will love the sponsors as they chase me.
To Donate please go to
For more information on Parkinson’s Disease please go to
To find out more about the marathon go to