The Big Face Mask Pushback

The Big Face Mask Pushback

I wrote a one liner about this on my Twitter account and have decided to expand on the topic here. None of us really expected 2020 to be a year of turmoil. A year that has us staring into the face of a pandemic, a crisis that has crippled economies and caused chaos around the world. Under normal circumstances, a common enemy will serve to unite people because we can finally blame our dissatisfaction(s) on "a pure evil". Common enemies give us the ability to create a clear villain, one we can fight against and hopefully triumph over, thus giving us the fairy tale ending we all love - good triumphs over evil. Most of us will agree that 2020's villain is Covid-19, and we should all be coming together to see how we can make our current plight more livable until there is a real and viable solution to the problem.

Instead, we are plagued by division. And it is this division of mindsets that is confusing me. Face coverings have been worn in the medical community - as a way to prevent infections - since the 17th century (by plague doctors), and by 1920 surgical masks became a standard in operating rooms. Given all the research, once cannot argue that face masks do help prevent the spread of germs, if not why would healthcare professionals even bother to where them? As a matter of fact, why should we, as patients, even care if our surgeons wore surgical masks while we lay flayed open on a surgical table if it didn't help to stop the spread of germs and bacteria?

Sarcasm aside, we all know the benefits of wearing masks. Even the people who are pushing back against wearing one know that masks do help curb the spread of infections. So why the resist now? Even if we consider ourselves selfish and really couldn't care less about what will happen to those around us, why are we resisting saving our own lives? Perhaps some feel that wearing masks will prevent them from breathing in smog filled, polluted air that kills an estimated 7 million people a year. And in an effort to ensure their continued enjoyment of carbon dioxide, greenhouse gas pollution, air toxics (from exhaust fumes, power plants, factories, etc), tiny particulate matter (like those produced in wildfires), and secondhand smoke, they are pushing back against the advisory to wear a mask when out of the home. Yes, but I suppose we all do have freedom of choice when it comes to choosing our own poison.

So does this mean that these same people are innately averse to doing things that would save their lives and the lives of those around them? If so then these are the same people who should not be wearing a seat belt either - because seat belts are uncomfortable, restrict freedom of movement...oh... yes...and saves lives. Since we are going down this road, these same people might as well live dangerously and just inject bleach into their veins to get rid of the Covid 19!

When seat belts were first introduced, many people pushed back against wearing them. But today, none of us can imagine not wearing one when we get into the front seat of a car. There weren't mass protests against wearing them when it was first made into law. People did not make illogical arguments against wearing seatbelts. Nor did people send death threats to Ralph Nader and his family (Nadar was an advocate for wearing seat belts in cars). People simply accepted it.

So here's something to consider...Covid 19 does not care if you are smart or stupid. It does not discriminate based on race, geography, or age. It apparently is rather smart, or should I say sneaky, because it can infect and be spread without our knowledge (and consent)...sort of like pesky malware that finds its way into our computers. It is currently making lives a living hell for most of us because we are no longer free to do what we were doing pre-Covid, and this "new normal" is certainly not a ride in the park.

I have to admit that I am indeed not exactly a happy camper living in this new normal. I don't like that I can only congregate according to social distancing guidelines. I don't enjoy the fact that I can't fly off to see the world. I am not pleased that I have to remember to have my mask on when I leave my home. I can go on and on, but who wants to hear my complaints. At the end of the day perhaps what we need is a compromise and work together so that the new normal DOES NOT become a permanent normal. Perhaps a temporary inconvenience is worth our while if it will get us back to our pre-Covid lives where we could gather, roam and live...mask free. And yes, even breathe in that wonderful polluted air that we are apparently so attached to.


