Big Dreams Require Big Work

Big Dreams Require Big Work

Big Dreams Require Big Work

You don't have to be a superhero or a billionaire to make an impact on the world. You just need to find and fulfill your purpose in life, and then dedicate yourself to it through big work. That's what I did, and that's what you can do too!

#1. Focus on yourself and your own personal goals.

When you're looking up to someone else, it can be easy to lose sight of what you want for yourself. When you focus on your own personal goals and strengths, however, it makes it easier to stay motivated and achieve those goals.

Remember that everyone works differently; there is no right or wrong way to work hard!

Some people learn best by visualizing their goal while others prefer an analytical approach based on data points and historical information (I'm looking at you money managers). Whatever method works best for YOU will help you succeed in achieving YOUR goals faster with less effort than when working alone!

#2. Seek a mentor, but don't expect to find an exact replica of yourself or your work ethic.

We’re not all the same. We all have different skills, talents and abilities—and sometimes it seems like those differences are more pronounced than they need to be. My mentor is someone who's been around the block a few times and he's been doing analytical work for a long time. There are things that I can learn from him because of his experience (like how to prepare a pitch or where to look for funding), but there are some things he won't understand because of his lack of knowledge in my field (i.e., being in front of the camera or on stage).

Mentorship is about finding someone who has something great going on in their lives, asking them what they do and why, then finding an opportunity for collaboration that makes sense for both parties involved.

#3. Use your successes as fuel for the next big challenge.

Success can be a dangerous thing. It’s easy to get complacent, or to get stuck in the rut of doing things how they’ve always been done, no matter how effective (or ineffective) they were. Success also breeds fear—fear of failure, fear of rejection and even fear of change.

Success is fuel for your next big challenge. Use it as such! Don’t let success go to your head; don’t let it put you in a place where you think your work is done or that those around you will never expect more from you than what they know now. If anything, use that success as an opportunity to ask for help from advisers who have been there before and who have made mistakes themselves along the way—they may have advice for overcoming roadblocks or guiding better decisions about which new tasks are worth taking on first when there are so many possibilities available all at once!

Don't be afraid to take risks either; if something isn't working out exactly how we hoped, it's better off abandoning that method altogether than continuing down paths where progress feels impossible due solely because we've already invested so much into them already without seeing results yet."

#4. Don't get caught up in the distractions of "success."

When you're working on a big project, it can be difficult not to get swept away by the bright lights and glamour of being successful. As you achieve your goals, you will likely attract attention from people who want to help or support you. But as much as we may want their assistance, we have to remember that success isn't just about what we do; it's also about who we are. And if our true selves aren’t compatible with the values of those around us, then they won’t understand why we are doing what we do or why they can't do anything else for us besides give us money (which always comes with strings attached).

Keep your eye on the prize! Your big dream is still out there somewhere, waiting for you—but only if you keep working towards it.

#5. Be prepared to work through failure and disappointments so they won't keep you down when they do happen.

If you have big dreams, there will be disappointments and failures. Don't let them define you or keep you from trying again. Big dreams require big work. We must be prepared to stumble and keep going.

Failure is a part of life; it's how we learn from our mistakes and grow as people. If something doesn’t work out the way you want, try something else or learn from your mistakes to make sure that next time is better!

#6. Know that you don't need to be perfect at everything and you can ask for help when you need it the most.

Don't be afraid to ask for help from experts, your community and your family.

#7. Understand that not everyone will share your vision or dedication, but that doesn't mean you should stop pursuing what's most important to you personally and professionally!

They may not support you either because they can't see how far reaching the consequences are of achieving this goal. You shouldn't expect them to be on your side at all times, but that doesn't mean they don't have value in other areas of your life when it comes time for decisions about your future goals.

Don’t let naysayers hold you back from doing what has been established as an essential part of any successful person’s life: defining their purpose and putting forth the effort necessary for achieving their dreams!

#8. The difference between success and failure is just one big step away from each other—so make sure yours counts!

Success can be just one big step away from failure. It all comes down to how you perceive the world around you and how you react to it. You cannot change other people or turn back time, but you can change your perspective on things and use that knowledge going forward to build a better future for yourself.

You will face obstacles along the way—that is inevitable! If something happens that makes me feel like giving up, I look back at my past experiences with people who have inspired me and remind myself of what I've learned from them so far: no matter what we go through in life, there's always another opportunity ahead of us if we're willing to do whatever it takes!


So there you have it, eight ways to make sure your big dreams come true! They might seem like a lot of work, but trust me when I say that the payoff is worth it in every way. The key takeaway from all this? Don't get discouraged by failure or setbacks—just keep pushing yourself towards success by keeping on working hard and being persistent. No matter how many times you fall down, keep getting back up until you reach your goal! Big Dreams Require Big Work! You've got this! #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #work #training #coaching #businessbuilder

Andrew Chason

?? AntiHustle, ?? Marketing Mentor, ?? UX Illustrator, ??♀? Brandologist, ?? Cult Chronicler

1 年

I'm researching tonight, so I can pen Cirriculum to help my Students Survey, Validate, and Chunk Down their Big Dreams. Google brought me to your post, and so I've added it to my sources for Synthesis. Thank you for writing this tonight. Breathe well.



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