Big day, stellar ad
Karen James
CMO IF. Agency, PR & Brand Advisor Yes to Life, Writer KarmaKaren on Substack
As it’s A level results day, we thought it would be perfect timing to share some insight into the new film we’ve just produced for the University of Leicester with TBWA\Manchester.
Directed by one of our young directors, Yoni Weisberg, the film was shot in anamorphic, 2.35:1 frame to enhance the cinematic flavour and really profit from making a commercial for cinema.
In Yoni’s own words ‘We set out to surprise the audience. Not wanting the film to feel at all like a typical university commercial. We wanted to create something bigger and operating on a higher plateau – tapping in to the precipice of their higher education journey.’
Further elaborating ‘My goal wasn’t just to make people think/feel that the university of Leicester would be a cool, exciting place to go but also in a very honest way that this is where their future could really take shape.’
The ad celebrates the institution’s space research centre and reputation in space tech and engineering, whilst also interweaving some of the other courses they offer.
As students across the country are receiving their results today we wish them well and hope they’ve got what they need for their particular journey.