Big Data, Capturing Data for Every Little Thing
Big Data, Capturing Data for Every Little Thing
Big Data, the first thing that pops in my head is inventory control and the problems associated with “Right Part, Right Time” but the depth of information we are talking about goes much deeper with literally terabytes of information involved. From today’s sophisticated systems, we can now capture more information than we can possibly process which means we miss a golden opportunity to analyze and predict what’s coming around the corning. It’s literally processing the “butterfly flaps it’s wings in China which causes a thunderstorm in Canada”. With big data we can look at exactly how and why that process happens. This means when we measure the velocity and wind speed generated by the butterfly’s penchant to fly, we can track that change using Big Data and understand that we can sell more umbrellas in Canada. The opportunities presented by the capturing and analyzing Big Data can be limitless and profitable to those who learn to harness this resource. For me, I would be happy using Big Data to understand which restaurant my wife will prefer for dinner on Friday night, but that’s a different topic.
Look into Big Data and the companies that are researching and finding answers. They are bringing us the next big thing.