Is it Big Data or Bond Data?
Lakshminarasimhan S.
StoryListener | Polymath | PoliticalCritique | AgenticRAG Architect | Strategic Leadership | R&D
The revolutionary advancement in the Big Data is Internet of AnyThing (IoAT). It provides vast opportunity to connect almost everything in the world.
Machine Learning detective technologies and Big-data Predictive analytic technologies primarily comprise of artificial intelligence, modelling, statistics, and pattern detection algorithms to study the mounds of data to identify behavior patterns that could foretell a negative outcome.
How does the Current Big Data, IoT, and IoAT have traces back to James Bond oo7 Movies?
Internet of Things - connections represent a whole new universe of optimised James Bond devices coming online, sending out data, pinging other devices and servers, monitor or detect a target, operate remotely such as lights that dim according to your emotional state, etc.
In past 50 years, in James Bond movies, Mr Q has introduced several gadgets and Highly sophisticated vehicles such as Manned Jet Packs / Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Flying drones), Wearable such as Watches, Hats, Umbrellas, Goggles, Rings, Mobiles, Cars, Microphones, Spy Cams, Sensory Radars, GPS controls, Camouflage Objects, Submarines, Wireless Brooms, Robot Dogs, Detective Bugs, Digital Briefcases, Fingerprint Detectors, Cigarette Boxes and Tooth Paste Squeeze tubes. Huge list is available here.
MI6 uses tracking devices to track Bonds presence and movement. Bond also uses spying devices to detect the voices, activities of his opponent characters in his movies.
Today, due to various technological developments, many of these devices or even more advanced, have been found sparingly for common man use in the real world. Gadgets are entered into fashion and style of daily life. Sooner they will rule us.
There are experiments taken in place for Active Contact Lenses, Advanced Joy sticks, Emergency Threat Alert Rings, Home Barcode Readers, Optical Reader and Read Aloud Goggles, Language Translators, Instant Messenger and twitters, smart meters, eyeball cameras, Cyborg Servants, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV) or Flying drones, GPS Ear Rings and Chains and Smart Shoes.
Also many already entered in the market such as Automated devices which remotely or automatically adjust lighting or HVAC, Security systems, such as security alarms or Wi-Fi cameras, including video monitors used in nursery and day-care settings, Medical devices, such as wireless heart monitors or insulin dispensers, Thermostats , Wearable, such as fitness devices, Lighting modules which activate or deactivate lights, Smart appliances, such as smart refrigerators and TVs , Office equipment, such as printers, Entertainment devices to control music or television from a mobile device, Fuel monitoring systems, gyro meters, tachometers, perimeters, etc
Most of these devices are currently available in the market.
For homes
For Industries
How are these devices being used widely?
To find the shape that contains a latitude/longitude coordinates, automatically mark the geo-fences; adds a reverse geo-coder for translating latitude/longitude combinations into human readable addresses.
To find movements of the objects and plot on an area map
To view the network traffic moving through their home router, to identify vulnerabilities being exploited by hackers and enable automatic neutralization of the attacks, to analyse network packet capture files, top Talker IP's, Protocols, VLANs, conversations, etc.
To examine systems for typical attacker tools, activities in logs, anomalies in user accounts, sessions, network connections and other elements that may expose attacker activities.
To retrieve in-times and timeouts, authentication tokens, to gather data from a smart and self-learning thermostat device for your home's heating and cooling systems.
To stream real-time wire/wireless data from anywhere, data-driven applications and dashboards
To detect leaks, report on failed sensors, monitor HVAC usage, door openings and etc.
To monitor the Finances and Financial Transactions of the company or an individual.
To detect what you like to know more about what you are saying and doing.
To analyse the weather incident such as tornado, hail and damaging wind, to retrieve weather reports, to index weather alerts for the predefined zip codes, etc.
To track your driving and improve you driving behaviour, index road traffic Jam Factors, shows buses, trains and their current locations, traffic light visualizations, etc. Automatic is a cool dongle for your car and helps you track your driving and improve you driving behavior.
To choropleth-map your events by intuitive areas such as sales regions, blocks, neighbourhoods, counties, or whatever geography is most relevant to your domain.
To visualize and explore the data sent by animal or birds tracking device and understand journey history files upon migration.
To script triggers / alerts using SMS such as customized messaging and modular input.
To tweet or post an article on website whenever an alert is triggered
To poll attribute values and catch traps, message queues or topics via the Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP).
Transfer data via web-hooks(url receiver).
To detect developing anomalies using continuous background anomaly searches and compare two searches at different times
To detect for symptoms of common diseases, on various hospitals and Medicare or healthcare facilities.
To prevent and detect breaches, recommendations encompassing credential use, phishing and malware.
To radiate Mood using a 'Niko Niko' board used in agile development processes to give teams the ability to track developer morale and mood while working on different projects or across the general work environment using method of providing a survey interface to your team...the information is collated and then presented as a dashboard for a graphical interface.
To log, monitor, and alert on events generated from access to physical locations using CIM-compliant Alert logs from a pre-existing or custom-made alarm or security monitoring system, application logs, system logs, mobile logs, device logs, sensor logs.
To index and perform crucial analytics on the data collected from the mobile apps that you have developed to gain better visibility; particularly to address the instrumentation of crash logs.
To enable an organization to monitor various document repositories (current and future). Managers and auditors can use the app to see who has viewed, modified, deleted, or downloaded documents or other artifacts from various sources, detect suspicious behaviors and analyse trends using a Pluggable Auditing System (PAS).
Communication, standardized protocols, and security will be mandatory competencies for many manufacturers that today don’t see themselves that way at all.
How the IoT Is Shaping the Future of Customer Experience and Product Development?
Connected devices create faster insights.
Faster delivery of High performance product and personalized services
Data driven refining method in the design and marketing process
Preserving customer privacy
For example, Bosch, a leading healthcare product company, has created the Health Buddy, a device that monitors the vital signs of patients and records patient inputs. This enables those with chronic health conditions to stay in the comfort of their own homes (and out of the hospital), while keeping medical staff up-to-date on health changes that affect their patients’ well being.
Is it Big Data or Bond Data?
Big Data or Bond Data, both are synonymous, since Big Data is widely used to detect the anomalies and predict or prevent such future events.
Today Techies need to inspire Mr Q for developing such gadgets with an Universal User Interface.
well written article with references cited... very helpful
9 年Good one...keep it up