Extensive experience with Zigbee, BLE, Thread, Wi-Fi, 6LowPan, and others. DSR’s wireless experience includes developing stacks & profiles, creating solutions from scratch or based on existing MAC or higher levels, RF product testing, Zwave to Zigbee conversions, and integrations.
Big Data and Analytics-Specific Services
- Data Engineering- understanding what data to collect and how to do it securely and effectively, includes data strategy consulting, data modeling and integration, data landscape profiling, and data security consulting\
- Data Management- setup ETL processes of any complexity with Data Mart, Data Warehouse, and Data Lake approaches
- Operational/Online and Offline Analytics for various domains
- Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for various domains
- Solution deployment with organization business processes
- Apache Spark / GraphX
- Apache HadoopMR / Hive / Drill
- Apache Spark Streaming / Storm
- HDFS / AWS S3 / Azure Blob Storage
- Mero / Lustre
- Apache Yarn / Mesos / Spark Standalone
- AC Moab / Kubernates
- Ansible / SaltStack
- Apache Kafka / ZeroMQ / RAET
- Apache ZooKeeper / Redis
- Apache Cassandra / MongoDB
- ElasticSearch / HBase / Amazon Redshift
- Azure Table Storage / Google BigQuery
- MySQL / MariaDB / PostgreSQL
- Microsoft SQL Server / Oracle
- Microsoft Analysis Services (OLAP)
- Tableau / Matlab
- Splunk / ELK