Big Case-itus
Hank Frazee
President of IntroSource Consulting | Author of The Saturday Morning Post, Referral Upgrade, and Before We Say "Goodnight"
"There is no substitute for activity." Jim Aaron
You’ve heard the cliché about the danger of having too many irons in the fire. And to a degree this is true. In our busy world, we can easily have too much going on in too many areas.
I’m very focused in my efforts and, at this time of year, I look back to see what worked and what didn’t, and prune those things that aren’t productive.
But there is an equally dangerous risk to those of us in business. That is having too few irons in the fire. When I was new in the insurance business, I noticed lots of new agents that were nursing along one or two cases. Others were suffering from big case-itus, a malady in which one resolves only to work on “big cases,” but has maybe one or, worse yet, none in progress.
Either way, hanging our hat on one or two cases is a quick way out of the opportunity before us. When we count on just one case coming through to make us or break us, we run the risk of getting crushed in the process.
Jim Arron’s quote has seen me through my own periodic infections of big case-itus. By having at least 10 cases in the fire, better yet twenty, I have made money all the way along the way. Jim’s quote has kept me in business, while I chase my latest dream. Not abiding by it has caused me to founder at times.
You’ll find the number that’s right for you. That way, if one drops out, you still have nineteen in play. And that keeps you in the game and in the money, as most of these cases will be at different levels of development.
This strategy has worked well for me. If you like it, feel free to pass it on to any young salespeople you know. You just might be doing them a big favor.
-Hank Frazee, Author of Referral Upgrade and Before We Say "Goodnight"
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