The BIG Business MatchMaker…
Image Kellogue Management School

The BIG Business MatchMaker…

Consider the Economy Cycle

The origin of all new business ventures is characterized by the input from two main players, the Entrepreneur and the Investor.

The Entrepreneurial Character traits

Passion. For those uninitiated, entrepreneurs are not in it for the money hence the fact that they so often get criticized for not being able to “manage” finances. They can, but it is not their focus. Period.

Resilience. Just like Sir Winston Churchill once said, “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.” This is EXACTLY what makes Entrepreneurs so valuable as they know, success is just around the corner.

Strong Sense of Self. ... Positive people, yes failures get to them as well but far less than any other person. Failures rather “fuels” their passion than dousing it.

Flexibility. ... Working long ..very long hours gets most Entrepreneurs into relational trouble. Always believing success is within the next step.

Vision. … Visionary thinking and doing stuff may create a time disparity. Entrepreneurs get cracking on what they believe and see on the horizon whiteout looking around them. Exceptional Entrepreneurs that have mastered the gift of storytelling becomes Pied Pipers.

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Obvious areas of lack for an Entrepreneur is to keep the gas in the tank, they may be busy with two or more projects at the same time and “appear” to lose focus, but without them, we would have still used a "Caveman`s hammer to dig for gold.

Investors on the other side have the following character traits.

Goal setting. An ardent investor will always have a clear goal and that usually involves MONEY. When you constantly focus on money and returns on your investments you do not have time or the ability to know what is the NEXT BEST thing.

Knowledge. Investors love knowledge. Very few rich people like to be called “STUPID” They think, when you know better, you invest better which is not always the case, but at least that is how they are wired. Give analytics to way up which investment will grow best and they will devour it before breakfast!

Love to make the Right Decision. Investors hate “bad investment decisions” They like to listen to the world but will keep to their strict recipe. Until a “new investment type” is found, Investors mainly are followers of the latest “BIG DEAL” It takes a very special type of Investor that will invest in a “new venture”, as it will hinge on the BIG QUESTION… Is it the Right Decision? It is not possible to see the new Horizon if you do not clear the haze, and the haze clearing specialists are the Entrepreneurs.

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Patience. Investors love to act calm. Acting calm is a prerequisite for attracting the “better” investment options and some of the better investment portfolio

managers can be labeled as being downright boringly patient. Look out for these “Boring Buffett" types”, they may be very good with your money as they have learned to develop the right pace to get the deals at the right prices.

Risk Aversion. Great Investors are astute risk managers. They will risk when the ratio turns into their favor. Not having a BIG APPETITE for risk due to wanting to make the RIGHT DECISION, Investors will need to be “matched” with the correct Match Making opportunity, which may only come once in a Blue Moon. Think about FaceBook & Amazon and Uber and specialized inventions like Apple I-Phones etc. Their growth has outperformed most investments but they were not “publicly known” until the icing has been poured into the mixing bowl and it started to become a “sweet deal”.


So how do you play MATCHMAKER and get new Business ideas to work in your favor?

TIMING, perfect timing got you to be able to read and acknowledge these facts and so you also have to be at the right place at the right time to jump at the opportunity when the timing is right!

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