Big Bang Theory
Supantha Sen
Scientist at ISRO | M.Tech at IISc (DESE/CEDT) | Ex-Analog Design Engineer at Analog Devices | AIR125 GATE-18 | AIR17 ISRO-19
Who are we? Where are we? Where do we exist? These questions if you think deeply will haunt you for days with no clear answers. What is your address (elaborately)? For instance consider your ad- dress as “X Abasan, Flat-2, 8/2 YZ Road, Shyam-bazar, Kolkata”, then if I say to elaborate it then to your horror it becomes “X Abasan, Flat-2, 8/2 YZ Road, Shyambazar, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, Asia, World, Solar System, Milky Way Galaxy, Universe”, literally this will be the correct address.
In this article I will talk about “Big Bang” which is one of the many the- ories which to some extent explains how this universe was born. I will make the article less technical as the physics and mathematics behind the universe are complex to such an extent that explanation of single terms had consumed the entire life of several scientists.
What is Big Bang?
Big Bang is a cosmological theory which describes the creation of universe. Big-Bang is developed by observations & theoretical consider- ations hence, the most popular and accepted theory in accordance with the universe that we see today. As the laws of physics developed with time, the need for laws governing every phenomenon that occurs in universe is required. The correctness of “Big Bang” is unknown to humans, but this is the most appropriate law that explains the universe. The term “Big Bang” was first coined during a BBC radio broadcast talk of March 1949 by?Fred Hoyle an English astronomer?saying “These theories were based on hypothesis that all the matter in the universe was created in one big-bang at a particular time in remote past”.?Georges Lemaitre in 1927?noted that the expanding universe can be traced back to be originating from a singularity, he termed this theory as?“primeval atom”. At that time the sci- entific communities debates this with the counter?steady-state model?of the universe. But later some signifi- cant evidence were found in favour of the Big Bang theory which results in its universal acceptance with time.
To understand “Big Bang” we need the understanding of elemen- tary things such us, what is matter (us)?, What is there outside us? Its at- mosphere surrounding is, then what is surrounding that? Its the void (free space). Now, the question becomes what surrounds the void? What is outside of it? This questions will make you shiver in chills as these puts a question mark not only on the ex- istence of us but the existence of the planets. Big bang provides answer for these upto the extent of knowledge of humans, which may not be correct but we still don’t know.
Ingredients of theory
The foundations of the big bang theory is based on two principles namely,?The General Theory of Relativity?&?The Cosmological Principle. The general theory of relativity is given by?Albert Einstein in 1915, which generalizes special relativity and modifies Newton’s laws of gravitation and gives an unified description of gravity as a geometric property of space and time. The cosmo- logical principle states that on large scale the universe is homogeneous and isotropic. Initially these two were taken as postulates but later has been verified by various experiments and observations.
Astronomical observations it had suggested that the universe is expanding, which can be mathematically explained by?FLRW metric (Friedmann Lamaitre Robertson Walker)?based on the general theory of relativity and a convenient coordinate system called?“comoving coordinates”. The grid of this coordinate system expands along with the universe, hence the objects (may be galaxies, stars, etc) are moving only because of the expansion of the universe but they remain fixed in the grid.?Particle horizon?is another feature of Big Bang spacetime, which defines a limit to our observations, as light travels at a finite speed so any past events whose light has not reached us till now cannot be observed by us, which defines a?“past horizon”. Similarly as the universe is expanding, objects are separating rapidly so that light emitted today may not catch up the object, which in turn puts a?“future horizon”.
Timeline of Big Bang
The big bang theory states that at initially the universe was very small with high temperature then it starts expanding and then gradually cooling down as the observation of expanding universe.
Extrapolation of the expanding universe backward in time indicates that at a finite amount of time in past it has infinite density and temperature. This can be considered as the?birth of the universe, which was measured by some sophisticated technique as?13.799?±?0.021?billion years?back. This phase was considered far denser than the black-hole, but it does not re-collapsed into singularity due to the phenomenon that gravitational collapse is applicable to objects and not space. Hence, big bang is not any simple explosion of objects but is the?explosion of space?itself. This phase of big bang is still unclear as very much less observable evidence is there for this state.
This state was followed by a?cosmic inflation?causing the uni- verse to grow exponentially and tem- perature to drop. Quantum fluctu- ations resulted from?Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle?caused the later formation of large scale ob- jects of the universe. Around some time later (10?33?to?10?32?seconds) reheating occurred resulting in ran- dom motion of particles at?relativistic speed?causing all kinds particle, anti-particle collisions and formation of?“quark-gluon plasma”.?Baryon number?(quantum number in loose terms) which is strictly conserved is being violated due to an unknown re- action which is known as?“baryogenesis”?which later causes excess num- ber of matter over anti-matter in the present universe.
After?10?11s?the particle energies drop and at?10?6s?quarks & gluons?combines to form?baryons?such as protons and neutrons, similarly electrons are formed later. Follow- ing this, the temperature was not so high and the random speeds is not relativistic resulting the energy den- sity of the universe is dominated by the protons. Few minutes later, at bil- lion kelvin and density (as earth at- mosphere now), neutrons combined with protons to form deuterium and helium nuclei although most protons remained un-combined as hydrogen nuclei. After 379000 years the elec- trons and nuclei combined into hy- drogen atoms, which emits radiations that are still continued and known as “cosmic microwave background”. Later denser regions formed due to gravitation resulting gas clouds, stars, galaxies, etc.
The “Big Bang” resulted in four types of matter, i.e.?Cold Dark Matter, Warm Dark Matter, Hot Dark Matter & Baryonic Matter. Byronic matter is the matter we see around us comprising only?4.6%?of all matters in universe.
Evidences of Big Bang
The evidence that are visible to- day are as follows:
Mysteries of Big Bang
Although “big bang” theory explains many things but it also had given rise to some mysteries as,
PCB Design Engineer At Jupiter Design Technologies | URSC-ISRO - PCB Design Engineer
1 年Awesome sir first i understand bug bang and how is it actually . Thank you for blog ??
SA @IMD, MoES, Govt of India ???? | Environmentalist ?? | Electronics and Communication engineer | Climate Science
1 年Great article. What makes me more curious is to know what caused the initial singularity or what existed before it!
Good one :)
Strategy Consultant | Ex-Nuclear Engineer
1 年13.799?±?0.021?billion years. That’s the age of the universe calculated by some sophisticated technique on basis of the Big Bang Theory. JWST has detected huge galaxies with a redshift of 13.2 putting the age of that galaxy at 13.5 billion years. That’s 300 million years from the big bang. But according to the energy dissipation and cosmic coagulation of matter as defined by Big Bang these galaxies should take 1 to 1.5 billion years to form. But the math doesn’t add up. What could be the error?
MBA Graduate
1 年Supantha Sen I love Astro Science but can you enlight me Whole Universe Concept . How Neutral Network can become the Key of success ? Reactive Machine . Limited Memory . Theory of Mind . All we are observing in our daily life . But how Self awareness which link with emotion can be developed in Machine . The only difference between Human being and Machine is COGNITION . Is it possible ? If So , Intelligent can work like Lens Concept .