The Big Ask, Registrations, and Why You Should Be at The Age of Conversation Summit
HUGE jump today of 20 new registrations. I'd rather see 200 a day, but 20 is GREAT! Up and to the right - that's the goal! Today we got featured in Event Industry News and Industry News and are hoping to get picked up by a few other publications this week to broaden our reach. The trend line is interesting and I'd LOVE to compare with any of your virtual events and see how this compares with your event!
Who is Age of Conversation Summit for? We thought we'd break it down for you, but basically there are conversations here for corporate, association, nonprofit, suppliers, hoteliers, agencies, freelancers, soloprenerus, and entrepreneurs.
You should consider joining us…
- If you are a marketing or event professional looking to make your virtual events not suck (we have conversations about it and experiences that you can try out and consider for your upcoming event)!
- If you are a marketing or event professional looking to make your resume rise to the top of the pile (we have conversations on virtual interviewing, resume reviews, and identifying transferable skills)!
- If you are a marketing or event professional who wants to get some skill-building and professional development in during these times of lockdown (we have conversations ranging from organizing events to get better ROI to setting up your tech stack to doing your own hair during lockdown)!
So, it's NOT all easy, amazing, free-flowing universal awesomeness. There's realness to planning an event. There's anxiety. There's pressure. There's excitement! There's 7 days out right here:
And while the core content is 10am to 5pm Central, we have some sessions for EMEA and Asia participation times, too!
Here’s the wild and crazy part: Unlike most virtual events that have been happening over the last 6 months, this is 95% live conversation-based sessions. No webcasts. No one-way broadcasts (except a couple of on demand options).
Our goal is to inject conversation back into your virtual life.
Conversations and experiences range from the ROI of virtual events to inclusion to career development and resume reviews to AI in the event world to meditation to making sourdough bread to a virtual trip to Thailand… and so much more!
Seriously, this event has it all. But you know what it doesn’t have?
Sales pitches.
This event is about the conversation, not the close. (You know, except for me trying to close you on why you should join us right now… but this is the only one! I promise!).
Your $20 investment gets you access to over 100 hours of live conversation options, and a post-event eBook with notes from the sessions and virtual event best practices from participants and the planning team.
Who does your $20 go to?
It goes directly to the planning team who created this event. The actual event professionals.
The entire event is being produced by a team of 15 talented event professionals and volunteers who needed experience in virtual events to land their next gig or more confidently serve their clients and a virtual event platform (QiqoChat) that lets conversation be the star.
Our goal is to bring 2,000 marketing and event professionals together for conversation, problem solving, and fun.
After you register, will you help us by forwarding this email to a colleague?
Thank you so much for taking a moment to read through this note! I hope to see you at the Summit on September 9th!
Here's how you can get involved in this journey with us:
- Register for the event: The Age of Conversation Summit, September 9th!
- Watch our progress: Daily LinkedIn updates (like a journal!)
- See it get created: You can watch our twice-weekly planning meetings live on our YouTube Channel (subscribe to get notified when we go live)
- Join in the process: You can join the Age of Conversation Slack channel and be part of the creation of this event
- Download the session guide to see what’s happening!
Liz Lathan, CMP is co-founder and CEO of Haute Dokimazo, a "spontaneous think tank” company that empowers participants to solve their business challenges through conversation fueled by the wisdom of peers. Haute Dokimazo is part of Haute Companies, a family of companies anchored in human connection, from events to media (podcasts, videos, and more) to direct mail to swag to entertainment talent management to strategy session facilitation.
Haute Dokimazo is partnering with QiqoChat to create The Age of Conversation Summit on September 9, 2020 to bring conversation back to the digital world.