Biella Literature and Industry Award LIVE
Nickland Media is proud to have been the company in charge, in collaboration with Number One - Servizi Tecnici per lo Spettacolo, to air the 19th edition of the Premio Biella Letteratura e Industria (Biella Literature and Industry Award).
It was decided not to cancel the event due to the limitations imposed by Covid-19, and rather to open it to the online public of social networks.
Involved there were some great guests of the Italian literary and cultural scene with live interviews and recorded contributions, allowing everyone to be able to enjoy this important event once again this year.
The following have been selected:
19:55 ? Michele Ainis, with "Demofollia. La Repubblica dei paradossi" (La nave di Teseo) writes a lucid and lashing essay that highlights all the inconsistencies, short circuits, shortcomings and paradoxes of a democratic system which, in order to get back on track, must first be analyzed and understood.
31:04 ? Maria Paola Merloni, with "Oggi è già domani. Vittorio Merloni vita di un imprenditore" (Marsilio) tells the story of his father and his company, a living testimony, a model of inspiration for the courage of choices, passion for work, responsibility for the collective good.
40:15 ? Adriano Prosperi, with "Un volgo disperso. Contadini d’Italia nell’Ottocento" (Einaudi) describes the subordination of the peasant reality in the European history of the past centuries and tells of a class erased from the dominant culture, represented through surveys, statistics and health topographies.
51:03 ? Luca Ricolfi, with "La società signorile di massa" (La nave di Teseo) introduces a new, perhaps definitive, interpretative category, which undermines current ideas about the society in which we live.
01:00:53 ? Salvatore Romeo, with "L’acciaio in fumo. L’Ilva di Taranto dal 1945 a oggi" (Donzelli) traces a story in which economic history and business history, urban history and environmental history, political history and social history are intertwined bringing out the story of a city and its interaction with the factory.
01:08:33 ? The Jury, chaired by the writer Pier Francesco Gasparetto, is composed of: Claudio Bermond (university professor), Paola Borgna (university professor), Paolo Bricco (journalist and essayist), Loredana Lipperini (writer, journalist and presenter) radio), Giuseppe Lupo (essayist and writer), Sergio Pent (writer), Alberto Sinigaglia (journalist) and Tiziano Toracca (university professor) awarded a Special Prize to Giulio Tremonti, The Three Prophecies. Notes for the future Solferino Libri
Show production by Nicolò Caneparo, Nickland Media
Hosted by Massimo Ariatta, Number One S.r.l.
Production coordinator Mariangela Gasparetto
Press officer: Anna Maria Riva
Online communication manager: Luca De Gasperin, Btrees
On-site guests: Paolo Piana, Claudio Corradino and Pier Francesco Gasparetto