Bids/Contracts/Warranties/plumbing leaks/drainage/piers/scams.

Bids/Contracts/Warranties/plumbing leaks/drainage/piers/scams.

Dealing with foundation damage and repair in North Texas is a slippery slope. 

Here are just a few of the scams, misconception, myths, frauds and omissions in abound in the foundation industry.

  • Causes of foundation movement and damage: there is settlement which everyone seems to think is the main problem but is not. There is upheaval which is the primary cause of foundation movement and damage but is usually ignored by the contractor salesmen because it is not cured by selling piers, which is how most foundation repair salesmen make a living. To fix it right you must know if it has settled or if it has heaved.
  •  Piers: there are many different types and configurations of piers on the market. They basically all do the same thing, which is lift and support structures. The problem is, piers are not the cure for most foundation movement in North Texas, but when they are the cure they need to be the right piers for that job.
  • Regulations: The state of Texas does not require licensing so anybody in Texas can become a foundation repair contractor and while most cities require permits for piers, it is usually a means to raise funds for the city and does not assure the proper repairs for the job.
  •  Elevations: As I have written and preached for several years now, elevations as they are used in residential foundation repair in North Texas, is a scam. Elevations will not tell if a foundation has settled, heaved or was poured that way without the use of a sea-level benchmark from the time of construction. No one has those numbers.
  • Bids/contracts: If you get three bids from three different foundation repair companies you will likely receive three very different quotes. If you get ten bids you will likely get ten different quotes. Compare the bids for different types of piers, different numbers of piers and different cost per pier. If the salesmen can't agree then how can you choose one? These are commissioned pier salesmen trying to sell what they have. If they can’t all agree on what is best for you, and they won’t, they are probably just selling what they have available. If they sell you the wrong pier, too many piers and/or charge you more than the going rate for the piers you are getting screwed. Most contracts are, surprise, surprise, written to protect the contractor and usually include a clause stating that in cases of dispute you can’t sue, that you must go to arbitration. Most Lifetime warranties are written so that the arbitrator will favor the contractor in the most likely areas of dispute.
  • Drainage: Proper drainage is the most important thing you can do, from day one, to protect your house. Proper drainage can prevent, stop and often reverse many cases of foundation movement and damage in North Texas and other areas of expansive soils. Drainage is not high on foundation repair companies list of repairs because the profit does not compare with that of installing piers.
  •  Plumbing: Plumbing leaks are major contributors to foundation movement and damage. Incoming domestic water leaks are usually fast acting and are caught early because of dampness and higher water bills. Sanitary sewer leaks are much more common and often go undetected by homeowners until major structural damage has occurred. This is because of the slow gradual seepage of the leak taking years to develop into a major problem.  which usually takes up to a year or more.
  • Experience: It’s almost impossible to check out a company’s true experience in the industry or number of years in business. There is a large turnover in management, in sales staff, in installation crew,s and in company names. They may have bought the name last week and have a whole new staff.
  •  Insurance: If you are concerned, and you should be, make the contractor have their insurance company send you a copy of their current coverage.
  • Multiple Names: Some companies use more than one name and phone number. It is not out of the realm of possibility that you may get more than one bid from the same company using different names. They may also have operated under another name until they got too many complaints. They may sub out the work to other companies or they may hire labors off of the street to do the work.
  •  Payment: Many legitimate companies will call for upfront money when starting a job. The good companies usually have several crews working at once which ties up a lot of funds. Also, foundation repair companies do not usually run credit checks so that is understandable to ask for a down payment. It is wise, however, to protect yourself against the few who may not do good work or finish the job.
  • Additional fees: There are companies that also try to sell add-ons to the repair job such as root barriers, un-needed drains, mud-jacking and/or sub-surface irrigation. Although any of these may be useful in certain cases, except for proper drainage the others are usually unneeded and often can cause additional damage.


These are only a few of the reasons that trying to get through foundation issues without the help of an experienced consultant, one who has actually been hands on, involved with thousands of homes and commercial buildings, is usually not a win-win situation…and I bet you can guess who the loser is.

I have been dealing with foundation movement for over thirty-five years based right here in Dallas-Fort Worth area. I was a contractor for some twenty-four years and for the last thirteen years I have been consulting, helping homeowners keep from getting taken advantage of by the foundations repair companies, builders, insurance companies, plumbers and drainage people. I  don't make near the money that the contractors do but I don't have to hide from my customers.

If you feel that you have foundation issues, or are looking to sell your home or are looking to buy a pre-owned home, don’t go into it blindly. At least study my website, read the many informative articles I have posted on my blog or check out my profile on LinkedIn. See what my customers have to say. You can also receive my newsletter, check me out on Facebook or twitter.

If you would like my assistance, please contact me at 817-308-8186 or email me at [email protected]


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