Biden is “Spot-On”….Global Inflection Point ..Indeed !!!

Biden is “Spot-On”….Global Inflection Point ..Indeed !!!

The Romans believed that All Virtue was worthy of Praise

So with that thought in minds….President Biden had what may have been one of the best weeks of his tenure in office.

The Yom Kippur Massacre by Hamas was the match that lighted the fuse of a series of dynamics all moving beneath the surface that begged to be recognized.

Joe didn’t hide out in Rehoboth but step up in a big way with strong words, trip to the scene of the crime, words of care and support and an Oval Office address that struck some good themes but to those that read between the lines a comprehensive recognition of just how serious these Global Inflections are becoming.

I have no idea who gave him such good advice…..he looked very presidential and if he keeps this up….he may actually even with all his mental infirmities get another term.

To his credit ….he chooses his word selectively

Many now have started to compare America to the Roman Empire

What a laugh !!

For the Ancient Romans were far more sophisticated than even the best in our leadership class in 2023 America.

Roman Polyglot Cosmopolitan Sophistication is in a league far beyond the Xenophobic Provincialism of the MAGA Right and the Self Loathing Depreciation of the Woke Left.

In Rome, everyone in their leadership class spoke at least two languages ( Greek was the Lingua Franca of the educated) and had traveled extensively to the far flung provinces that clustered around the Mare Nostrum. ?

So please stop equivocating Rome with our current American Civilization for the only people that come close to this level of awareness are all over fifty deeply sipped in the classical education that long has been purged by the New Century Barbarians.

It is this provincial xenophobia and the nonstop misinformation by the American Media Industrial Complex that continues to lower the acumen of our citizens to the fast-moving chess pieces moving quickly across the board.


For more that ten years now with the approval of President Xi ….China has embraced the principles of Confucianism that were struck down by the Cultural Revolution back in 1967.

All the of Four Old's that were hated by the Little Red Book followers are center stage in Chinese Culture today.

This cohesive philosophy sparked a State Religion of Ethos, Unity, and the historical destiny of the Chinese people. Chinese are truly mystified by the mob of Woke “hooligans” tearing down statues and defaming historical figures in America…they even have a vulgar word to describe White Liberals ?

All this behavior is seen as yet another sign of our cultural decline and of their national ascent.

This week the Third Summit of the Belt and Road Initiative brought one hundred and thirty Nations to China.

Xi has wooed the block of Global South Nations with brilliance and along with the BRIC’s coalition has formed the foundation of a major Inflection away from American Global Hegemony.

Saudi Arabia now a partner in BRIC’s is a major blow and Biden is working feverishly to keep some semblance of them in the American Fold.

Please note this Yom Kippur event on October 7th was triggered by the impending recognition by MBS of the State of Israel….something the Iranians could not allow to happen.


Contrary to what you hear every day in our media …..Putin is enormously popular in his country which just like China is in the midst of a strong nationalistic movement.

The Holy Russian Orthodox Church that continues to surge in its numbers reflects that trend and has had a profound effect on Russian Society.

Russia is the most conservative Christian Nation in the world and like the Chinese believes the successful future of their movement.

Russia is a member of BRIC’s and with China and India who have purchased vast amounts of oil is economically moving forward.

Their war in Ukraine is now a stalemate with massive Ukrainian military deaths that some figure close to four hundred thousand. No amount of US taxpayer dollars or new weapons can now change the facts on the ground here.


This Theocracy is stuck in the Juridical Sharia Mindset of the Twelve Century. Iran is a highly radicalized society where this religious fervor equates to extreme solutions and viewpoints. There is no middle ground here and within their Shia doctrine, Islam is the last hope for human salvation.

It is this underlying philosophy that motivates these acts of violence. Unfortunately for us here in America our media does nothing to educate the public about these fact but instead follows the simple path…..these people are all evil. ??

The rivalry between the Saudi Sunni House of Hashemites and the Qom Mullahs is an epic battle to the death. While Israel was dealt the blow on October 7th ….it was the Saudi's the Iranian hate even more than Israel.

United States & European Union

Collectively we are product of our New Century Liberal Western Civilization with an ineffective leadership class deeply invested in their self-interest that comes at the expense of not creating a national cohesion that we see in China, Russia, or Iran.

Some may argue this is the nature of Democratic Pluralism and that is true but what truly plagues these nations is the deep polarization of two very diametrically opposites viewpoint.

There is less and less moderation and even an attempt to create consensus

Conservative Xenophobia

There is this Hard Right Nationalism that is most patriotic and in fact is the one thing that keeps the Chinese, Russian and Iranians up at night.

A deep hatred for foreigners and a feeling that they must be eradicated as they threaten the Quality of Domestic Life.

Unfortunately, these movements appeal to the basest instincts and their leadership lacks any level of scholarship.

Their followers are so obtusely lacking correct information and while they are the patriotic backbone of the nation their racism to new immigrants or anyone even people like me that speak a foreign language is a national strategic weakness.

WOKE Self Loathing

It is deeply mystifying to those in Russia, China and the Islamic world how an entire segment of your society despises their civilization….desires to create revisionist history, openly mocks religion but is committed to a narrative of non-stopping regurgitation of historical events using the standards of today’s society. In my conversations with them they see this movement as one of collective mental illness.

This is also another poorly informed segment of society who views everything based on Lineage and the overriding Legacy Oppression Narrative.

I listened this pass week to a young man of Color speaking at the Harvard Pro-Palestine Rally.

WOW….not even one fact in his entire speech was historically correct which made this well Harvard educated man even more of an inciteful strategic weakness to nation. This segment of society is exactly what our adversaries work to their public relation strategic advantage. ….he is a tool for the Globalists to manipulate

Inflection Moment

These are the many pieces moving on the chess board and only those that are well read in world history, objectified in the manner they evaluate other cultures and most importantly seek to discover their own accurate information of current events can honestly have a framework to put all this complexity together.

Kudos to someone the advises the President for he/she got one thing correct….

This horrific Inflection Moment needed to be met with a spirit of resolve and determination.

As for my hapless GOP in Congress….extend the rules to empower a temporary Speaker

Our enemies mock your leadership failure and self-interested egotism ?

If you want to win in 2024 ….you better Up Your Game. ?






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