Biden is failing at a geometric rather than arithmetic rate and even with careful rest and medications he will not be able to campaign much in 2024...
“Why the nonchalance about an inert president and his absurd 2024 run?”: Victor Davis Hansen?
Anthony Grant
Victor Davis Hanson is America's foremost no-nonsense political commentator. He has called President Biden the most “dangerously radical” president in American history. On that rapidly sinking ship, one hopes there are enough lifeboats to go around.
An exclusive digital conversation with Anthony Grant
There have been reports that, with respect to Tucker Carlson’s abrupt firing from Fox News, that his outlier stance on Ukraine may have had a role in this...
Victor Davis Hansen:?
There were reportedly many factors (more emotional than rational?), from Tucker’s anti-Zelensky (who is deified in the West) take on Ukraine, to assumed private texts and emails leaked to show he was too critical to the management of Fox, to outside pressures, here and abroad, that his criticisms were resonating and winning adherents on issues that were considered taboo: the holes in the January 6 insurrection and January 6 committee narratives, his candid assessment that the open border was unsustainable and destroying the U.S., and his willingness? to talk about demographically disproportionate? black crime in our big cities.
I assume the management felt that they could replace him easily as they did following Bill O’Reilly with Tucker, or Megan Kelly with Laura Ingraham. But those earlier departures did cause disruptions. It is dangerous for Fox to establish a pattern of losing viewers over firings of marquee conservative ratings earners. (If the standard were industry wide, then MSNBC and CNN would have had to fire their entire newsrooms who parroted nightly the lies of “Russian collusion” the “Steele dossier”, and “Russian disinformation” ad nauseam).
I don’t think there will be a comparable replacement for Tucker, whose genius was to realize the old Republican Party of Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and Mitt Romney was ossified while a Jacksonian/populist rebooted party better reflected the interests of the middle classes. What has been unremarked upon and is a bit strange, is why the Fox newsroom overseers did not simply meet with Tucker, spell out their concerns, and come to some sort of understanding or admonition rather than what is reported in the media as a precipitate and not carefully thought-out firing of their most popular host.?
But then again, the Bud Light commercial fiasco or the Pentagon’s drag queen advertisements remind that “experts” do not always do what is in their own self-interest.”
With respect to the Nord Stream undersea pipeline explosions in September 2022 — why do you think Seymour Hersh’s investigative story has met with so much hostility from the White House?
Victor Davis Hansen:?
I should say at the outset I have no idea whether Hersh’s allegations are true, though I am confused that no official has offered a point-by-point refutation that demonstrates his exact references to names, dates, and details cannot be accurate. While many of our top officials have all but bragged the pipeline would be ended upon a Russian invasion, no one actually believed that the U.S. would do that. For to do so would have enormous implications and set precedents.?
America and/or its NATO partners do not destroy the multibillion-dollar investments of a country with which we are not at war, especially a? nation with some 6,500-7,000 deliverable nuclear weapons, an ailing leader, and an ongoing war on Europe’s doorstep. If such a surreal story were to be true, it would bring down the Biden administration and discredit all whom planned and operated the mission.?
So I think the resistance to Hersh is simply the enormity of the implications should his story be true. So most just put it out of sight, out of mind, and don’t want to go there.
President Biden is having obvious cognitive issues, to the extent that it seems logical to surmise that he is taking direction from other people in his circle. Yet most of the media still give him a free pass and few Americans have called for him to resign...What are the implications for the 2024 race?
Victor Davis Hansen:?
Well, the people who accord Biden singular exemption are largely the media and progressive institutions — the corporate boardroom, academia, entertainment, the foundations, Silicon Valley and social media, the administrative bureaucracies — but not the people who poll fully aware that he is non compos mentis. Biden is failing at a geometric rather than arithmetic rate and even with careful rest and medications he will not be able to campaign much in 2023-24 and will be without the excuse of the Covid pandemic.
So why the nonchalance about an inert president and his absurd 2024 run? Two reasons: One, the left boxed itself in with Kamala Harris, preselected as the only black woman felt by the Left to have national stature, but who was completely inept and unaudited. Democratic politicos feel that she is disastrous but not expendable due to her gender and race. Two, the Left that is now running the country feels that a virtual president or construct? that offers an old Joe from Scranton veneer to their radical agendas is preferable to an activist, aware, and normal? president that might rein in their craziness.?
In 2024, the Left then hopes to prop Biden up, have him occasionally mouth Bill Clinton-like blue-dog bromides while he attacks the Right as being virtual fascists, racists, sexists, etc. and then to direct their overwhelming resources against Donald Trump.? Already, in 2016 fashion, the Left is actively helping Trump by giving him increasingly more but not always hostile, coverage.
?So their 2024 effort is transparent: indict Trump to gain him primary empathy, showcase how he attacks De Santis from the Left on Social Security, guns, abortion, and, weirdly, Florida, then hope Trump gains the nomination, then bleed him weekly with the Bragg/James/Willis/Smith successive melodramas that however unjustified finally tire out his supporters, and thereby see him win over DeSantis but lose to Biden. All this manipulation is well aside from the sort of 2020 election “conspiracies” and “cabals” that will reappear and which Molly Ball in Time so carefully boasted about the Left’s supposedly brilliant deviousness in radically altering the very manner in which we vote.?