Biblical Patriarchy
Daniel Njoroge
Biblical Anthropologist I Social Researcher I Family and Marriage Advocate
Key takeaways:
Christian Marriage between one man and one woman is God's territory and sacred. And the Holy Scriptures provides how we are to pursue it.
Male headship is God's creation and design meant to bring Glory only to Him.
Rejecting Biblical Patriarchy is another form of rejecting your true essence as a believer.
Christian Men and women have differences, and it is in these differences that we coexist to bring God's Glory.
The reason why fathers or male guardians walk their daughters down the isle to the altar, is a representation of a transition; a transition of headship.
Headship has turned out to be a very controversial topic and subjective, to a point of being related to male oppressiveness and dominance.
Now, a good father/guardian exercises Biblical headship by taking care of her daughter through discipleship, spiritual coverage, feeding of the Word, and physical provision. Now the mantle is handed over to someone else, who has died to himself, left his father & mother and who is on fire for God. And before the father can handle over, it's important to ensure that the man taking over understands the assignment. Likewise, before accepting this duty, the groom needs to confirm first there is an existing reverence to this headship in the bride.
Now it is not that Christian women can't work their faith alone without male leadership, God saw it wise that being under Biblical Patriarchy brings Glory to Him.
Now one may ask, what about those that are called to singleness, God has appointed male shepherds (pastors and church elders Jeremiah 3:14, Ezekiel 34:23) who are to guide you and feed you in your singlehood and ministry.
And above all, Christ is the overall Shepherd (John 10:11) the Bridegroom of us all as the church.
How can we explain this Biblically?
Phillip the Evangelist (Acts 21:7) had 4 daughters who were prophetess, they were under their Father.
Priscilla helped Apollos to reform his teachings, she did this together with her husband Aquila.
Paul's mother was a Jew, with her knowledge in Law of Moses, she taught her son to become a noble man of God...
You might graduate from a Theological seminary with a PhD with a vocation of being a full-time mother, to teach your son. The question is, can you trust God well enough with this, in a culture that tells educated women they don't need men?