Bible Study?20250103 Wisdom of Solomon 15:1-19
Bible Study?20250103 Wisdom of Solomon 15:1-19
#BibleStudy #Amen #Love #Christian #VictoryinJesus
??New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), Wis 1:1.
1?* But you, our God, are good and true,
slow to anger, and governing all with mercy.a
2?For even if we sin, we are yours, and know your might;
but we will not sin, knowing that we belong to you.b
3?For to know you well is complete righteousness,
and to know your might is the root of immortality.c
4?For the evil creation of human fancy did not deceive us,
nor the fruitless labor of painters,d
A form smeared with varied colors,
5?the sight of which arouses yearning in a fool,
till he longs for the inanimate form of a dead image.
6?Lovers of evil things, and worthy of such hopes
are they who make them and long for them and worship them.e
The Potter’s Clay Idols
7?For the potter, laboriously working the soft earth,
molds for our service each single article:
He fashions out of the same clay
both the vessels that serve for clean purposes
and their opposites, all alike;
As to what shall be the use of each vessel of either class
the worker in clay is the judge.f
8?* With misspent toil he molds a meaningless god from the selfsame clay,
though he himself shortly before was made from the earth,
And is soon to go whence he was taken,
when the life that was lent him is demanded back.g
9?But his concern is not that he is to die
nor that his span of life is brief;
Rather, he vies with goldsmiths and silversmiths
and emulates molders of bronze,
and takes pride in fashioning counterfeits.h
10?Ashes his heart is!* more worthless than earth is his hope,i
more ignoble than clay his life;
11?Because he knew not the one who fashioned him,
and breathed into him a quickening soul,
and infused a vital spirit.j
12?Instead, he esteemed our life a mere game,
and our span of life a holiday for gain;
“For one must,” says he, “make a profit in every way, be it even from evil.”k
13?For more than anyone else he knows that he is sinning,
when out of earthen stuff he creates fragile vessels and idols alike.
14?But most stupid of all and worse than senseless in mind,
are the enemies of your people who enslaved them.l
15?For they esteemed all the idols of the nations as gods,
which cannot use their eyes to see,
nor nostrils to breathe the air,
Nor ears to hear,
nor fingers on their hands for feeling;
even their feet are useless to walk with.m
16?For it was a mere human being who made them;n
one living on borrowed breath who fashioned them.
For no one is able to fashion a god like himself;
17?he is mortal, and what he makes with lawless hands is dead.
For he is better than the things he worships;
he at least lives, but never his idols.
Second Example Resumed
18?* Besides, they worship the most loathsome beasts—o
as regards stupidity, these are worse than the rest,*
19?For beasts are neither good-looking nor desirable;
they have escaped both the approval of God and his blessing.p 1
? As often before (11:26; 12:2; 14:3–6), the author addresses God directly, so that chaps. 11–19 can be conceived as a more or less continuous prayer (cf. 11:7 and 19:22). This is the living God who is in stark contrast to the deadness of the idols that have been discussed. The merciful God (cf. Ex 34:6) is the source of immortality (1:15) for the community.
b?b Jb 10:14–15 LXX.
d?d Wis 13:14.
e?e Ps 115:8.
f?f Wis 13:11; Jer 18:3–4; Rom 9:21; 2?Tm 2:20–21.
? The author matches the irony of his words about the carpenter in 13:15–19 with this description of the potter’s vain work.
h?h Bar 6:46.
? Ashes his heart is!: the words of this cry are taken from Is 44:20 (the Septuagint).
i?i Jb 13:12 LXX.
k?k Jas 4:13–14.
l?l Ex 1:13.
m?m Wis 14:11; Dt 4:28; Ps 115:4–7; 135:15–18.
n?n Wis 13:10.
? The author here returns (11:15; 12:23–27) to the main theme of chaps. 11–19, which was interrupted by the digression of 13:1–15:17.
? Worse than the rest: this may mean that the creatures worshiped by the Egyptians (e.g., crocodiles, serpents, scarabs, etc.) were less intelligent than the general run of beasts.
1?New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), Wis 15.
Revelation From God
The earliest mention of the book is perhaps found in p. 11 a, line 8 of the Muratorian Canon (a.d. 200). There the title is ‘Sapientia’, with the added words ‘ab amicis Salomonis in honorem ipsius scripts’. Clement of Alexandria, head of the Catechetical School a.d. 190–203, speaks of it under the title Wisdom of Solomon. Tertullian (circa 200) quotes it as the Wisdom of Solomon. Origen (d. 250) speaks of it in the same way as Clement. Cyprian (d. 258) quotes it as Solomon or the Wisdom of Solomon. The Latin version has ‘Liber Sapientiae’; the Peshitta, ‘The great Wisdom of Solomon.’11?Robert Henry Charles, ed., Apocrypha of the Old Testament (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913), Wis.
No one knows the true author of the Wisdom of Solomon as the first 5 chapter do not appear to be written by Solomon, however chapter 6 through chapter 19 do appear to have been written by Solomon.?Most believe that either Philo of Alexandra or Paul of Tarsus (The Apostle) wrote it. As the structure suggest that we are to love justice, that would appear to be more of a Philo writing then Paul, whom promotes Love of God, period, not just justice, one element of God.?
The difficulty of arriving at a satisfactory date for the book is seen from the differences which exist between scholars as to the period of its composition. Grimm dates it 145–50 b.c., Thackeray 130–100 b.c., Gregg 125–100 b.c., Gfr?rer 100 b.c., Bousset under the Empire, Farrar 40 a.d.11?Robert Henry Charles, ed., Apocrypha of the Old Testament (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913), Wis.
We can only assume that Wisdom of Solomon was written in the 1st Century by Philo or Paul, which of course is the subject of much debate!!! Or that Solomon did indeed write the entire Wisdom of Solomon, in which case, it was written during reign of Solomon, 971-931 BCE., but after his prayer for wisdom, 1 Kings 3:1-28. ?
Wisdom of Solomon was written in a Hellenistic Greek Style and stresses that Justice is contextual, and we must honor our calling to do what is right, since those, "who do right are in God's Hands, and no torment will ever touch them." Wis3:1!
Wis 15, whose sum is (6) {(2) YHWH the Son, Christ Jesus, Yeshua Gen 1:3, Rev 22:1-5, times (3) YHWH, the Holy Spirit, Ruach Gen 1:2, Rev 22:17, which is Man, the (6th day), YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia, Gen 1:27-31}!!!! (15) is the product of (3) YHWH The Holy Spirit, YHWH Ruach Gen 1:2, Enoch 37:1–5, Enoch 50:1–5, Exo 31:3, Num 11:16-30, times (5) The Broken, Rom 3:23, Rev 2:5, The Fallen, Gen 1:4-5, Rev 12:4-9, The Lost, Mat 18:10-14, Joh 10:27-30, The Sinner, Gen 6:16, 1 Ti 1:8-9, The Unbelieving, Luk 15:1-32, John 3:18 !!!! There is (1) pericope, (Theological Idea), YHWH the Father, YHWH Ab, Gen 1:1, Exo 3:14-17, Ex 20:1-11, Lev 18:1-6, Lev 22:30-33 !!!! It has (19) verses whose sum is (10) whose sum is (1) YHWH the Father, YHWH, Ge 1:1, Rev 22:13, ?and is the embodiment of the perfect fulfillment of the Law Mat 5:17-20, Rom 13:8-10, Christ Jesus in You 2 Co 5:17-21, Eph 4:1-32.?(19) is the product of (4) YHWH the Church, YHWH Qahal, Ecclesia, Wis 2:23, Eze 1:1-28, Eze 10:1-22, Eze 40:1-49, times (4) YHWH the Church, YHWH Qahal, Ecclesia 1 Co 3:16, 1 Co 6:12-20, 1 Co 12:1-31, 2 Co 5:17-21, 2 Co 6:14-18 plus (3) YHWH The Holy Spirit, YHWH Ruach Wis 1:1-15, Wis 3:9, Wis 6:17-20, Wis 7:22-30 !!!!
The over all purpose of The Wisdom of Solomon is to direct all to seek wisdom and to respond to it in righteous behavior, or Seek Mat7:7-8 and walk in their righteousness, Rom8:1-9!!! When we do we will receive God's Love, but we must be open to receiving God's Love, 1Jn4:8, 1Jn4:19, and then responding to God's love in obedience, Joh14:15 by repenting of our sins 1Jn1:9, and sharing God's love with all Mat22:39 and 1Jn4:20-21!!!
The purpose of Wis 15 is to Man, the (6th day), YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia, Gen 1:27-31, that YHWH is YHWH and there is no other, Exo 20:1-21, Deut 6:4-8, Wis 2:16, Wis 8:4, Wis 13:1-19!!!!
?Exegesis / Hermeneutical
YHWH I know and believe that You and You alone are God, the Creator of all things. In YHWH Yeshua Holy and Precious name I pray and I claim this petition Amen Amen Amen Amen !!!!
Wis 15, teaches Man, the (6th day), YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia, Gen 1:27-31, that YHWH is YHWH and there is no other, Exo 20:1-21, Deut 6:4-8, Wis 2:16, Wis 8:4, Wis 13:1-19!!!!
Bible Study Question
Is YHWH God of All Things?
Only A fools says there is no God, Don’t Be Nabal, A fool, Job 4:1-21, Job 35:1-16, Ps 14:1-3, Ps 36:1-4, Ps 53:1-3, Ps 119:65-72, Prov 1:29, Prov 19:1-29, Prov 26:1-28 , Prov 30:11-15, Ecc 2:1-26, Wis 1:4, Wis 2:1-24, Wis 5:2-14, Wis 13:1-19, But know and Declare YHWH as Lord Gen 1:1, Exo 20:1-21, Deut 6:4-8, Enoch 99:10, Tobit 13:4, Tobit 13:15, Judith 6:2, Job 10:12, Job 26:1-14, Job 36:23-33, Job 37:1-24, Job 38:1-41, Job 42:1-17, Ps 8:1-9, Ps 19:1-6, Ps 26:7, Ps 29:1-11, Ps 33:5-7, Ps 40:5-7, Ps 69:1-36, Ps 78:1-72, Ps 84:5-8, Ps 95:1-7, Ps 99:1-9, Ps 132:9-10, Ps 132:1-18, Ps 135:4-18, Ps 144:1-15, Ps 146:3-9, Ps 148:1-14, Prov 30:2-4, Wis 2:16, Wis 8:4, Wis 13:1-19, John 1:1-5, John 3:15-18, John 3:36, Rom 10:9-10, John 1:1-5, John 3:15-18, John 3:36, Rom 10:9-10!!!!