Bible Study?20241223 Wisdom of Solomon 5:1-23
Bible Study?20241223 Wisdom of Solomon 5:1-23
#BibleStudy #Amen #Love #Christian #VictoryinJesus
??New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), Wis 1:1.
1?* Then shall the righteous one with great assurance confronta
his oppressors who set at nought his labors.b
2?Seeing this, the wicked shall be shaken with dreadful fear,
and be amazed at the unexpected salvation.
3?They shall say among themselves, rueful
and groaning through anguish of spirit:
“This is the one whom once we held as a laughingstock
and as a type for mockery,
4?fools that we were!
His life we accounted madness,
and death dishonored.
5?See how he is accounted among the heavenly beings;*
how his lot is with the holy ones!c
6?We, then, have strayed from the way of truth,d
and the light of righteousness did not shine for us,
and the sun did not rise for us.e
7?We were entangled in the thorns of mischief and of ruin;
we journeyed through trackless deserts,
but the way of the Lord we never knew.
8?What did our pride avail us?
What have wealth and its boastfulness afforded us?f
9?All of them passed like a shadow
and like a fleeting rumor;g
10?Like a ship traversing the heaving water:
when it has passed, no trace can be found,
no path of its keel in the waves.
11?Or like a bird flying through the air;
no evidence of its course is to be found—
But the fluid air, lashed by the beating of pinions,
and cleft by the rushing force
Of speeding wings, is traversed;
and afterward no mark of passage can be found in it.
12?Or as, when an arrow has been shot at a mark,
the parted air straightway flows together again
so that none discerns the way it went—
13?Even so, once born, we abruptly came to nought
and held no sign of virtue to display,
but were consumed in our wickedness.”h
14?* Yes, the hope of the wicked is like chaff borne by the wind,
and like fine, storm-driven snow;
Like smoke scattered by the wind,
and like the passing memory of the nomad camping for a single day.i
15?But the righteous live forever,
and in the Lord is their recompense,
and the thought of them is with the Most High.j
16?Therefore shall they receive the splendid crown,
the beautiful diadem, from the hand of the Lord,
For he will shelter them with his right hand,
and protect them with his arm.k
17?He shall take his zeal for armorl
and arm creation to requite the enemy,
18?Shall put on righteousness for a breastplate,
wear sure judgment for a helmet,
19?Shall take invincible holiness for a shield,m
20?and sharpen his sudden anger for a sword.
The universe will war with him against the foolhardy;
21?Well-aimed bolts of lightning will go forth
and from the clouds will leap to the mark as from a well-drawn bow;n
22?and as from a sling, wrathful hailstones shall be hurled.
The waters of the sea will be enraged
and flooding rivers will overwhelm them;o
23?A mighty wind will confront them
and winnow them like a tempest;
Thus lawlessness will lay waste the whole earth
and evildoing overturn the thrones of the mighty.p 1
? In contrast to their speech in chap. 2 the wicked now regret their assessment of life and righteousness.
a?a 2?Thes 1:6–7.
b?b Col 2:15.
? Heavenly beings: lit., “sons of God.” These are the holy ones, members of the heavenly court, among whom the righteous are to be found. A bodily resurrection does not seem to be envisioned.
c?c Acts 26:18; Col 1:12.
d?d Prv 4:18–19; Jn 12:35.
e?e Prv 22:5; Is 59:6–14.
g?g 1?Chr 20:15; Jb 9:25–26 LXX; Ps 144:4.
h?h Ez 33:10.
? A picture of the reward of the righteous which develops into an apocalyptic description of the divine warrior’s destruction of evil. The author utilizes Is 59–62.
l?l Is 59:17.
m?m Dt 32:40–43.
n?n Hb 3:9–11.
o?o Dt 11:4.
p?p Wis 11:20; Sir 10:13–14.
1?New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), Wis 5.
Revelation From God
The earliest mention of the book is perhaps found in p. 11 a, line 8 of the Muratorian Canon (a.d. 200). There the title is ‘Sapientia’, with the added words ‘ab amicis Salomonis in honorem ipsius scripts’. Clement of Alexandria, head of the Catechetical School a.d. 190–203, speaks of it under the title Wisdom of Solomon. Tertullian (circa 200) quotes it as the Wisdom of Solomon. Origen (d. 250) speaks of it in the same way as Clement. Cyprian (d. 258) quotes it as Solomon or the Wisdom of Solomon. The Latin version has ‘Liber Sapientiae’; the Peshitta, ‘The great Wisdom of Solomon.’11?Robert Henry Charles, ed., Apocrypha of the Old Testament (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913), Wis.
No one knows the true author of the Wisdom of Solomon as it was clearly not Solomon, as the text was written in a Hellenistic Greek style and believe to be written around Alexandria in the middle to late First Century!?Most believe that either Philo of Alexandra or Paul of Tarsus (The Apostle) wrote it. As the structure suggest that we are to love justice, that would appear to be more of a Philo writing then Paul, whom promotes Love of God, period, not just justice, one element of God.?
The difficulty of arriving at a satisfactory date for the book is seen from the differences which exist between scholars as to the period of its composition. Grimm dates it 145–50 b.c., Thackeray 130–100 b.c., Gregg 125–100 b.c., Gfr?rer 100 b.c., Bousset under the Empire, Farrar 40 a.d.11?Robert Henry Charles, ed., Apocrypha of the Old Testament (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913), Wis.
We can only assume that Wisdom of Solomon was written in the 1st Century by Philo or Paul, which of course is the subject of much debate!!!
Wisdom of Solomon was written in a Hellenistic Greek Style and stresses that Justice is contextual, and we must honor our calling to do what is right, since those, "who do right are in God's Hands, and no torment will ever touch them." Wis3:1!
Wisdom 5 The Broken, Rom 3:23, Rev 2:5, The Fallen, Gen 1:4-5, Rev 12:4-9, The Lost, Mat 18:10-14, Joh 10:27-30, The Sinner, Gen 6:16, 1 Ti 1:8-9, The Unbelieving, Luk 15:1-32, John 3:18 !!!! It has (1) pericope, (Theological Idea), YHWH the Father, YHWH Ab, Zec 14:9, John 17:20-26, Eph 3:14-21, 1 John 1:5, Rev 1:8, Rev 22:13 !!!! There are (23) verses whose sum is (5) The Broken, Rom 3:23, Rev 2:5, The Fallen, Gen 1:4-5, Rev 12:4-9, The Lost, Mat 18:10-14, Joh 10:27-30, The Sinner, Gen 6:16, 1 Ti 1:8-9, The Unbelieving, Luk 15:1-32, John 3:18 !!!! (23) is the product of (4) YHWH the Church, YHWH Qahal, Ecclesia Rom 8:9-10, Rom 12:1-8, 1 Co 3:16, 1 Co 6:12-20, 1 Co 12:1-31, times (5) The Broken, Rom 3:23, Rev 2:5, The Fallen, Gen 1:4-5, Rev 12:4-9, The Lost, Mat 18:10-14, Joh 10:27-30, The Sinner, Gen 6:16, 1 Ti 1:8-9, The Unbelieving, Luk 15:1-32, John 3:18, plus (3) YHWH The Holy Spirit, YHWH Ruach, Rom 2:10, Rom 8:14-15, Rom 15:13, 2 Co 1:22, Rev 22:17 !!!!
The over all purpose of The Wisdom of Solomon is to direct all to seek wisdom and to respond to it in righteous behavior, or Seek Mat7:7-8 and walk in their righteousness, Rom8:1-9!!! When we do we will receive God's Love, but we must be open to receiving God's Love, 1Jn4:8, 1Jn4:19, and then responding to God's love in obedience, Joh14:15 by repenting of our sins 1Jn1:9, and sharing God's love with all Mat22:39 and 1Jn4:20-21!!!
The purpose of Wis 5, is to teach The Broken, Rom 3:23, Rev 2:5, The Fallen, Gen 1:4-5, Rev 12:4-9, The Lost, Mat 18:10-14, Joh 10:27-30, The Sinner, Gen 6:16, 1 Ti 1:8-9, The Unbelieving, Luk 15:1-32, John 3:18, to not be on the wrong side of salvation, Wis 5:1-23, John 3:09-18, John 3:36, Acts 16:31, Rom 10:9-10!!!!
?Exegesis / Hermeneutical
YHWH teach me to be on the right side of salvation, teach me to repent of my sins, declare You as my Lord God and Savior, that i receive Theophilus and share Theophilus with the world. In YHWH Yeshua Holy and Precious name I pray and I claim this petition Amen Amen Amen Amen !!!!
Wis 5, teaches The Broken, Rom 3:23, Rev 2:5, The Fallen, Gen 1:4-5, Rev 12:4-9, The Lost, Mat 18:10-14, Joh 10:27-30, The Sinner, Gen 6:16, 1 Ti 1:8-9, The Unbelieving, Luk 15:1-32, John 3:18, to not be on the wrong side of salvation, Wis 5:1-23, John 3:09-18, John 3:36, Acts 16:31, Rom 10:9-10!!!!
Bible Study Question
Are you on the wrong side of Salvation?
Only A fools says there is no God, Don’t Be Nabal, A fool, Job 4:1-21, Job 35:1-16, Ps 14:1-3, Ps 36:1-4, Ps 53:1-3, Ps 119:65-72, Prov 1:29, Prov 19:1-29, Prov 26:1-28 , Prov 30:11-15, Ecc 2:1-26, Wis 1:4, Wis 2:1-24, Wis 5:2-14 believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved, Enoch 99:10, Esther 8:1-12, Esther 8:13-17, Job 13:15-16, Job 19:25-26, Ps 6:1-10, Ps 18:1-50, Ps 21:1-7, Ps 22:1-31, Ps 24:1-10, Ps 27:1-14, Ps 31:1-24, Ps 32:7, Ps 33:1-22, Ps 34:5-7, Ps 35:1-28, Ps 37:1-40, Ps 38:21-22, Ps 45:1-2, Ps 49:7-9, Ps 50:23, Ps 51:10-12, Ps 53:6, Ps 54:4, Ps 56:13, Ps 60:5, Ps 62:6-8, Ps 65:4, Ps 66:16-20, Ps 67:1-7, Ps 68:1-35, Ps 69:13-18, Ps 70:1, Ps 70:4-5, Ps 71:1-24, Ps 72:1-20, PS 74:12, Ps 75:9-10, Ps 78:68-72, Ps 80:1-19, Ps 89:1-52, Ps 94:1-23, Ps 98:1-9, Ps 108:6-8, PS 116:3-5, Ps 118:14-16, Ps 118:22-29, Ps 119:41-48, Ps 119:49-56, Ps 119:81-88, Ps 119:137-144, Ps 119:169-176, Ps 132:9-10, Ps 132:16, Ps 138:1-8, Ps 140:6-8, Ps 143:1-12, Ps 144:1-15, Ps 147:1-10, Ps 149:1-5, Prov 11:1-31, Prov 15:24, Prov 16:1-33, Prov 21:21, Prov 22:4, Prov 30:2-4, Wis 1:15, Wis 5:1-23, John 3:09-18, John 3:36, Acts 16:31, Rom 10:9-10,