Bible Study?20240730 Psalms Ps 107:1-43
Bible Study?20240730 Psalms Ps 107:1-43
#BibleStudy #Amen #Love #Christian #VictoryinJesus
?New American Standard Bible (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 2020), Psalms
??PSALM 107
The Lord Rescues People from Many Troubles.
1?a Give thanks to the Lord, for b He is good,
For His mercy is everlasting.
2?a The redeemed of the Lord shall say so,
Those whom He has b redeemed from the hand of the enemy
3?And a gathered from the lands,
From the east and from the west,
From the north and from the 1 south.
4?They a wandered in the wilderness in a 1 desert region;
They did not find a way to 2 an inhabited b city.
5?They were hungry 1 and thirsty;
Their a souls felt weak within them.
6?Then they a cried out to the Lord in their trouble;
He saved them from their distresses.
7?He also had them walk on a 1 a straight way,
To go to 2 b an inhabited city.
8?a They shall give thanks to the Lord for His mercy,
And for His 1 wonders to the sons of mankind!
9?For He has a satisfied the 1 thirsty soul,
And He has filled the b hungry soul with what is good.
10?There were those who a lived in darkness and in 1 the shadow of death,
b Prisoners in misery and 2 chains,
11?Because they had a rebelled against the words of God
And b rejected the c plan of the Most High.
12?Therefore He humbled their heart with labor;
They stumbled and there was a no one to help.
13?Then they a cried out to the Lord in their trouble;
He saved them from their distresses.
14?He a brought them out of darkness and 1 the shadow of death
And b broke their bands apart.
15?a They shall give thanks to the Lord for His mercy,
And for His 1 wonders to the sons of mankind!
16?For He has a shattered gates of bronze
And cut off bars of iron.
17?Fools, because of 1 their rebellious way,
And a because of their guilty deeds, were afflicted.
18?Their a souls loathed all kinds of food,
And they b came close to the c gates of death.
19?Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble;
He saved them from their distresses.
20?He a sent His word and b healed them,
And c saved them from their 1 destruction.
21?a They shall give thanks to the Lord for His mercy,
And for His 1 wonders to the sons of mankind!
22?They shall also offer a sacrifices of thanksgiving,
And b tell of His works with joyful singing.
23?Those who a go down to the sea in ships,
Who do business on great waters;
24?They have seen the works of the Lord,
And His 1 wonders in the deep.
25?For He a spoke and raised a b stormy wind,
Which c lifted the waves 1 of the sea.
26?They rose up to the heavens, they went down to the depths;
Their soul a melted away in their misery.
27?They reeled and a staggered like a drunken person,
And 1 were at their wits’ end.
28?Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
And He brought them out of their distresses.
29?He a caused the storm to be still,
So that the waves 1 of the sea were hushed.
30?Then they were glad because they were quiet,
So He guided them to their desired harbor.
31?a They shall give thanks to the Lord for His mercy,
And for His 1 b wonders to the sons of mankind!
32?They shall also a exalt Him b in the congregation of the people,
And c praise Him at the seat of the elders.
33?He a turns rivers into a 1 wilderness,
And springs of water into a thirsty ground;
34?And a a fruitful land into a b salt waste,
Because of the wickedness of those who dwell in it.
35?He a turns a 1 wilderness into a pool of water,
And a dry land into springs of water;
36?And He has the hungry live there,
So that they may establish 1 a an inhabited city,
37?And sow fields and a plant vineyards,
And 1 gather a fruitful harvest.
38?He also blesses them and they a multiply greatly,
And He b does not let their cattle decrease.
39?When they a become few and b lowly
Because of oppression, misery, and sorrow,
40?He a pours contempt upon noblemen
And b makes them wander c in a pathless wasteland.
41?But He a sets the needy 1 securely on high, away from affliction,
And b makes his families like a flock.
42?The a upright see it and are glad;
But all b injustice shuts its mouth.
43?Who is a wise? He is to pay attention to these things,
And consider the b mercy of the Lord. 1
a?a 1 Chr 16:34; Ps 106:1; 118:1; 136:1; Jer 33:11
b?b 2 Chr 5:13; 7:3; Ezra 3:11; Ps 100:5
1?1 Lit sea
1?1 Lit waste
2?2 Or a habitable city; lit a city of habitation
1?1 Lit also
a?a Ps 77:3
1?1 Or level
2?2 Or a habitable city; lit a city of habitation
1?1 I.e., wonderful acts
1?1 Or parched
1?1 Or deep gloom
2?2 Lit irons
b?b Num 15:31; 2 Chr 36:16; Prov 1:25; Is 5:24
c?c Ps 73:24
a?a Ps 107:6
1?1 Or deep darkness
1?1 I.e., wonderful acts
1?1 Lit the way of their offense
b?b 2 Kin 20:5; Ps 30:2; 103:3; 147:3
1?1 Lit pits
1?1 I.e., wonderful acts
1?1 I.e., wonderful acts
1?1 Lit of it
1?1 Lit all their wisdom was swallowed up
1?1 Lit of it
1?1 I.e., wonderful acts
c?c Ps 35:18
a?a 1 Kin 17:1, 7; Ps 74:15; Is 42:15; 50:2
1?1 Or desert
a?a Gen 13:10; 14:3; 19:24, 25; Deut 29:23
1?1 Or desert
1?1 Or a habitable city; lit a city of habitation
a?a 2 Kin 19:29; Is 65:21; Amos 9:14
1?1 Lit acquire fruits of yield
b?b Deut 7:14
a?a 2 Kin 10:32; Ezek 5:11; 29:15
a?a Job 12:21
b?b Job 12:24
c?c Deut 32:10
1?1 Lit in an inaccessibly high place
b?b Ps 107:1
1?New American Standard Bible (La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation, 2020), Ps 107.
Revelation From God
All of The authors of the Psalms are unknown, we know that Moses wrote (1), David (73), Solomon (2), the sons of Korah (11, including one to which the name of Heman is also attached), Asaph (12), and Ethan (1) it is possible that others also wrote some of the Psalms, as well!!!!
The author of Ps 107 is unknown!!!!
The date of the Psalms covers from the Exodus, roughly 1300 BC through the return of the exiles, 586ish some 800 years.
This covers some of the major events in the Jewish History to vast to cover here.
The Psalms, are songs, poems and hymns to praise and honor YHWH!!!!
There are (5) sections to the Psalms , which stands for The Broken, Rom 3:23, Rev 2:5, The Fallen, Gen 1:4-5, Rev 12:4-9, The Lost, Mat 18:10-14, Joh 10:27-30, The Sinner, Gen 6:16, 1 Ti 1:8-9, The Unbelieving, Luk 15:1-32, John 3:18 !!!!
Ps 107 whose sum is (8) A new beginning in Christ Jesus, 2 Cor 5:17-21, Eph 4:1-32, or {(2) YHWH the Son, Christ Jesus, Yeshua Joh 1:1-5, Rev 22:1-5, times (4) YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia, Joh 10:30-38, John 14:1-31, John 15:1-27, John 17:20-26}!!!! (107) is the product of (10) whose sum is (1) YHWH the Father, YHWH, Ge 1:1, Rev 22:13, ?and is the embodiment of the perfect fulfillment of the Law Mat 5:17-20, Rom 13:8-10, Christ Jesus in You 2 Co 5:17-21, Eph 4:1-32 times (10) whose sum is (1) YHWH the Father, YHWH, Ge 1:1, Rev 22:13, ?and is the embodiment of the perfect fulfillment of the Law Mat 5:17-20, Rom 13:8-10, Christ Jesus in You 2 Co 5:17-21, Eph 4:1-32, plus (7) verses the perfect completion of creation, Gen 2:2-3, Rev 22:1-21, Christ Jesus in you,1 Cor 12:1-31, Eph 2:1-22!!!! It has (1) pericope, Isa 41:10, Isa 43:11-12, Isa 45:11-25, Rev 1:8, Rev 22:13 !!!! There are (43) verses whose sum is (7) verses the perfect completion of creation, Gen 2:2-3, Rev 22:1-21, Christ Jesus in you,1 Cor 12:1-31, Eph 2:1-22!!!! (43) is the product of (6) {(2) YHWH the Son, Christ Jesus, Yeshua Gen 1:3, Rev 22:1-5, times (3) YHWH, the Holy Spirit, Ruach Gen 1:2, Rev 22:17, which is Man, the (6th day), YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia, Gen 1:27-31} times (7) verses the perfect completion of creation, Gen 2:2-3, Rev 22:1-21, Christ Jesus in you,1 Cor 12:1-31, Eph 2:1-22, plus (1) pericope, (Theological Idea), YHWH the Father, YHWH Ab, Gen 1:1, Exo 3:14-17, Ex 20:1-11, Tobit 13:4, Tobit 13:15 !!!!
The Theology of the Psalms is to declare YHWH as Lord God almighty. That we need to trust in the ways of YHWH and not man, 2 Ki 18:1-37, 2 Mac 8:18-20, 2 Mac 15:1-39, Psa 37:3, Psa 56:4, Psa 118:8-9, Prov 3:5-6, Mat 19:26, Mark 9:23, Luk 1:37!!!!
Walk in the ways of YHWH Deut 8:6, Deut 10:12, Deut 30:1-20, 1 Ki 2:1-9, 1 Ki 8:58-61, 2 Ch 34:30-33, Enoch 92:1–5, Psa 19:1-4, Psa 84:5-12, Isa 48:17, Eze 36:26-27, Mic 6:8, Rom 8:1-17, Gal 5:16-26, Heb 13:15-21, Jas 3:1-18, 1 Pe 1:13-25, 1 Pe 3:1-22, 1 Jn 1:6-10!!!!
Which is THEOPHILUS, GOD'S LOVE, Deut 10:18-19, Deut 11:1-32, Deut 13:3, 1 Sa 18:1-5, 2 Sam 9:1-13, John 3:16, John 13:34-35, Rom 5:8, Rom 12:9-21, Rom 13:8-10, 1 Co 13:1-13, Eph 5:1-21, 1 Jn 3:11-14, 1 Jn 4:1-21, 1 Jn 5:3 !!!!
By Faith Enoch 99:10, Tobit 7:1-16, Judith 6:1-20, Judith 7:1-32, 1 Mac 4:8-11, Job 17:8-9, Job 19:25-26, Eph 2:8-9, Gal 2:15-21, Gal 3:1-29, Gal 5:1-26, Heb 11:1-40, Jas 2:14-26!!!!
YHWH restores all of the body of Christ back to the body of YHWH Ab, YHWH Bane, YHWH Ruach, YHWH Qahal, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Church, Gen 1:4-5, Gen 1:27-31, Gen 3:22, Exo 34:9, Exo 36:18, Lev 26:42-46, Lev 27:1-34, Deut 18:2, Deut 33:26-29,?Enoch 35:1, Enoch 36:1–4, Enoch 38:2, Enoch 38:4,Enoch 39:1–14, Enoch 40:1–10, Enoch 48:1, Enoch 70:1–4, Enoch 71:1–17, Enoch 83:10–11, Enoch 92:1–5, Enoch 105:1–2, Enoch 106:1–5, Enoch 108:1–15, Tobit 13:10-11, Tobit 13:16-17, Judith 14:10, Esther 10:1–13, 1 Mac 4:36-40, 2 Mac 2:9, Jos 13:1-33, 1 Sa18:1-5, 1 Ch 28:1-2, 2 Ch 3:1-17, 1 Ch 4:1-22, 2 Ch 5:1-14, 2 Ch 6:1-11, 2 Ch 30:6-9, 2 Ch 36:22-23, Ezr 1:1-3, Neh 1:9-11, Eze 1:1-28, Eze 10:1-22, Eze 40:1-49, Joh 10:30-38, Joh 14:1-31. Joh 15:1-27, Joh 17:20-26, Rom 8:9-10, Rom 12:1-8, 1 Co 3:16, 1 Co 6:12-20, 1Co 12:1-31, 2 Co 5:17-21, 2 Co 6:14-18, Col 1:15-19, Eph 2:1-22, Eph 3:14-21, Eph 4:1-32, Gal 3:26-28, 1 Pe 1:13-25, 1 John 3:11-24, 1 Jn 4:7-21, Rev 22:1-21!!!!
YHWH will extend His Wrath upon You, to teach and mold You, Deut 8:5, 1 Sa 4:1-22, 2 Ki 21:10-18, 2 Ki 22:14-17, 2 Ki 25:1-21, Enoch 54:1–10, 54:7–55:2, Enoch 61:5, Enoch 62:2–4, Enoch 62:10–12, Enoch 80:2–8, Enoch 94:6–11, Enoch 98:1–16, Judith 2:1-28, Job 27:8-23, Job 34:22-27, Joh 3:18, Joh 3:36, Heb 12:5-8, Rev 2:11-17, Rev 3:19!!!!
The purpose of Ps 107 is to teach all to give thanks to the Lord, 1 Ch 16:34, Ps 100:4-5, Ps 107:1-43, Col 3:15-17, 1 Thes 5:18, for the Lord Hears, and answers our prayers, Ps 107:1-43, Psalm 139:4, Eph 6:18, John 5:14–15, 1 Peter 3:12!!!!!
Exegesis / Hermeneutical
YHWH, I can not thank You enough for redeeming me and setting me free from all of my sinful ways. Thank You Lord for teaching me to walk in Your ways (Theophilus) so that I may help all to be redeemed and bought back to the body of Christ. In YHWH Yeshua name I pray and claim this petition Amen Amen Amen Amen !!!!
Ps 107 teaches all to give thanks to the Lord, 1 Ch 16:34, Ps 100:4-5, Ps 107:1-43, Col 3:15-17, 1 Thes 5:18, for the Lord Hears, and answers our prayers, Ps 107:1-43, Psalm 139:4, Eph 6:18, John 5:14–15, 1 Peter 3:12!!!!!
Bible Study Question
Why should we give thanks to the Lord?
Becasue YHWH hears and answers our prayers Ps 12:5-7, Ps 20:4-9, Ps 30:6-9, Ps 54:2, Ps 56:5-8, Ps 66:1-20, Ps 69:13-18, Ps 77:1-20, Ps 84:8, Ps 86:1-17, Ps 91:14-16, Ps 107:1-43, Psalm 139:4, Eph 6:18, John 5:14–15, 1 Peter 3:12, Amen Amen Amen Amen !!!!