Bible Study?20231124 Judith 6:1-20
Bible Study?20231124 Judith 6:1-20
#BibleStudy #Amen #Love #Christian #VictoryinJesus
?The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition (Washington, DC: National Council of Churches of Christ, 1993),
??Achior Handed over to the Israelites
6 When the disturbance made by the people outside the council had died down, Holofernes, the commander of the Assyrian army, said to Achiora in the presence of all the foreign contingents:
2 “Who are you, Achior and you mercenaries of Ephraim, to prophesy among us as you have done today and tell us not to make war against the people of Israel because their God will defend them? What god is there except Nebuchadnezzar? He will send his forces and destroy them from the face of the earth. Their God will not save them; 3 we the king’sb servants will destroy them as one man. They cannot resist the might of our cavalry. 4 We will overwhelm them;c their mountains will be drunk with their blood, and their fields will be full of their dead. Not even their footprints will survive our attack; they will utterly perish. So says King Nebuchadnezzar, lord of the whole earth. For he has spoken; none of his words shall be in vain.
5 “As for you, Achior, you Ammonite mercenary, you have said these words in a moment of perversity; you shall not see my face again from this day until I take revenge on this race that came out of Egypt. 6 Then at my return the sword of my army and the speard of my servants shall pierce your sides, and you shall fall among their wounded. 7 Now my slaves are going to take you back into the hill country and put you in one of the towns beside the passes. 8 You will not die until you perish along with them. 9 If you really hope in your heart that they will not be taken, then do not look downcast! I have spoken, and none of my words shall fail to come true.”
10 Then Holofernes ordered his slaves, who waited on him in his tent, to seize Achior and take him away to Bethulia and hand him over to the Israelites. 11 So the slaves took him and led him out of the camp into the plain, and from the plain they went up into the hill country and came to the springs below Bethulia. 12 When the men of the town saw them,e they seized their weapons and ran out of the town to the top of the hill, and all the slingers kept them from coming up by throwing stones at them. 13 So having taken shelter below the hill, they bound Achior and left him lying at the foot of the hill, and returned to their master.
14 Then the Israelites came down from their town and found him; they untied him and brought him into Bethulia and placed him before the magistrates of their town, 15 who in those days were Uzziah son of Micah, of the tribe of Simeon, and Chabris son of Gothoniel, and Charmis son of Melchiel. 16 They called together all the elders of the town, and all their young men and women ran to the assembly. They set Achior in the midst of all their people, and Uzziah questioned him about what had happened. 17 He answered and told them what had taken place at the council of Holofernes, and all that he had said in the presence of the Assyrian leaders, and all that Holofernes had boasted he would do against the house of Israel. 18 Then the people fell down and worshiped God, and cried out:
19 “O Lord God of heaven, see their arrogance, and have pity on our people in their humiliation, and look kindly today on the faces of those who are consecrated to you.”
20 Then they reassured Achior, and praised him highly. 21 Uzziah took him from the assembly to his own house and gave a banquet for the elders; and all that night they called on the God of Israel for help.1
a?a Other ancient authorities add and to all the Moabites
b?b Gk his
c?c Other ancient authorities add with it
d?d Lat Syr: Gk people
e?e Other ancient authorities add on the top of the hill
1?The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition (Washington, DC: National Council of Churches of Christ, 1993), Jdt 6:1–21.
Revelation From God
The author of Judith is unknown.
The exact date the book was written is unknown, however several scholars believe it was written around 100 BCE.
Its historical range is extraordinary. Within the reign of Nebuchadnezzar (1:1; 2:1), it telescopes five centuries of historical and geographical information with imaginary details. There are references to Nineveh, the Assyrian capital destroyed in 612 B.C., to Nebuchadnezzar, the ruler not of Assyria but of Babylon (605/604–562), and to the second Temple, built around 515. The postexilic period is presumed (e.g., governance by the High Priest). The Persian period is represented by two characters, Holofernes and Bagoas, who appear together in the military campaigns of Artaxerxes III Ochus (358–338); there seem to be allusions to the second-century Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Several mysteries remain: Judith herself, Arphaxad, and others are otherwise unknown. The geographical details, such as the narrow defile into Bethulia (an unidentified town which gives access to the heart of the land), are fanciful. The simple conclusion from these and other details is that the work is historical fiction, written to exalt God as Israel’s deliverer from foreign might, not by an army, but by means of a simple widow.11?New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), Jdt.
This a an inclusive story of a women that saves Israel, much like the story of Deborah in Judges 4:1-24, Judges 5:1-31. This is a fictional story of the Judge Judith, as she could not have lived 500 years. It is designed to show that all people are important in YHWH’s Kingdom, and that YHWH values all, or that Theophilus reigns supreme, Deut 10:18-19, Deut 11:1-32, Deut 13:3, 1 Sa 18:1-5, 2 Sam 9:1-13, John 3:16, John 13:34-35, Rom 5:8, Rom 13:8-10, 1 Co 13:1-13, Eph 5:1-21, 1 Jn 3:11-14, 1 Jn 4:1-21, 1 Jn 5:3!!!!
Inner-biblical references are noteworthy: as God acted through Moses’ hand (Ex 10:21–22; 14:27–30), so God delivers “by the hand of a female,” Judith. Like Jael, who drove a tent peg through the head of Sisera (Jgs 4), Judith kills an enemy general. Like Deborah (Jgs 4–5), Judith “judges” Israel in the time of military crisis. Like Sarah, the mother of Israel’s future (Gn 17:6), Judith’s beauty deceives foreigners, with the result that blessings redound to Israel (Gn 12:11–20). Her Hebrew name means “Jewish woman.” Her exploits captured the imagination of liturgists, artists, and writers through the centuries. The book is filled with double entendres and ironic situations, e.g., Judith’s conversation with Holofernes in 11:5–8, 19, where “my lord” is ambiguous, and her declaration to Holofernes that she will lead him through Judea to Jerusalem (his head goes on such a journey). 11?New American Bible, Revised Edition. (Washington, DC: The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2011), Jdt.
This is a fictional historical writing.
Chapter (6) {(2) YHWH the Son, Christ Jesus, Yeshua Gen 1:3, Rev 22:1-5, times (3) YHWH, the Holy Spirit, Ruach Gen 1:2, Rev 22:17, which is Man, the (6th day), YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia, Gen 1:27-31}!!!! It has (1) Pericope, (Theological Idea), YHWH the Father, YHWH Ab, Zec 14:9, John 17:20-26, Eph 3:14-21, Rev 1:8, Rev 22:13 !!!! There are (20) verses whose sum is (2) YHWH the Son, YHWH Bane, Christ Jesus, YHWH Yeshua, Isa 9:6-7, Isa 53:5, John 1:1-5, Joh 1:14, Joh 1:29, Joh 4:1-15, Joh 8:12, Joh 10:30-34, Joh 14:10-14, Joh 17:20-26, Rev 22:1-5 !!!! (20) is the product of (4) YHWH the Church, YHWH Qahal, Ecclesia, Joh 10:30-38, John 14:1-31, Joh 15:1-27, Joh 17:20-26, Rom 8:9-10, Rom 12:1-8, times (5) The Broken, Rom 3:23, Rev 2:5, The Fallen, Gen 1:4-5, Rev 12:4-9, The Lost, Mat 18:10-14, Joh 10:27-30, The Sinner, Gen 6:16, 1 Ti 1:8-9, The Unbelieving, Luk 15:1-32, John 3:18 !!!!
The purpose of Judith is to shown all, that YHWH includes all in His design and plans and no one is excluded, John 3:16, Matt 19:12!!!!
The purpose of Chapter (6) is to teach man, (6th day), YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia, Gen 1:27-31, to walk in Faith, Enoch 99:10, Tobit 7:1-16, Judith 6:1-20, Eph 2:8-9, Gal 2:15-21, Gal 3:1-29, Gal 5:1-26, Heb 11:1-40, Jas 2:14-26, For YHWH is the only God, Exo 20:1-21, Deut 6:4-8, Enoch 99:10, Tobit 13:4, Tobit 13:15, Judith 6:2, John 3:15-18, John 3:36, Rom 10:9-10!!!!
Exegesis / Hermeneutical
Chapter (6) teaches man, the (6th day), YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia, Gen 1:27-31, to walk in Faith, Enoch 99:10, Tobit 7:1-16, Judith 6:1-20, Eph 2:8-9, Gal 2:15-21, Gal 3:1-29, Gal 5:1-26, Heb 11:1-40, Jas 2:14-26, For YHWH is the only God, Exo 20:1-21, Deut 6:4-8, Enoch 99:10, Tobit 13:4, Tobit 13:15, Judith 6:2, John 3:15-18, John 3:36, Rom 10:9-10!!!!
Bible Study Question
Do You walk in Faith? Do You Walk in the Light?
Light will always overcomes darkness and YHWH will always overcome Satan. We just have to trust and believe and allow YHWH to teach us and guide us. When we do we will walk our faith daily, Enoch 99:10, Tobit 7:1-16, Judith 6:1-20, Eph 2:8-9, Gal 2:15-21, Gal 3:1-29, Gal 5:1-26, Heb 11:1-40, Jas 2:14-26, For YHWH is the only God, Exo 20:1-21, Deut 6:4-8, Enoch 99:10, Tobit 13:4, Tobit 13:15, Judith 6:2, John 3:15-18, John 3:36, Rom 10:9-10!!!!
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