Bible Study 20230620 2Es_12:1-51
Bible Study?20230620??2Es_12:1-51
2Es 12:1?While the lion was saying these words to the eagle, I looked?
2Es 12:2?and saw that the remaining head had disappeared. The two wings that had gone over to it rose up and set themselves up to reign, and their reign was brief and full of tumult.?
2Es 12:3?When I looked again, they were already vanishing. The whole body of the eagle was burned, and the earth was exceedingly terrified. Then I woke up in great perplexity of mind and great fear, and I said to my spirit,?
2Es 12:4?"You have brought this upon me, because you search out the ways of the Most High.?
2Es 12:5?I am still weary in mind and very weak in my spirit, and not even a little strength is left in me, because of the great fear with which I have been terrified tonight.?
2Es 12:6?Therefore I will now entreat the Most High that he may strengthen me to the end."?
2Es 12:7?Then I said, "O sovereign Lord, if I have found favor in your sight, and if I have been accounted righteous before you beyond many others, and if my prayer has indeed come up before your face,?
2Es 12:8?strengthen me and show me, your servant, the interpretation and meaning of this terrifying vision so that you may fully comfort my soul.?
2Es 12:9?For you have judged me worthy to be shown the end of the times and the last events of the times."?
2Es 12:10?He said to me, "This is the interpretation of this vision that you have seen:?
2Es 12:11?The eagle that you saw coming up from the sea is the fourth kingdom that appeared in a vision to your brother Daniel.?
2Es 12:12?But it was not explained to him as I now explain to you or have explained it.?
2Es 12:13?The days are coming when a kingdom shall rise on earth, and it shall be more terrifying than all the kingdoms that have been before it.?
2Es 12:14?And twelve kings shall reign in it, one after another.?
2Es 12:15?But the second that is to reign shall hold sway for a longer time than any other one of the twelve.?
2Es 12:16?This is the interpretation of the twelve wings that you saw.?
2Es 12:17?"As for your hearing a voice that spoke, coming not from the eagle's heads but from the midst of its body, this is the interpretation:?
2Es 12:18?In the midst of the time of that kingdom great struggles shall arise, and it shall be in danger of falling; nevertheless it shall not fall then, but shall regain its former power.
2Es 12:19?As for your seeing eight little wings clinging to its wings, this is the interpretation:?
2Es 12:20?Eight kings shall arise in it, whose times shall be short and their years swift;?
2Es 12:21?two of them shall perish when the middle of its time draws near; and four shall be kept for the time when its end approaches, but two shall be kept until the end.?
2Es 12:22?"As for your seeing three heads at rest, this is the interpretation:?
2Es 12:23?In its last days the Most High will raise up three kings, and they shall renew many things in it, and shall rule the earth?
2Es 12:24?and its inhabitants more oppressively than all who were before them. Therefore they are called the heads of the eagle,?
2Es 12:25?because it is they who shall sum up his wickedness and perform his last actions.?
2Es 12:26?As for your seeing that the large head disappeared, one of the kings shall die in his bed, but in agonies.?
2Es 12:27?But as for the two who remained, the sword shall devour them.?
2Es 12:28?For the sword of one shall devour him who was with him; but he also shall fall by the sword in the last days.?
2Es 12:29?"As for your seeing two little wings passing over to the head which was on the right side,?
2Es 12:30?this is the interpretation: It is these whom the Most High has kept for the eagle's end; this was the reign which was brief and full of tumult, as you have seen.?
2Es 12:31?"And as for the lion whom you saw rousing up out of the forest and roaring and speaking to the eagle and reproving him for his unrighteousness, and as for all his words that you have heard,?
2Es 12:32?this is the Messiah whom the Most High has kept until the end of days, who will arise from the offspring of David, and will come and speak with them. He will denounce them for their ungodliness and for their wickedness, and will display before them their contemptuous dealings.?
2Es 12:33?For first he will bring them alive before his judgment seat, and when he has reproved them, then he will destroy them.?
2Es 12:34?But in mercy he will set free the remnant of my people, those who have been saved throughout my borders, and he will make them joyful until the end comes, the day of judgment, of which I spoke to you at the beginning.?
2Es 12:35?This is the dream that you saw, and this is its interpretation.?
2Es 12:36?And you alone were worthy to learn this secret of the Most High.?
2Es 12:37?Therefore write all these things that you have seen in a book, put it in a hidden place;?
2Es 12:38?and you shall teach them to the wise among your people, whose hearts you know are able to comprehend and keep these secrets.?
2Es 12:39?But as for you, wait here seven days more, so that you may be shown whatever it pleases the Most High to show you." Then he left me.?
2Es 12:40?When all the people heard that the seven days were past and I had not returned to the city, they all gathered together, from the least to the greatest, and came to me and spoke to me, saying,?
2Es 12:41?"How have we offended you, and what harm have we done you, that you have forsaken us and sit in this place??
2Es 12:42?For of all the prophets you alone are left to us, like a cluster of grapes from the vintage, and like a lamp in a dark place, and like a haven for a ship saved from a storm.?
2Es 12:43?Are not the disasters that have befallen us enough??
2Es 12:44?Therefore if you forsake us, how much better it would have been for us if we also had been consumed in the burning of Zion.?
2Es 12:45?For we are no better than those who died there." And they wept with a loud voice. Then I answered them and said,?
2Es 12:46?"Take courage, O Israel; and do not be sorrowful, O house of Jacob;?
2Es 12:47?for the Most High has you in remembrance, and the Mighty One has not forgotten you in your struggle.?
2Es 12:48?As for me, I have neither forsaken you nor withdrawn from you; but I have come to this place to pray on account of the desolation of Zion, and to seek mercy on account of the humiliation of our sanctuary.?
2Es 12:49?Now go to your homes, every one of you, and after these days I will come to you."?
2Es 12:50?So the people went into the city, as I told them to do.?
2Es 12:51?But I sat in the field seven days, as the angel had commanded me; and I ate only of the flowers of the field, and my food was of plants during those days.?
Revelation From God
Although the author is unknown, there is strong evidence that the author is the Chronicler,. In fact one could make a strong case that 2nd Kings, 1st and 2nd Chronicles, 1st and 2nd Esdras, Ezra and Nehemiah are all author by the same author. As the theological purpose are all the same and the style of writing is all the same.?
There are those that believe that 1st and 2nd Esdras are separate writing of a much later period of time, that of the 1 Century, however with Josephus use and treatment of them as be equal to Ezra and Nehemiah places them squarely with the other books author by the Chronicler, in fact strong evidence exist that the Chronicler is the author of 1st and 2nd Esdras, as they where canonical until the Council of Trey in 1545 and are still apart of the Septuagint,?LXX today. In fact 2 Esdras is still widely excepted as Chrisitan Canon, throughout much of the world and it is an expanded vision of Ezra chapter 4.?
GLI takes a stance for an early writing of of 1st and 2nd Esdras, that of the same time as Chronicles around 400 B. C. As they parrel the other books written by the Chronicler
1st and 2nd Esdras?need to be read with less of an eye on History and more of an eye on the Theological point of the writing. Theologically the Chronicler is driving home the point of the restoration of the Church. The Chronicler points all to the fact that we are all (1) in the body of Christ, YHWH the Church, YHWH Qahal, Ecclesia Gen_1:4-5, Gen_1:27-31, Gen_3:22, Exo_34:9, Exo_36:18, Lev_26:42-46, Lev_27:1-34, Deu_18:2, Deu_33:26-29, Jos_13:1-33, 1Sa_18:1-5, 1Ch_28:1-21, 2Ch_3:1-17, 2Ch_4:1-22, 2Ch_5:1-14, 2Ch_6:1-11, 2Ch_30:6-9, Eze_1:1-28, Eze_10:1-22, Eze_40:1-49, Joh_10:30-38, Joh_14:1-31, Joh_15:1-27, Joh_17:20-26, Rom_8:9-10, Rom_12:1-8, 1Co_3:16, 1Co_6:12-20, 1Co_12:1-31, 2Co_5:17-21, 2Co_6:14-18, Col_1:15-19, Eph_2:1-22, Eph_4:1-32, Gal_3:26-28, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Jn_3:11-24, 1Jn_4:7-21, Rev_22:1-21, that all are redeemed, bought back: Luk_15:1-32, Rom_3:23, Rev_2:5, Rev_12:4-9, to the body of Christ, 1Co_12:1-31, 2Co_5:17-21, 2Co_6:14-18, Col_1:15-19, Eph_2:1-22, Eph_4:1-32, Gal_3:26-28, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Jn_3:11-24, 1Jn_4:7-21, Rev_22:1-21 that we are purchased back by the blood of Christ Joh_1:29, Col_1:13-14, Eph_1:7, Heb_13:20-21.?
Ezra was the spiritual leader of Jerusalem and Nehemiah was the political leader. Nehemiah is concerned not only with the restoration of the body of Christ but for the complete and perfect restoration of all, as shown in the completion of the outer walls of Jerusalem.?
The Visions of Ezra related in 2nd Esdras clearly show the Messiah as the savior of the World.?
Please notice that the Chronicler uses the same reference material for 1st and 2nd Kings,?1st and 2nd Chronicles, just like 'The Book of Reigns', the Chronicler uses the same sources to write 1st and 2nd Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and 1st and 2nd Esdras,!!!! The Chronicler was a meticulous historian who carefully utilized official and unofficial documents. Please remember that (9) stand for {(3) YHWH, the Holy Spirit, Ruach Gen_1:2, Rev_22:17, times (3) YHWH, the Holy Spirit, Ruach, Joh_14:15-31, Joh_16:4-15}.
“the book of the annals of King David†(1Ch_27:24),?
“the book of the kings of Israel and Judah†(2Ch_27:7; 2Ch_35:27; 2Ch_36:8),?
“the book of the kings of Judah and Israel†(2Ch_16:11; 2Ch_25:26; 2Ch_28:26; 2Ch_32:32),?
“the book of the kings of Israel†(1Ch_9:1; 2Ch_20:34),?
“the annals of the kings of Israel†(2Ch_33:18),?
“the records of Samuel the seer†(1Ch_29:29),?
“the records of Nathan the prophet†(2Ch_29:29; 2Ch_9:29),?
“the records of Gad the seer†(1Ch_29:29),?
and others (see, e.g., 2Ch_9:29)
Biblical and apocryphal ‘Ezra literature’ consists of three works: the Hebrew Ezra-Nehemiah, regarded by early Jewish tradition as one book; the Greek apocryphal book of the Septuagint; and the Ezra Apocalypse, found first in Latin in the Vulgate. Goodman, Martin; Barton, John; Muddiman, John. The Apocrypha (Oxford Bible Commentary) (p. 185). OUP Oxford. Kindle Edition.?
Josephus uses 1st and 2nd Esdras shows that they are well know and used in the early Christian community but they fell out of favor with mainline Christianity because of Jerome harsh criticism of them and so the Council of Trent 1545-1563 AD, disavow them!!!!
Chapter (12) which is a representation of YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia, it is the (12) Tribes of Israel, or the (12) Apostles.?Its sum is (3) YHWH, the Holy Spirit, Gen_1:2, Rev_22:17. It is the product of (3) YHWH, the Holy Spirit, Joh_14:15-31, Joh_16:4-15 times (4) YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia, Joh_10:30-38, Joh_14:1-31, Joh_15:1-27, Joh_17:20-26!!!! It has (1) Pericope, YHWH the Father, YHWH Ab, Joh_17:20-26, Eph_3:14-21: Rev_1:8, Rev_22:13!!!! There are (51) verse whose sum is (6) {(2) YHWH the Son, Christ Jesus, Yeshua Gen_1:3, Rev_22:1-5, times (3) YHWH, the Holy Spirit, Ruach Gen_1:2, Rev_22:17, which is Man, the (6th day), YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia Gen_1:27-31} !!!! (51) is the product of (7) the perfect completion of creation, Gen_2:2-3, Rev_22:1-21, Christ Jesus in you, 1Co_12:1-31, Eph_2:1-22, times (7) the perfect completion of creation, Gen_2:2-3, Rev_22:1-21, Christ Jesus in you, 1Co_12:1-31, Eph_2:1-22, plus (2) YHWH the Son, YHWH Bane, Christ Jesus, YHWH Yeshua, Isa_9:6-7, Isa_53:5, Joh_1:1-5, Joh_1:14 !!!!
Many call the books of 1st and 2nd Esdras the books of destruction and rebirth, but the clear purpose of 1st and 2nd Esdras is the buying back Luk_15:1-32, Rom_3:23, Rev_2:5, Rev_12:4-9, of the body of Christ, 1Co_12:1-31, 2Co_5:17-21, 2Co_6:14-18, Col_1:15-19, Eph_2:1-22, Eph_4:1-32, Gal_3:26-28, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Jn_3:11-24, 1Jn_4:7-21, Rev_22:1-21 that we are redeemed, purchased back by the blood of Christ Joh_1:29, Col_1:13-14, Eph_1:7, Heb_13:20-21. It is the destruction of sin, repentance, Num_5:5-10, 2Ch_7:14, Neh_9:1-38; Psa_32:5, 1Jn_1:9, Rom_6:12-14, Rev_2:5, Rev_2:20-23, Rev_3:19-22; Rev_9:20-21, that we are made (1) in, YHWH Ab, YHWH Bane, YHWH Ruach, YHWH Qahal, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Church, Gen_1:4-5, Gen_1:27-31, Gen_3:22, Exo_34:9, Exo_36:18, Lev_26:42-46, Lev_27:1-34, Deu_18:2, Deu_33:26-29, Jos_13:1-33, 1Sa_18:1-5, 1Ch_28:1-2, 2Ch_3:1-17, 2Ch_4:1-22, 2Ch_5:1-14, 2Ch_6:1-11, 2Ch_30:6-9, 2Ch_36:22-23, Ezr_1:1-3, Neh_1:9-11, Eze_1:1-28, Eze_10:1-22, Eze_40:1-49, Joh_10:30-38, Joh_14:1-31, Joh_15:1-27, Joh_17:20-26, Rom_8:9-10, Rom_12:1-8, 1Co_3:16, 1Co_6:12-20, 1Co_12:1-31, 2Co_5:17-21, 2Co_6:14-18, Col_1:15-19, Eph_2:1-22, Eph_3:14-21: Eph_4:1-32, Gal_3:26-28, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Jn_3:11-24, 1Jn_4:7-21, Rev_22:1-21!!!!?
and the (2) shall become (1) Married equally yoked as the Body of Christ Jesus, Gen_2:24, Mat_19:5, Mar_10:7-8, Eph_5:31
(1) YHWH the Father, YHWH Ab, Gen_1:1, Exo_3:14-17, Exo_20:1-11, Lev_18:1-6, Lev_22:30-33, Num_15:40-41, Deu_4:32-40, Deu_5:6-15, Deu_6:4-8, Deu_10:14-17, Deu_32:39-40, 1Sa_2:2, 1Ki_18:39, 1Ki_20:13, 1Ki_20:28, Psa_46:10, Isa_41:10, Isa_43:11-12, Isa_45:11-25, Zec_14:9, Joh_17:20-26, Eph_3:14-21: Rev_1:8, Rev_22:13!!!!
(2) YHWH the Son, YHWH Bane, Christ Jesus, YHWH Yeshua, Gen_1:3, Num_24:16-17, Isa_9:6-7, Isa_53:5, Joh_1:1-5, Joh_1:14, Joh_1:29, Joh_4:1-15, Joh_10:30-34, Joh_14:10-14, Joh_17:20-26, Rev_22:1-5.?
(3) YHWH The Holy Spirit, YHWH Ruach Gen_1:2, Exo_31:3, Num_11:16-30, Wis_3:9, Wis_6:17-20, Wis_7:21-30, Isa_11:2,Eze_36:26-27, Eze_37:14, Joh_14:15-31, Joh_16:4-15, Act_1:1-6, Act_2:1-5, Act_2:38, Act_5:32, Act_10:44-48, Rom_8:14-15, Rom_15:13, Rev_22:17!!!!
(4) YHWH the Church, YHWH Qahal, Ecclesia Gen_1:4-5, Gen_1:27-31, Gen_3:22, Exo_34:9, Exo_36:18, Lev_26:42-46, Lev_27:1-34, Deu_18:2, Deu_33:26-29, Jos_13:1-33, 1Sa_18:1-5, 1Ch_28:1-21, 2Ch_3:1-17, 2Ch_4:1-22, 2Ch_5:1-14, 2Ch_6:1-11, 2Ch_30:6-9, 2Ch_36:22-23, Ezr_1:1-3, Neh_1:9-11,?Eze_1:1-28, Eze_10:1-22, Eze_40:1-49, Joh_10:30-38, Joh_14:1-31, Joh_15:1-27, Joh_17:20-26, Rom_8:9-10, Rom_12:1-8, 1Co_3:16, 1Co_6:12-20, 1Co_12:1-31, 2Co_5:17-21, 2Co_6:14-18, Col_1:15-19, Eph_2:1-22, Eph_3:14-21: Eph_4:1-32, Gal_3:26-28, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Jn_3:11-24, 1Jn_4:7-21, Rev_22:1-21!!!!
The Purpose of Chapter (12) is to teach all the only way to salvation, being (1) in the body of, YHWH Ab, YHWH Bane, YHWH Ruach, YHWH Qahal, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Church, Joh_17:20-26, 1Co_12:1-31, Eph_2:1-22, Eph_4:1-32, is through repentance of your sins, Num_5:5-10, 2Ch_7:14, Neh_9:1-38; Psa_32:5, 1Jn_1:9, Rom_6:12-14, Rev_2:5, Rev_2:20-23, Rev_3:19-22; Rev_9:20-21, Declaring YHWH as Lord, Act_16:31, Rom_10:9-10, receiving the Holy Spirit, Joh_14:15-31, Joh_16:4-15, Act_1:1-6, Act_2:1-5, Act_2:38, Act_5:32, Act_10:44-48, Rom_8:14-15, Rom_15:13, Rev_22:17, that you walk in the ways of YHWH, Rom_8:1-17, Gal_5:16-26, Heb_13:15-21, Jas_3:1-18, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Pe_3:1-22, 1Jn_1:6-10, which is THEOPHILUS, GOD'S LOVE, 1Sa_18:1-5, 2Sa_9:1-13, Joh_3:16, Joh_13:34-35, Rom_5:8, Rom_13:8-10, 1Co_13:1-13, Eph_5:1-21, 1Jn_3:11-14, 1Jn_4:7-21, 1Jn_5:3, by Faith Eph_2:8-9, Gal_2:15-21, Gal_3:1-29, Gal_5:1-26, Heb_11:1-40, Jas_2:14-26!!!!
Exegesis / Hermeneutical
?Salvation 2Es_8:1-63 :
Pericope (1), YHWH the Father, YHWH Ab, Joh_17:20-26, Eph_3:14-21: Rev_1:8, Rev_22:13!!!! There are (51) verse whose sum is (6) {(2) YHWH the Son, Christ Jesus, Yeshua Gen_1:3, Rev_22:1-5, times (3) YHWH, the Holy Spirit, Ruach Gen_1:2, Rev_22:17, which is Man, the (6th day), YHWH the Church, Qahal, Ecclesia Gen_1:27-31} !!!! (51) is the product of (7) the perfect completion of creation, Gen_2:2-3, Rev_22:1-21, Christ Jesus in you, 1Co_12:1-31, Eph_2:1-22, times (7) the perfect completion of creation, Gen_2:2-3, Rev_22:1-21, Christ Jesus in you, 1Co_12:1-31, Eph_2:1-22, plus (2) YHWH the Son, YHWH Bane, Christ Jesus, YHWH Yeshua, Isa_9:6-7, Isa_53:5, Joh_1:1-5, Joh_1:14 !!!!
2Es_12:1-30 : We need to repent of Your sins Num_5:5-10, 2Ch_7:14, Neh_9:1-38; Psa_32:5, 1Jn_1:9, Rom_6:12-14, Rev_2:5, Rev_2:20-23, Rev_3:19-22; Rev_9:20-21, Declare YHWH as Lord, Act_16:31, Rom_10:9-10, that we receive the Holy Spirit, Joh_14:15-31, Joh_16:4-15, Act_1:1-6, Act_2:1-5, Act_2:38, Act_5:32, Act_10:44-48, Rom_8:14-15, Rom_15:13, Rev_22:17, and walk in the ways of YHWH, Rom_8:1-17, Gal_5:16-26, Heb_13:15-21, Jas_3:1-18, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Pe_3:1-22, 1Jn_1:6-10, which is THEOPHILUS, GOD'S LOVE, 1Sa_18:1-5, 2Sa_9:1-13, Joh_3:16, Joh_13:34-35, Rom_5:8, Rom_13:8-10, 1Co_13:1-13, Eph_5:1-21, 1Jn_3:11-14, 1Jn_4:7-21, 1Jn_5:3, by Faith Eph_2:8-9, Gal_2:15-21, Gal_3:1-29, Gal_5:1-26, Heb_11:1-40, Jas_2:14-26!!!!
2Es_12:31-38 : Thus we must repent of our sins Num_5:5-10, 2Ch_7:14, Neh_9:1-38; Psa_32:5, 1Jn_1:9, Rom_6:12-14, Rev_2:5, Rev_2:20-23, Rev_3:19-22; Rev_9:20-21, Declare YHWH as Lord, Act_16:31, Rom_10:9-10, that we receive the Holy Spirit, Joh_14:15-31, Joh_16:4-15, Act_1:1-6, Act_2:1-5, Act_2:38, Act_5:32, Act_10:44-48, Rom_8:14-15, Rom_15:13, Rev_22:17, and walk in the ways of YHWH, Rom_8:1-17, Gal_5:16-26, Heb_13:15-21, Jas_3:1-18, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Pe_3:1-22, 1Jn_1:6-10, which is THEOPHILUS, GOD'S LOVE, 1Sa_18:1-5, 2Sa_9:1-13, Joh_3:16, Joh_13:34-35, Rom_5:8, Rom_13:8-10, 1Co_13:1-13, Eph_5:1-21, 1Jn_3:11-14, 1Jn_4:7-21, 1Jn_5:3, by Faith Eph_2:8-9, Gal_2:15-21, Gal_3:1-29, Gal_5:1-26, Heb_11:1-40, Jas_2:14-26!!!! When we do YHWH will forgive us of our sins and grant us Salvation, Psa_32:1, Psa_86:5, Mat_6:14, Mat_18:21-22, Mar_11:25, Luk_6:37, Col_3:13, 1Jn_1:6-9, thus we will receive our full inheritance, Pro_13:22, Rom_8:17, 1Pe_1:4, Rev_20:1-6, Rev_21:1-27, Rev_22:1-21, which is being (1) in the body of, YHWH Ab, YHWH Bane, YHWH Ruach, YHWH Qahal, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Church, Gen_1:4-5, Gen_1:27-31, Gen_3:22, Exo_34:9, Exo_36:18, Lev_26:42-46, Lev_27:1-34, Deu_18:2, Deu_33:26-29, Jos_13:1-33, 1Sa_18:1-5, 1Ch_28:1-2, 2Ch_3:1-17, 2Ch_4:1-22, 2Ch_5:1-14, 2Ch_6:1-11, 2Ch_30:6-9, 2Ch_36:22-23, Ezr_1:1-3, Neh_1:9-11, Eze_1:1-28, Eze_10:1-22, Eze_40:1-49, Joh_10:30-38, Joh_14:1-31, Joh_15:1-27, Joh_17:20-26, Rom_8:9-10, Rom_12:1-8, 1Co_3:16, 1Co_6:12-20, 1Co_12:1-31, 2Co_5:17-21, 2Co_6:14-18, Col_1:15-19, Eph_2:1-22, Eph_3:14-21: Eph_4:1-32, Gal_3:26-28, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Jn_3:11-24, 1Jn_4:7-21, Rev_22:1-21!!!!?
2Es_12:39-51 : Thus the only way to salvation, being (1) in the body of, YHWH Ab, YHWH Bane, YHWH Ruach, YHWH Qahal, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Church, Joh_17:20-26, 1Co_12:1-31, Eph_2:1-22, Eph_4:1-32, is through repentance of your sins, Num_5:5-10, 2Ch_7:14, Neh_9:1-38; Psa_32:5, 1Jn_1:9, Rom_6:12-14, Rev_2:5, Rev_2:20-23, Rev_3:19-22; Rev_9:20-21, Declaring YHWH as Lord, Act_16:31, Rom_10:9-10, receiving the Holy Spirit, Joh_14:15-31, Joh_16:4-15, Act_1:1-6, Act_2:1-5, Act_2:38, Act_5:32, Act_10:44-48, Rom_8:14-15, Rom_15:13, Rev_22:17, that you walk in the ways of YHWH, Rom_8:1-17, Gal_5:16-26, Heb_13:15-21, Jas_3:1-18, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Pe_3:1-22, 1Jn_1:6-10, which is THEOPHILUS, GOD'S LOVE, 1Sa_18:1-5, 2Sa_9:1-13, Joh_3:16, Joh_13:34-35, Rom_5:8, Rom_13:8-10, 1Co_13:1-13, Eph_5:1-21, 1Jn_3:11-14, 1Jn_4:7-21, 1Jn_5:3, by Faith Eph_2:8-9, Gal_2:15-21, Gal_3:1-29, Gal_5:1-26, Heb_11:1-40, Jas_2:14-26!!!!
Chapter (12) teaches all the only way to salvation, being (1) in the body of, YHWH Ab, YHWH Bane, YHWH Ruach, YHWH Qahal, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Church, Joh_17:20-26, 1Co_12:1-31, Eph_2:1-22, Eph_4:1-32, is through repentance of your sins, Num_5:5-10, 2Ch_7:14, Neh_9:1-38; Psa_32:5, 1Jn_1:9, Rom_6:12-14, Rev_2:5, Rev_2:20-23, Rev_3:19-22; Rev_9:20-21, Declaring YHWH as Lord, Act_16:31, Rom_10:9-10, receiving the Holy Spirit, Joh_14:15-31, Joh_16:4-15, Act_1:1-6, Act_2:1-5, Act_2:38, Act_5:32, Act_10:44-48, Rom_8:14-15, Rom_15:13, Rev_22:17, that you walk in the ways of YHWH, Rom_8:1-17, Gal_5:16-26, Heb_13:15-21, Jas_3:1-18, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Pe_3:1-22, 1Jn_1:6-10, which is THEOPHILUS, GOD'S LOVE, 1Sa_18:1-5, 2Sa_9:1-13, Joh_3:16, Joh_13:34-35, Rom_5:8, Rom_13:8-10, 1Co_13:1-13, Eph_5:1-21, 1Jn_3:11-14, 1Jn_4:7-21, 1Jn_5:3, by Faith Eph_2:8-9, Gal_2:15-21, Gal_3:1-29, Gal_5:1-26, Heb_11:1-40, Jas_2:14-26!!!!
Bible Study Question
Do you know what Salvation is and how to obtain it??
Salvation is being (1) in the body of, YHWH Ab, YHWH Bane, YHWH Ruach, YHWH Qahal, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Church, Joh_17:20-26, 1Co_12:1-31, Eph_2:1-22, Eph_4:1-32, and the only way to obtain it, is through repentance of your sins, Num_5:5-10, 2Ch_7:14, Neh_9:1-38; Psa_32:5, 1Jn_1:9, Rom_6:12-14, Rev_2:5, Rev_2:20-23, Rev_3:19-22; Rev_9:20-21, Declaring YHWH as Lord, Act_16:31, Rom_10:9-10, receiving the Holy Spirit, Joh_14:15-31, Joh_16:4-15, Act_1:1-6, Act_2:1-5, Act_2:38, Act_5:32, Act_10:44-48, Rom_8:14-15, Rom_15:13, Rev_22:17, that you walk in the ways of YHWH, Rom_8:1-17, Gal_5:16-26, Heb_13:15-21, Jas_3:1-18, 1Pe_1:13-25, 1Pe_3:1-22, 1Jn_1:6-10, which is THEOPHILUS, GOD'S LOVE, 1Sa_18:1-5, 2Sa_9:1-13, Joh_3:16, Joh_13:34-35, Rom_5:8, Rom_13:8-10, 1Co_13:1-13, Eph_5:1-21, 1Jn_3:11-14, 1Jn_4:7-21, 1Jn_5:3, by Faith Eph_2:8-9, Gal_2:15-21, Gal_3:1-29, Gal_5:1-26, Heb_11:1-40, Jas_2:14-26!!!!