The bible society and their hate of Islam
Recently I have received the link to the Bible society who explains very sophistically why Muslims should be eradicated as race. I have two Christian friends in America who sent it to me as their reason why they hate Muslims.
- The first American friend sent me the link and advised me to just enjoy life and do not defend Muslims. I may not be right. I am not one of them after all and just enjoy the Australian sunshine. This is my answer to her:
Yes very true my dear friend. We can only try to do the right thing according to our own best judgment. Let me tell you the story. My father was living in a communist country. He was given a choice to close his eyes to injustice what was happening to his neighbours who were branded enemies of the state and lynched because of it. He could just walk in sunshine and enjoy what was still good yes? But he expressed his own position about the issue and become the voice of those who lost their voice! It is always our choice after all:) Enjoy the sunshine my friend, I like it too:) Just sometimes it is hard to see the sun when I see my Muslim neighbour next door being treated inhumanly because of recent reassuring anti-muslim sentiment. I watch it and think what my father would have done...
2. The second friend asked me to read the Biblical Society interpretation of Islam and give him my view on the issue. This is my reply to him:
My dear friend, I have read your interpretation of Sharia Law as written and patched together by the Christian biblical Society. They wrote it in the way you write your scientific thesis on the spread of plague around the world and what you have to do to stop it (kill the virus at its start and wash your hands and pat yourself on the back after because you stopped the deadly infection before it spreads. OH SORRY DON"T FORGET TO PRAY TOO!
The Christian biblical society are masters now to write their thesis like this, the pope in the 11 century used the thesis like very well spoken including also the common use of removing internal organs of Muslims while they been still alive! Apparently that was part of Sharia Law too at that time! So it looks it could be alternated at least with the little hep from well educated and articulate Christians to spread anti muslim sentiments. Pope promised he will bless everyone who kill Muslims.
From this biblical explanation I could see nothing has changed and Christians still bless each other doing God's work when they can harm Muslims yes? Because they used propaganda wrapped in the very convincing scientifically clean and purposeful terminology the reason to eradicate the VIRUS!
Spanish inquisitions wrote thousands of very cleverly crafted thesis why we need to eradicate the evil virus at its cause and why it is important to burn people without distinctions children, women even with unborn babies in their bellies in the sight of evil mark on their bodies.
German protestants in Hitler's time wrote similar thesis on the Jewish practices to explain the reason for their quick and total eradication. They have seen Jews as VIRUS TOO!
Christian Slave owners wrote similar thesis on the explanation of the use of the black market and treating blacks like animals even killing them on their whim. The Christians in Ku-klux-Klan robes followed in their footsteps after the end of slavery and keep killing blacks because they seen them equally as the biblical society above see Muslims, not as humans but a virus or black spot on white human race!
Even recent Amerrican president Bush wrote very convincing thesis why it is important to kill civilians in Iraq and all Muslims because we will do God's work to stop act of evil.
What I wanted to say you can explain the reason of killing the whole nations in one very clever written article if your main purpose is to SPREAD HATE AND MISINFORMATION. IF YOU TAKE EMOTIONS OUT OF THE EQUATION AND START to see people as inhuman or subhuman it is easier to explain the reason to kill them!
WHAT IS VERY IRONIC TO ME IS THE SAME CHRISTIANS PRAY TO THEIR GOD EVERY DAY AND REPEAT HIS WORDS: 'Treat your neighbour as you would like to be treated yourself!'
As an example to what they have done I can do the same in the short version with Christian religion because what they have done with the Sharia Law that was part of the Muslim religious history like 'Inquisition' was part of Christian religious history THEY TOOK THE EXTREME OF MUSLIM RELIGION THAT WAS PRACTISED in the past just like Inquisition was practised in the past.
The difference is the inquisition is finished or nearly finished because its practices still are revived in South America and Asia (especially Philippines) but Sharia Law was renewed by Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan (what your biblical society likes to omit!) and Iraq later AS THEIR ANSWER TO AMERICAN INVASION!
'They say incorrectly about the number of Islam countries where it is practised. And also even if it is practised in some part of the country it is usually small part of the country that is remote. It is also absolutely incorrect what they have done listing all the Sharia Law practices some never been practically used just mentioned in Islam holy books somewhere. It is absolutely incorrect also that the countries that keep strict Islamic rules in their countries to this day practise Sharia Law.
Inquisition Law
Inquisition law is the law of Bible. The Inquisition law was written down as the practical interpretation of the God's words for every day use by ministerial office of the papal ordinance. Inquisition law itself cannot be altered, but the interpretation of Inquisition law, agreed on by papal jurists is given some latitude.
As a legal system, Inquisition law is exceptionally broad. While other legal codes regulate public behavior, Inquisition law regulates public behavior, private behavior, and even private beliefs. Compared to other legal codes, Inquisition law also prioritizes punishment over rehabilitation, and the penalties under Inquisition law favor corporal and capital punishments over incarceration. Of all legal systems in the world, Inquisition law is the most intrusive and restrictive, especially against women (see below).
According to Inquisition law (see links for details):
? Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Papal law).
? Criticizing or denying any part of the Bible is punishable by death.
? Criticizing God or denying him is punishable by death.
? Criticizing or denying Jesus his son is punishable by death (see Papal law).
? A Christian who becomes a Muslim is punishable by death (See Papal law).
? A Muslim who leads a Christian away from God is punishable by death (See Papal law)
? A Christian man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death (See Papal law)
? A girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s) if they are part of church (see Papal law)
? A woman or girl who alleges rape without producing 4 male witnesses is guilty of adultery. (see Papal law)
? A male convicted of rape can have his conviction dismissed by marrying his victim (see Papal law)
? A woman can have 1 husband, who can have up to 4 wives; (still practises in many Christian sects)
? A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old (still practised by Christians in South America and Asia and Africa)
? Girls' clitoris should be cut (still practised in Africa even by Christians as part of regional custom)
? A man can beat his wife for insubordination (still practises by Christians in Europe wildly recently in Russia men i is protected by law doing so, Russian are orthodox Christians).
? A man can unilaterally divorce his wife; a wife needs her husband's consent to divorce.(Still practised in Asia and South America and Africa by Christian couples)
? A divorced wife loses custody of all children over 6 years of age or when they exceed it (Still practised in Asia and South America and Africa by Christian couples, even in Eastern Europe even wife was seen as unfaithful)
? A woman's testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ? the weight of a man's.(Still practised in all the countries mentioned above and in the Eastern Europe and Russia it is widely spread)
? A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits (still practised in all the countries mentioned above and in the Eastern Europe and Russia it is widely spread).
? A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.(still practised in all the countries mentioned above to lesser or higher degree depending on regional custom)
? Meat to eat must come from animals that have been sacrificed to God (Slav practices that are still used in Eastern Europe as they prefer to kill their own animals by their own hands for their use especially pigs)
? Christians should engage with unbelievers and lie to unbelievers if necessary to spread christianity to heathens (papal law for missionaries to new colonies it is advised that God's words to heathens can be modified in any ways for heathens to see the light)
The Inquisition Law is the part of the Papal Law used by Vatican to this day. The parts of the Inquisition Law is still used in Asia and South America and Africa. The examples of children killed by men in cloth because of the mental problems that can not be explained or unusual marks on their bodies is still in occurrence in our century. The men in cloth that performed it are protected by Vatican and are transported to Vatican without being charged by civil law of the country. Girls and boys who are raped by men of cloth are also without any legal protection and the men of cloth are transported to Vatican without trial. Women are still physically and emotionally and financially abused by Christians all over the world and in some countries like Russia, it has become part of the law that allows it.
Which countries use Inquisition law?
Spanish aspired Inquisition law is still common in the previous Spanish colonies of South America. But as detailed below, the Inquisition law is also used in full or in part, nationally or regionally in:
Russia France Brazil Spain Romania Slovakia San Salvador Argentina Israel Austria Germany Czech Republic Poland Philipines Croatia Hercegovina Peru Serbia Latvia The Netherlands Canada Belarus Chile Guatemala Bulgaria Ukraine Norway Australia Slovenia Uzbekistan Finland United States (USA) Monte Negro Turkmenistan Sweden United Kingdom (UK) Bosnia Tajikistan New Zealand Portugal Switzerland Salvador
In the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and other European countries that resist the Inquisition law, it has proven adept at infiltrating elements of the society that are left vulnerable (see extreme christian sects in America and Pope's protection of men of cloth in the western countries).
Percent of Christians who favor making Inquisiton the official law in their country (source: South American forum Research). In many countries where an official secular legal system exists alongside the Inquisition law, the majority of their catholic citizens favor making Inquisition the official law. For example, while punishing underaged because of their low mental capacity or emotional disturbance is legalised as crime by law many deeply religious people in San Salvador prefer the papal law and would like it to become as part of the civil law. Another example while punishing christian women who prefer to marry Muslim in Philippines by physical punishment is seen by majority there as the papal law working alongside of the civil law.
The number of countries penetrated by Inquisition law continues to grow, as does the depth of its penetration in the countries already affected. This penetration is not by happenstance; it is managed to occur in five phases: see Spread of Christianity and the main reasons to Stop Christianity.
Inquisition Law. Crimes of Priests. Holy Crusades. Stop Christianity. Dark Ages. Vatican and Civil Law. Christian treatment of natives. Spanish Inquisition. Quran vs. Bible. Violent enforcement of Christianity in new colonies, Errors in Bible. Puritanism in America. War against Islam Refugees. Violent Christian sects in America. Colonisation. Mistreatment of women. Amish and their mistreatment of women. Women forced to become Nuns. Women in 60s in America (marry, be good housewife, look pretty for your husband's boss and pray). No Compulsion Religion. Forced removal of babies or unmarried mothers in the name of God. Slavery. Heathens and Christians. Adultery punished by death ordered by church. Hitler as Christian. Israel killing Palestinians in the name of God. Removal of babies and banishment from society for Christian women on the order of priests. Physical abuse by husbands legalised in Russia last year in accordance with the Orthodox Church laws.