Paul Levine
Commercial Realtor and Real Estate Advisor | Retired CPA with over 50 years of income tax experience that no other Commercial Realtor has, Income Tax Consultant and unmatched Creatively!
Every morning, I get up and post an article on Facebook and LinkedIn, and I have been doing this for about four years now. They are all concerned with different subjects but have one common theme: REAL ESTATE.? I will discuss why real estate is a good investment when you want cash flow, appreciation, and excellent income tax benefits.? And there are so many different real estate investments that you can make that unless someone leads you down the “YELLOW BRICK ROAD,” you will not know all of your alternatives.? There are the more common types of real estate investments, such as multifamily housing, office buildings, warehouses, etc. Then, there are more esoteric investments that not a lot of people know about and don’t know how they work, and cannabis farms or stores are an example of them.
What I am attempting to accomplish here is to let the novice real estate investor know what investments there are and the benefits and pitfalls of some of these investments.? Investors who do not want to take a high risk want to stay away from certain real estate investments, like cannabis farms, and those who want to feel very safe with their investment and return want to lean toward NNN Leases because you have HUGE corporations backing the lease of a fast-food chain like a McDonalds.
Investors look for three things when investing in real estate: cash flow, appreciation, and income tax benefits. Certain real estate investments will give you different benefits, like self-storage facilities generating fantastic cash flow but not the appreciation that a sizeable multifamily housing unit will give you. Cash flow, ordinary income, is taxed at higher rates than capital gains from the beautiful appreciation that an apartment complex will give you.
Since I wrote and posted these articles a long while ago, I have been educated, even though I thought that I knew everything. ??(Ha, Ha, Ha!!!) You can set up care facilities for adult people with special needs.? You cannot set them up; you need the US to set them up.? My partner, Fred Sams, is licensed to do this.? I will go into greater detail later in this program, but suffice it to say that these facilities throw off insane amounts of cash flow while also giving you a nice amount of appreciation that will be taxed at the beneficial capital gains rates, and you will also get some excellent income tax write-offs when you purchase the facilities.? We do everything for you in setting up the facility, and you get a turnkey operation with its own administrator.? Not a bad deal if you ask me!!!