Bible Journaling: Numbers 16
Numbers 16 is a chapter of rebellion. In this chapter we see some prominent leaders inciting a rebellion against Moses and Aaron, placing themselves on equal footing with these two men selected by God. What was at play here, was jealousy and a lust for power. These men did not seek God's will - they simply used service to God as a ploy to gain power. When they got the people to back them, God's anger was aroused. If Moses had not intervened, God would have destroyed the whole nation on the spot. As it were, only the rebels were destroyed when the ground opened up and swallowed them alive. The very next day, even after witnessing this, the people again rebelled against Moses and Aaron, blaming them for what had happened. Moses again had to intervene when God smote the people with a plague, but not before 14 700 people had succumbed. I journaled this page in red as a reminder of the deaths suffered, but also as a reminder of the love of the leader for his people and the grace of God. I added a number of stickers dealing with prayer, because of the intercessory prayer that occurs so frequently in the chapter.
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