Bible Journaling: Numbers 10 & 11
In Numbers 10, we find out the details of how the Israelites went about setting up camp, and breaking it down to move on. We also find that this is where Moses parts ways with his brother-i-law, on his wife's side. It is a very tranquil chapter, in stark contrast to chapter 11, where we encounter a lot of complaining. First, it is the Israelites who complain, and a number of them are destroyed by fire. The the foreigners among them complain about the manna. At this point Moses becomes very despondent, wishing to die himself. The Lord first addresses Moses' problem, by appointing 70 leaders to assist him in dealing with the people. I love the description of how God's Spirit comes down on these 70 leaders. Then the Lord sends quail for the assembly to eat, but His anger is aroused at their gluttony and a number die with the meat between their teeth. After this, they peacefully move on again. There was not much to do in terms of original journaling for these two pages, as there were printed illustrations in both margins. This left me with freedom to lift out some of my favourite passages.
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