Bible Exposition:  Luke11 vv 20-28

Bible Exposition: Luke11 vv 20-28

Luke 11:20-26

 Holman Christian Standard Bible

20 If I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you. 

DLim: Note that Jesus did not and does not drive out demons(a kind of evil spirits) by the written word the Bible.

The finger of God did not just write on stone tablets.

It expresses the Power and Authority of God Almighty.

It represents the Sovereignty of the Kingdom of God.


21 When a strong man, fully armed, guards his estate, his possessions are secure.[ Lit his possessions are in peace

DLim: Strong men are for Sovereignty, Kingdom, and fighting, wars.

Weak men are for domination by others.

A strong man has bodily power to be armed, even fully armed. He is able to guard his estate and possessions. But modern evil societies nurture weak men and work to develop sense of equality in them.

Weak men do not equate strong men. That is why strong men are mentioned particularly.

Satan the Devil is represented as a strong man. He is able to fight and guard.

The believers of Jesus need to train themselves to be strong. We need to serve God effectively.

DLim: Peace is security. Pacifism is not security. Luke 11v21-22 speaks of war between Jesus and Satan. Pacifism is an ideal against war.


22 But when one stronger than he attacks and overpowers him, he takes from him all his weapons[Gk panoplia, the armor and weapons of a foot soldier; Eph 6:11,13] he trusted in, and divides up his plunder. 

DLim: Weapons are things we take when we are victorious. Evil weapons are not discarded because they look bad or ugly.

Gk panoplia, the armor and weapons of a foot soldier; Eph 6:11,13

DLim: This verse and word for weapons echo the spiritual weapons or armor of God in Eph6 while Eph6 reminds us the importance of putting on the full armor of God, speaking against Pacifism with military terms. We need weapons because we are involved in fighting wars.

Satanic armies also rely on weapons. And we should fight to disarm them and take their weapons(such as lies, falsehood, gossip, manipulation of justice systems, fake news, censorship).

23 Anyone who is not with Me is against Me, and anyone who does not gather with Me scatters.

DLim: In Britain many love to protect and gather in Anglicans. They claim these are not against Jesus, and them and Christians, and therefore they are for us believers and the Church. In fact Anglicans only partially believe the truth, and they believe in lots of lies and evils as well. They fellowship with Anglo Catholics and Liberals under the same roofs. They claim Apostolic Succession which is a lie. Anglo Catholics are Catholics in the British camp of Anglican Communion. They live in the sins and errors of the RCC. They would hate Reformers and Transformers.

DLim: Note that this verse does not tell us anyone who is not completely with Jesus is for Jesus. It does not tell us anyone who is partially with Jesus is for Jesus. And it does not tell us anyone who does scatter a bit is with Jesus.

RCs and Anglicans scatter the truth and the believers from time to time. They plant and enforce lies and evil practices such as Trans-substantiation, Confirmation, Apostolic Succession, Tradition, and Ecumenical Movement. They scatter.


An Unclean Spirit’s Return

24 “When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it roams through waterless places looking for rest, and not finding rest, it then[Other mss omit then] says, ‘I’ll go back to my house where I came from.’ 

DLim: While Steve Quayle keeps on teaching from book of Enoch that demons are disembodied giants, Nephilim, demons are also spirits that are evil; they are evil spirits as well. They possess people. They dwell in people.

Now, we are taught that they even dwell in internet and machines.

I had forced evil spirits out and block them in internet via software code invoking the Name of Jesus.

Cast demons out and block them first, with or without doubt. Ask questions later.

No water means no life. There are lifeless spiritual realms.

Unclean spirits move to and fro.

Daniel 12:4

“But you, Daniel, keep these words secret and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will roam about, and knowledge will increase.”

DLim: We are at the time when many roam about, to and fro, especially on the internet, even under pandemic lockdown.

Knowledge has increased. A lot of scholars have many Doctorate Degrees under their belt.


25 And returning, it finds the house swept and put in order. 

DLim: Return and check. Even an evil spirit would search things out, scout about, to see if things match criteria. Do not be lazy and leave things unchecked.

26 Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and settle down there.

As a result, that man’s last condition is worse than the first.”

DLim: Spirits have commonwealth and fellowship as well. Communes can live without a person.

Evil can multiply.

You do not always have luck to have helpers to get rid of your evil spirits and evil state. Be holy and rely on God.


Luke 11:27-28

 Holman Christian Standard Bible

True Blessedness

27 As He was saying these things, a woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, “The womb that bore You and the one who nursed You are blessed!”

DLim:  Some RCs claim the Virgin Mary (aka: Madonna) was worshipped by the Church even as early as 2nd Century AD.

No doubt there was an early following.

Right here in Scripture, in Luke 11 we have a Mary worship: a woman shouted out that the womb that bore Jesus, that of Mary, and the one who nursed Jesus, that was Mary, is blessed. So, there is the worship of blessed Mary here. This is not approved by Lord Jesus Christ.

28 He said, “Even more, those who hear the word of God and keep it are blessed!”

DLim: Jesus continued to tell people, including His believers, followers, that even more blessed are those who hear the word of God, not just read the written word of God, and keep it, are blessed!

Here Jesus has taken down Mary worship; removed its priority, and teaches the greater importance of keeping the word of God, His direction and command.

On 10 Jan 2021 evening, news came that RC Pope was arrested for more than 10 counts of child trafficking. This news and event can bring the RCC down, and people wanted to cover up this news. People think that the biggest Religion of the World should not be destroyed.

I received news that this current RC Pope was preparing to retire this Monday 11 Jan 2021. I guess it could be that news came to him that people were coming to arrest him.

The last RC Pope was retired and not dead yet also had news reaching me that some people were coming to arrest him for his crimes. And that to avoid capture he retired and hid in the Vatican to date.

People are so wicked.

RCs are so wicked in keeping their Popes and their evil Religion.


DLim: You want to keep the Word of God? Or you want to keep tradition(church history) and church teaching?

You want to be holy in Christ Jesus, or you want to follow your sins and the World?


In Communist World, Islamic World, Satanic totalitarian World, 司法獨立 independent legal system – does not mean separate and different legal systems. It means more of the same evil.

In the Christian World, claiming to be 1 same church of Jesus does not mean 1 harmonious God centered Church. Most often it means you are forced or expected to follow a denominational church even that this denomination may claim to be friendly, loving, Bible-centered, Biblical, Reformed, inter-denominational, universal, God ordained, anointed, all encompassing, inclusive, even democratic.

-=-==- I love my transformed faith.

I listen to God, the Holy Spirit, while ready with what ability given to deal with satans. In history, believing in God is not a gold medal to halt death. Those who fear death ought to pray God and entreat God for a nice way out. Relying on a passport to heaven is stupidity and steering oneself away from God.


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