Bible Code - KLYSTAR
In this Dark Age that the world is clouded, KLYSTAR was prophesied in the sacred Torah to descent on GOD Right Hand to Earth. Divine mission to divide the Evil Stupid Ones from the GOoD Wise Ones, preparing the Paths to Hell and Heaven for each.
COVID pandemic was just the seed of sins infected upon humanity, and the treasonous insurrection to topple the greatest of our democracy is the bait to bring out the Racist Dumbasses, which it has. Despite the FACTS (video and arrests), these Evil Stupid Ones are so mindlessly stupid that some (the Dumbest of the Dumb) have even publicly tried to blame BLACKS for WHITE Crimes, and even China!
I am thankful that many of the Wise Ones from my fellow academic researchers around the world is reading the KLYSTAR prophecies of the coming New World.
The GOoD Wise Ones will evolve to higher advanced State of Consciousness and Being to prepare them to explore the Outer Stars and Inner Spirits. The Evil Stupid Ones will be left behind with the rest of the Dumb Beasts.