Bible Business Principle
John 19:30 “When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, He said, It is finished: and He bowed His head and gave up the ghost.”
J. Oswald Sanders once said, “The test of leadership is the accomplishment of its objective.” As I read the final 3 words on the cross this is what I see, Christ achieving His objective. He finished what He came to do, nothing was left undone. He passed the final test of leadership.
Many would look at Christ’s life and not be able to see success. He lived in a very limited sphere of influence most of His life. Most of his followers turned back from following Him and He was so despised by the religious crowd of His day that they demanded a criminal be set free and Christ crucified. But He knew His purpose and set His face like a flint to get to the cross.
Here is a big question, do you know your purpose? Do you have an objective, a goal that is your main focus? It could be leading an organization, teaching a class, leading a team, raising children or you just fill in the blank. You were allowed to live on the planet to do something big, maybe not big in the eyes of others but big in the eyes of God. Find that purpose and commit to it with all of your heart and soul.
When Paul got to the end of his life he was able to say, “I have finished my course.” That is my hope and I would hope that it is yours, that that when you take the final test of the leadership of your life that you will be able to say, “I have achieved my objective.” “I finished my course.”