Bible Business Principal
I Timothy 3:7 “Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without…”
For those desiring a leadership position think about the qualifications we have looked at this week. How do you measure up? Those closest to you know you best and can tell you what they have seen from you as far as how you have measured up to these qualifications. Listen to them and grow from their advice and counsel.
The last piece of advice that Paul gives to Timothy as he looks for leaders is to look and listen to “them which are without.” What do people that watch the leadership candidate from a distance say about them?
Many times those that are close to us are unable to see our character flaws and areas of lack. They care so much about us that they are blinded to attitudes and actions that would hamper our ability to develop and lead others. For this reason we should hear what those that are looking form a distance see in the individual.
For those desiring to be a leader, get an honest assessment of someone that knows you from afar, someone that has seen you in action in short snippets and does not have a close relationship with you. These individuals can see things sometimes that those closest miss.
What is the opinion of those that know you from a distance about your character, your integrity, your work ethic, your temperament? Do they feel you are “apt to teach”? Would they give you a “good report”?