Bible Business Principal
Leviticus 18:2 “Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, I am the LORD your God.”
When God spoke to Moses, asking him to go to Pharaoh and demand that he let Israel go into the wilderness to worship, Moses had a fear that the people would not listen. He asked the question of God, “Whom shall I say sent me?” and God’s answer was simple – “I AM”.
God was telling Moses to remind the unbelieving Pharaoh that whether or not he believed in God was not the issue, the issue was that HE WAS. It was not the fact that God was with Israel in the past, He still was and always would be. I AM!
With all of the struggles that Moses had with Pharaoh believing, the bigger struggle he had was getting the children of Israel to not lose faith! A bigger problem yet was having Moses keep his faith in the living God.
Over and over again in the Pentateuch, (the first 5 books of the Bible), God refers to Himself to Moses, using the words, IAM. He kept reminding Moses to remind the children of Israel that He was.
I would like to remind you today, as God reminded Moses, God is! He many not speak to you out of a burning bush or on cloud enshrouded mountain, but He is just as much today as He was in Moses’ day.
The name, I AM, not only refers to God as still being, but it refers to His still being what He has always been. He will always be what he was. Malachi 3:6 says, “For I am the Lord, I change not”.
Have confidence today that God is, and He is the same, and He cares about what is happening in your life!