Bible Business Principal
Philippians 3:13b “this one thing I do…”
What is the one thing that you do? What is the one thing that you excel at? What is the one thing that you want? If you know what it is, why aren’t you doing it to the best of your ability?
I know a lot of people that dabble in a ton of things. They are jack of all trades and masters of none. Don’t be that person. Find the one thing that you are truly passionate about and throw yourself at it. Give all that you have to it and become the best that you can at it.
Paul’s one thing was sharing the good news of the gospel with those who had never heard. He was consumed with it. When he was stoned and at the point of death he got up and did what he felt his calling was.
I have never been a person who was wild about swimming in a swimming pool. I like warm water and anything under 85 degrees is cold when you first get in. I do know that the best way to adjust to the cool water is to jump in. If you are ever really going to accomplish anything meaningful in this life you have to jump in, lock stock and barrel.
Do you have that one thing? Find it and find the meaning and purpose for your life!