Bhojana Reeti
S Ainavolu
| Teacher of Management | Certified Ind. Director | Power, Infra, and Education | SDGs Believer | Tradition & Culture Educator |
Bhojana refers to the sacred food we consume to ensure body parts, mind, soul functioning in this ‘container’. Reeti is the method. Food goes in and gets converted into different dhatus to ensure the body and mind work in alignment and hold the soul.
Regarding bhojana, the basic questions of why, what, when, and how are often not well understood. ‘Why’ we need food is answered as, for very maintenance of the body and mind. Such functioning needs energy, and this energy comes from bhojana one consumes. Next question is what has to be consumed? Ahara niyamas are well laid out in the tradition. We heard ‘ati sarvatra varjayet’, always avoid excess. Bhojana is of ‘shad-ruchis’ or of six taste combination. The right proportion changes with the season. Sweet/Sour and Hot(chilly)/Salty are well known. Bitter’s example is gourd or neem. The sixth that is not well-known taste, early stage raw veggy taste which is woody/basic. From the sustainability and health perspectives, what should be consumed is clear, and that is vegetarian. Bhojanam prepared before three hours should not be consumed, so also which is excessively ‘roasted’.
Method is also as important as the ‘padartha’. For instance, ghee is said to be good for the normally healthy persons. But if the raw milk fats are collected and sold as ghee, it harms rather than helps. The milk has to be made turned into curd, and churning process gives accumulated fats that are to be heated on low temperature for hours. This gives the real ‘sneha’/‘ghritam’ (ghee).
When bhojana has to be consumed is also mentioned. Three-time meal for the hard working is justified but not for all. Similarly, eating light in the later phase of the day (evening hours) is recommended. Fasting on a certain day of the fortnight (Ekadashi) is another recommended practice. Lastly, how bhojana has to be consumed is, sitting on the floor in Sukhasana, keeping the lap spread wide, and eating from the plate/leave kept on floor. The muscle sensors feel the movement, get a sense of quantum of intake, and the right signals go to the brain on ‘when to stop’.
We become what we consume, both physically and energy wise. Thus, maintaining the control on all consumption is required.