Is Bhagavad Gita only a spiritual text?
The Bhagavad Gita contains wisdom of infinity and it can be looked at through various lenses.
In this brief post, I want to share few perspectives. I hope that it helps more people connect to this wisdom and benefit from it in their day to day life.
1. Gita is a coaching conversation between Krishna and Arjuna
Gita starts with Arjuna being in a confused and dis-empowered state.
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"I am confused about my duty, and am besieged with anxiety and faintheartedness."
Through a dialogue between the two spanning 18 chapters and 700 verses, Arjuna eventually arrives at a place of clarity and strength. He is ready to act.
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"O Infallible One, by Your grace my illusion has been dispelled, and I am situated in knowledge. I am now free from doubts, and I shall act according to Your instructions."
2. Gita is applied psychology
In chapter 6 Krishna tells Arjuna that your own mind is your best friend and your own mind is your enemy.
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"Mind can be the friend and also the enemy of the self."
The patterns running in our subconscious rule our life. It's like a software. A good one adds value to you and helps you. A buggy one creates more problems than it solves.
To the extent we can discover the bugs by bringing it to awareness, we have choice in the matter for eliminating it or replacing it with something powerful.
3. Gita is the art of living
The Gita reveals the secret of living - the transition from resisting to being a "conductor" of life. Allowing life to pass through freely.
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"Only be an instrument of My work, O expert archer"
Source of verses and translations: