BFFs could be your new Best Friends Forever!
Lovee Jain
Senior Software Engineer | Google Developer Expert | Women Techmakers Ambassador | GDG Melbourne Organiser
Confused? Well, I was too when I first heard from my manager that let's work on BFF this quarter. That day he often mentioned this term and me being a novice - all I could think was Best Friends Forever, but how to implement it in a tech company?! :D Finally I gathered some courage to ask about it in a meeting and thank god I did as many of us had a vague idea of what that really is.
Well, in simpler times there used to be just one frontend served by one backend - nice and easy, but with time as technology grew - a lot of frontend devices and channels came into the picture. All of these frontend devices/channels are still being served by the same single backend making it a monolith!
Over the past few years, many companies have been trying to get rid of this monolithic structure by breaking it down into multiple microservices but the problem is not easy to solve. These frontend devices or channels have specialised needs and there needs to be a lot of data processing and manipulation done at the frontend level to be able to utilise the data that is received from the backend services. Solution?? BFFs!!
Backends for Frontends are a thin layer between your backend and your frontend to act as a custom backend layer per user experience. They exist so that all the processing and manipulation that was happening earlier at the frontend level, can now be separated out to this thin layer, making your frontend lighter. There is no business logic in this layer.
So earlier when the frontend was calling the backend directly, it will now call the BFF and then BFF will talk to the backend and then give a response back to the frontend.
Let's discuss some of the benefits of having a BFF:
Please Note: If you have a good micro-service architecture, you might not even need a BFF. BFFs are helpful in buying you more time in your journey of transitioning from a monolith to a micro-service architecture. And hence, it really depends on where and how the BFF is being implemented - it is not always an ideal solution. Consider the following question that often get asked about BFFs:
What about the latency and code duplication when using BFFs?
BFFs could become a boon when we are able to balance the data retrieval and processing. Consider the following example:
I have a Frontend app to buy some products, and hence when placing an order, there would be a lot of to-and-fro between the FE and BE - say once to create a draft order, next to create payment intent, then to accept payment, apply payment, fulfil the product and finally complete the order and return the order-purchase details. If we have a BFF in between, in that case the FE will call the BFF once and the rest of the calls will be made from BFF to BE and finally the order purchase details will be returned from BE to BFF to FE - making it much more simpler and cleaner.
Furthermore, to reduce latency, you can deploy this BFF closer to your BE - maybe in the same availability zone or same machine!
Another way to reduce latency is to cache some data. Now, if the product list is something that doesn't update very frequently then we can cache this data in BFF and serve it from there - saving some network calls and making the FE much faster and more efficient.
Given these BFFs are for specific frontends, there isn't as much code duplication as one might think. And even if there is a bit, we still have achieved decoupling of our code, giving us more flexibility and the ability to scale FE and BE independently.
Example Problem
Let's dive into an example problem:
Contoso (fictional organisation) is a leading global e-commerce platform. In simpler times, it used to have a simple website served by a BE.
But then it grew! Along with the classic website, mobile apps were launched, they expanded into B2B sales and also introduced another vertical that allowed other businesses to sell Contoso’s products on their websites to their customers but use Contoso’s APIs as the backend (basically B2B2C). All these frontends or channels were still being served by the monolith. Over a few years, Contoso has been trying to move to a micro-service-oriented architecture, but again the problem is still the same. All these FE channels have varied needs, such as:
Due to these specialised frontend needs, a lot of data manipulation needs to happen to be able to consume whatever comes from a generic purpose backend.
And hence, we try to solve this problem using BFFs! We propose the following solution where Classic website is served by Web BFF, Android app by Android BFF, iOS app by iOS BFF, B2B Portal and B2B2C Portal by Business BFF. And slowly we get rid of the monolith.
But, how many BFFs is the right number of BFFs?
Let's have a look at Android and iOS BFFs.
We realised that there is a feature parity between the two apps, the release cycles are similar, there's version controlling, teams are aligned and so is the product roadmap and hence it makes sense to have a common Mobile BFF for the two.
On the other hand, let's look at B2B Portal and B2B2C Portal being served from the same Business BFF.
We realised that B2B Portal has a UI and B2B2C Portal doesn't, the payment methods are different, there are two different teams working on them and the product roadmap is very different for these products and hence it makes more sense to have separate BFFs for each of these channels. And this gives us Version2.0 of the above proposed solution!
BFFs with Micro Frontend Architecture!
Micro Frontends also called MFEs have become very popular these days as they allow you to decompose your FE into little MFE apps that work loosely together and can be semi-independently managed, making it easier for developers to develop and release. Let's understand how we can embrace BFFs with MFEs. Consider the following example:
At Contoso, B2B Portal’s Frontend is basically made up of 2 MFEs:
These two MFEs are managed by two separate teams and have varied needs. Thus, it makes sense to have two separate BFFs for them.
And now what we have got is a Slice of app managed by one single team - we have gone vertical!
How do I become friends with a BFF?
Let's try to create an example BFF using Google Cloud Platform! Here's the Github repo with all the code along with instructions in the Readme.
We have following services:
For data services, you have plenty of options to choose from such as Google Cloud SQL, Firestore, Bigtable, etc., but for sake of simplicity we can use a json file in the example.
Next, we have following frontend requirements:
Now that we have different requirements defined for each frontend let's implement the BFFs.
Now whenever we call the /products endpoint, the first call usually takes a bit of time and then the results are cached for about 10 seconds. And hence all the following calls become really quick as they are served from the cache. You can see in the following video the timings of the calls and also the logs from attached logger that show when the cache was hit and when it was missed.
Don't forget to checkout the GitHub repository with all the services and BFFs mentioned above.
You may choose a BFF when your frontends have specialised needs. A BFF can help with performance optimisation, team autonomy and also to implement fine grained security measures to hide any sensitive information. If your method contracts are same you need minimal changes to plug your BFF in.
On the other hand, you may be better off with your monolith if you have a smaller project, as BFF comes with added infrastructure and maintenance costs and comes with a risk of your APIs going out of sync. If you feel BFF is not something that might be helpful, other options to consider are:
So, are you ready to befriend a BFF?
Beautiful slide, I like that C3PO and R2D2 as BFF (best friend forever)???