In May 2016, Marlie began living her true life purpose by starting Marlie Love Life Coaching, LLC. Marlie Love Life Coaching, LLC helps professional millennial's embrace their worth and step into their life purpose, by unleashing their hidden potential.

Marlie was once a professional millennial that didn't know her worth and purpose. Instead of retreating and settling for a life others told her she needed to live, she began to seek (and she found!). She began to dig deeper into God's word and develop a genuine relationship with God. Although Marlie had been a Christian her whole life, she realised she didn't really know what that meant. Within a year, Marlie was back in school, working with a renowned life coach as a mentor, and was closer to God than she had ever been! 

Before Marlie knew it, she was stepping into her purpose and left her corporate job to begin life coaching. She realized there were many others out there just like her, professional millennials that didn't know who they were in God's eyes. She then knew that was her mission: help professional millennial's find their life purpose! It was a dream come true! 

Marlie loves the prophetic and brings prophetic words and dream interpretation to her life coaching. She interprets dreams and provides prophetic words to her clients. She finds that words of knowledge (prophetic words) and dream interpretation can activate one's purpose even more! 

As Marlie was living in her purpose, she realized there were distinct experiences that she went through when discovering her purpose. A lightbulb went off! There were five huge things she did to discover the purpose inside of her! This is when she created her own five-step purpose plan! 

Marlie has written an e-book detailing her five-step purpose plan titled "Five Steps to Find your Purpose and Destiny: A Guide to Help you Find the True You." As well as, created a three month "Discover your Purpose" coaching program and a two hour intensive "Discover your Purpose" coaching program. Marlie's five-step purpose plan has helped many clients find their purpose and destiny. 

Marlie is also the host and creator of the podcast, "Purpose is for ALL". Where she interviews people from all areas of life about how they discovered their purpose and how they are currently fulfilling it. The podcast can be found on Anchor Radio, iTunes, and Google Play. Marlie is currently a contributing writer for i-Worship magazine and Motiv8me digital magazine. Her new book on forgiveness is due to be released in February 2018. 

Can you share your journey with us so far and your background so far Marlie?

Where do I start, ha! My journey to find my purpose and passion was a bit long. I did the normal stuff in life, graduated from college, got married, bought a house… etc. However, around 2015, I felt like there was something more out there for me. I knew sitting behind a cubicle was not the plan God had for me. So, I started with going back to school to get my graduate certification in Positive Psychology. I knew I wanted to make people happy, so positive psychology sounded like the route to go. It definitely was! As I studied positive psychology, I began to learn more about myself and how I can truly help people. Also, I began to grow more in my faith. I grew up as a Christian and in church all my life, but I wasn’t really living that life. 

I wasn’t living like “Nothing is Impossible! (Luke 1:37). I wasn’t living the powerful life Jesus wanted me to live. So, I began to read the Bible and really apply it to daily life. Especially when I began to understand my now “signature” Bible verse, Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”, that transformed me! 

Once I finished my graduate certification in positive psychology, I realised that my purpose and passion in life was to help others find their purpose and passion as well! I noticed that there were principles from the Bible and positive psychology that I took to find my purpose. So, I compiled that information into five wonderful steps, so I can help coach others to discover their purpose and hidden potential, so they can make a positive impact in this wonderful world! 

I’ve written a book titled “Five Steps to Find your Purpose and Destiny”, that’s available on Amazon. I love it because it tells my story as well as helps others with finding their purpose. I have a new book being released in a few weeks called, Forgive to be Free. The book will outline three people I needed to forgive to find my purpose in life and there is a journal at the end, so someone can document their forgiveness journey. I’m definitely being vulnerable in this book. 

I’m also a contributing writer for the magazine i-Worship and Motiv8me digital magazine. I never thought I would be a writer, but God has opened those doors for me and has given me the skills to do it. 

What motivated you and inspired you become your own boss?

What motivated me the most was the freedom! I love having the freedom to make my own decisions and take vacation when I want to. I can wake up when I want to. I love this feeling of waking up everyday excited about what’s to come. It’s amazing! 

Your passion is to help others embrace their worth and discover their purpose, how would you say you are doing this?

I am helping others embrace their worth and discover their life purpose, by teaching them my five step “Discover your Purpose” plan. Through these five steps, it equips individuals who are clueless about what they are meant to do in this life. As we go through the five step plan, I help guide people to create a solid foundation, understand who they truly are, and make a concrete action plan so they can begin to live the life God designed for them! 

My coaching is also Christian based, so I add prophetic guidance to all my coaching calls as well as Biblical dream interpretation. God speaks to us in our dreams and a lot of times, we can be so confused by our dreams because of the symbolism. So, I’ve studied Biblical dream interpretation the past year and provide interpretation for my clients and for the public too. You can get a huge breakthrough if you pay attention to your dreams! 

Why particularly a life coach?

I say I’m a life coach, because that’s what the world needs to fit me into a box, ha! I do like the label of “life coach” though, because it does explain exactly what I do. I am here help your life reach its predestined potential. I love talking and connecting with people as well. I get a rush from coaching and helping people, it’s hard to put into words. It makes me so happy and fulfilled, that I know it’s the right profession for me. 

What was the process of setting up Marlie Love Life LLC? 

Marlie Love Life Coaching, LLC was a little process. Setting up the LLC was easy. What took time was me getting over the negative thoughts saying, “you can’t do this!”. Mindset is so important when going after your dreams. I had to constantly speak positive affirmations over my life to get over the fear. So, positive talking, thinking, and believing was crucial to setting up my business. 

What is the best advice you have received recently?

The best advice I received recently was “don’t worry about what other people think about you.” It’s so simple, but I think that no matter how old we are or where we are in our lives, we have that weak moment where we begin to second guess ourselves and our talents. So, we must be reminded that God created us unique and it doesn’t matter what other people think of you. You deserve to live a life of purpose and happiness. 

What is a good article or book you have read recently?

So, I’m trying to re-read the New Testament right now. I just want to live a life that Jesus wanted me to live, so I told myself, re-read the New Testament to see if you catch anything new. So, 1 Corinthians chapter 13 is the BEST. It’s all about love. I think a lot of people feel as if Christians are judgmental and don’t have love (and some may be). However, true Christianity is based on love. That’s what I continue to “preach” and teach my clients and people I come into contact with. Love is always the answer! I am so happy that I re-read that chapter and engrained it in my life. 

What podcasts or Youtube channels are currently great for motivation? If any?

I really like listening to Doug Addison! His podcast, Spirit connection is AWESOME! He’s a prophetic life coach that has a great following. His weekly podcast teaches you about love, Jesus, breakthrough, and so much more. I definitely recommend it. I also have a podcast called “Purpose is for ALL.” I interview people and ask them five questions in five minutes about their life purpose. It’s available on iTunes and Google Play! It’s great and something you can listen to quickly. 

What are you currently learning about in business?

I’m currently learning that consistency is key. I myself have a business coach. I didn’t have a session with her for about a month because of the holidays and I had to go out of town. Boy oh boy did I need her! My Instagram feed was a mess ha! I find myself veering off at times, even when I know I shouldn’t. After meeting with her and having her reiterate again that I need to be consistent to my brand, I understand how important it is. 

What are your goals for the next few months and how are you striving to achieve them?

My goals for the next few months is to add three new coaching clients, interpret at least 50 dreams, and sell $3,000 in online course sales. I have an awesome program that teaches people how to motivate people through natural strengths. 

I am striving to reach them through social media marketing and networking. I love using direct messaging to reach people and potential clients. I also am dedicating that I go to at least one meet-up in the month of March. 

What are the most effective tools you use to spread the awareness of what you are doing and generate more clients?

I love Instagram and direct messaging. Instagram is a great platform, I love connecting with people personally, and I love that we can direct message anyone and see if they read it.

Have you ever had to deal with contention or any forms of doubt from family or friends whilst building your business? If so, how have you dealt with them?

I believe when anyone starts the process of becoming an entrepreneur, family or friends will react. If it’s a negative reaction, I feel a lot of times it stems from fear. I personally don’t believe I had someone come up to me and say, “YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” … it was more of a surprised reaction from a few people, like “oh, I didn’t know that about you.” I began to measure support by how many times a friend or family member liked or shared one of my social media posts. When I didn’t see an overwhelming amount of shares and likes, I began to get a little disappointed. 

However, I realise that, love and support doesn’t HAVE to come in the form of “likes and comments”. I had to switch my mindset. I also had to check myself because I don’t always “like and comment” my other friends and family’s posts either haha. So, I when I changed my outlook on family and friend support, that’s when I realised I do have the support that I want and need. 

What about any challenging times you have had to overcome?

I have had challenging times. It can be difficult building a brand and business. Around October 2016, I had left my corporate job to pursue coaching, however, even though I left my corporate job, I still needed to work somewhere else to bring in income. My thought was to find an easy job that didn’t require conference calls, climbing the corporate ladder, and more than 40 hours a week. I found this job close to home and it was good for a little bit. 

However, things turned, and I ended up getting fired. What’s crazy is, I had never been fired from a job before in my life. As I was in the process of getting fired, one of the bosses called me a “bad Christian”. Those words hurt because it couldn’t be further from the truth. Also, Christians don’t call other Christians “bad”, because we all fall short. I wanted to be angry and give up completely because I wasn’t sure if it was wise for me to leave my secure corporate job for life coaching… then to be fired from a “job” to help pay the bills while I followed my dreams. Before I could get into my feelings, I remembered what I tell my clients, which is to forgive. 

I prayed and said, “God, this hurts, but you said forgive and you’ll always work things out for our good.” God worked it out for me! I found a quick temporary position and within seven months I was able to work for myself full time. I no longer hold anything against the company that fired me unfairly. I actually thank them! Without that abrupt change in my life, I may have still played everything safe. Entrepreneurship is about risk and if I was still working at that job, I wouldn’t have taken the risks I needed to take. 

Best moment so far?

The best moment so far is seeing my name on the cover of i-Worship magazine! I was on the cover and featured next to some of the most influential people in the world. I still can’t believe it! 

What does success look like in your eyes?

I joke about this a lot, but when I am able to be interviewed by Oprah on her Super Soul Sunday show and she says, “Marlie, you just gave me an aha moment!” when she says that to me, I know I’ve made it.

What does it mean to you to truly #BEYOUROWN?

#BEYOUROWN to me means being true to who you were created to be. Embracing it and not allowing the negative thoughts that pop in your head dictate your life. 

Lastly what is on the horizon for 2018 for you?

2018 is going to be a year of acceleration and the impossible becoming possible for me (and for people reading this)! I am so excited for this year! I will continue writing for i-Worship magazine and Motiv8me magazine. I’ll be releasing another book, “Forgive to be Free” in a few weeks. I will continue coaching amazing people to their highest potential. I know I will be speaking at conferences all over the country (and maybe world). I am just so excited for this year, because I know that it will be the best year of my life!



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