A serial entrepreneur, abundance hacker and award-winning coach, Jennifer Hardie is on a mission to serve 1 million women, around the globe, who are ready to step into their best selves.

As a mother of 3, she understands the pressures of motherhood whilst building an empire and wants to ensure that women realise that you can absolutely have it all! It's a case of working smarter not necessarily harder.

Jennifer first began her career as a musical theatre performer taking on lots of freelance contracts in theatre, teaching, and choreography. Her first business was a musical theatre school which began with only 5 children and grew rapidly over the course of 3 years. She started with only a sound system and a desire to give youngsters a solid foundation in theatre arts.

She then began a Health and Beauty network marketing business initially as some extra pocket money. 3 years in and she had grown to one of the top 10 business owners in Scotland.

Because of the freedom of growing her online business, she has now been able to explore her other passions and business ideas including a womenswear label 'Ruby Joyas'launching next year, The Unstoppable Scholarship Fund for entrepreneurial women, a music project, a collaborative ever-changing creative space called EVOLVE, as well as commercial modelling for model team Scotland.

Realising her passion for making women feel on top of the world she put together an online Digital Marketing Programme helping women understand the tech and strategies behind growing their businesses to 6 figures and beyond. In addition to programmes and courses, she also has a successful podcast and tv show on youtube holds business retreats and VIP days around the globe and has a collaborative book writing project for female leaders and influencers to share their story called “She Is Unstoppable?." Upon launch of volume 1, the book made #1 International Best Seller. Jen has been featured on STV, BBC TV & radio, Thrive Global and Huffington Post and Addicted 2 Success Podcast to name a few. She is the Scottish Ambassador for Ladies of all nations and has many philanthropic projects on the go.

Her heart absolutely lies within coaching, empowering other women to step into their greatness and realise their true potential. She believes it’s time we stand up to celebrate the rise of the renaissance woman!

Hey Jennifer, can you introduce yourself to us?

My name is Jen and as well as being mum to 3 from Scotland. As well as being mum (one of my more demanding roles in life), I am also a serial entrepreneur, digital marketing strategist, #1 best selling author, writer, and philanthropist. I also run a successful podcast show, TV show and have a free community where women in business at all stages come together to support each other, learn and grow.

One of my biggest passions is philanthropy and creating change in this world and I am proud to support various charities with the work that we do at unstoppable.

Can you take us through your journey to where you are now?

I have always been a very driven, even when I was a little girl. I was born in Glasgow and although we didn’t have much but my parents always went above and beyond to give us as much opportunity as possible. When I was just 4 I was taken to local theatre and ballet classes to get rid of some of my overflowing energy and literally from the age of 5 grew up in the theatre.

At the age of 17 I decided to take my career in the arts further and moved to London where I won a scholarship for musical theatre, as much as I was elated to have the opportunity, it was short-lived, as I was becoming frustrated with being told what to do, what shows to audition for and how to look so I dropped out. I wanted to find my own path, find out who I was without the noise, so after series of crazy events in the London party scene I realised it was time to get home to Scotland and piece together what I wanted for my life.

What I didn’t expect to happen, was to fall pregnant at the age of 21 to a lovely man that I’d only bee dating for a few months, curveball huh! This also came at a time that i was offered a lead role in mamma mia the musical which of course I couldn’t take for insurance reasons. So what was the world trying to say? It was saying hold tight there’s more! And I trusted.

Sadly around a year after Joshua was born, his father and I split, we are still great friends to this day but it simply wasn’t meant to be. As a single mum, I had two choices… government benefits or put the abilities and training I had into use. I decided on the latter and got to work building a local musical theatre school.

Things grew very fast and when Joshua was around 4 my ex came back into my life who I had met when I was 16 and split with just as we came home from London. Quickly we knew it was right and were expecting our first daughter, we got married and suddenly my creative work and career began to take off too. I was writing, directing, producing, performing and of course still teaching, running my businesses and being mum to Joshua. I carried on this way for about 2 years then fell pregnant with my 3rd child Joya and this is when things changed drastically.

I was exhausted, a wreck. I had just delivered my third child, my relationship with my husband was strained, I had huge financial struggles and debts as my very first business was folding. I felt worthless, hopeless and I was a failure at everything that I imagined I was capable of being. How do I say that after having such a beautiful gift of a 3rd child? Well, what I didn’t realise at the time is that I had the onset of severe postnatal depression. I believe that the overwhelm of birthing along with financial struggles, working 90 hours per week (yes even days before birth) and focussing a lot on the past and moments of heartache combined, is what catapulted me into the downward spiral that was to ensue. I must say though that in retrospect my breakdown was to be one of the most positive defining moments of my life to date.

You see in hitting rock bottom it finally gave me a chance to really evaluate my life and everything in it. I gave up a lot of my work and I focussed all my energies into getting better, my family and doing only work that was bringing in the most amount of income for the least amount of time and that gave me the most pride and enjoyment.

I had begun a networking marketing business whilst expecting my 3rd baby and hadn’t really given it any attention, I realised I could do it from home in my own time and with no pressure so I threw myself into learning all I could about the industry. I managed to keep a good balance of time at home and time at work so as to not fall back into my old patterns of thinking. In 1 year my business grew and it was announced that I had achieved the number 10 business owner in Scotland that alone gave me the confidence to realise that I could run a business successfully and not only that but I could also coach women to do the same.

I soon went on to launch That’s My Crownan online visibility platform, I also wanted it to be a magazine and (eventually) scholarship fund for entrepreneurial women. To add to this I also set the wheels in motion to design a womenswear collection and made investments in some friends start-up businesses. All of which were things that excited and motivated me although I did feel a creeping sense of trying to reach too far too soon and working more than being at home also started to rear its ugly head.

After years of juggling my career dreams, with being mum. Marketing my business in the online space. Starting up and scaling companies I realised that I could make a much bigger impact if I wasn't location dependent and so Unstoppable was born and my online coaching journey began.

What is a day in the life of you like?

To be honest never the same, they are so unpredictable because of the kids and who I am working with and where they are in the world. A few things that are consistent is my need to relax in the morning. Once the kids are all out at school, I take things slow. Make my breakfast and tea, read, journal sometimes meditate and then I’ll take a look at how my day is shaping up. I never check emails or social media before 10am and usually only take calls after 10am too. I work Tues-Fri as I need a day to just plan, to dream, to tie up loose ends or sometimes just to check back in with myself with a spa day.

What is initiated your entrepreneurial spirit?

Having to make something from nothing with my theatre schools and undertake pressure of failure not being an option. I believe it was also when I was in the theatre as even then you would begin with the seedling of an idea and it would grow into an entire show or performance. There is a magic in that. Entrepreneurship for me is 1. Bravery and 2. The art of creating something from nothing but an idea.

How is your business funded, is it bootstrapped, self-funded ect?

I borrowed money from my dad to hire my first coach that could teach my lead generation tips and literally poured over every single google article I could find about marketing and branding. I soon uncovered what my mission was and who I wanted to help and put myself out there! I managed to pay dad back within 3 weeks of launching which gave me the courage to believe that this time things were going to be different.

Can you tell us more about your brand DNA and ethos as an entrepreneur?

Our mission is simple at UNSTOPPABLE... “to serve at the highest of standards and produce platforms for women to encompass all that they were born to be."  

UNSTOPPABLE women are driven, ambitious, heart lead, powerful and are catalysts for radical change in the world. They nurture others, collaborate with fellow influencers, trust in their abilities with quiet confidence carry themselves with an air of elegance and grace. UNSTOPPABLE women practice and work on their credibility, ethics, and integrity each and every day. They are UNTOUCHABLE. They are completely UNSTOPPABLE!”

This is what I live by, I falter as I’m human, but every day I see this pinned to my wall it gives me the motivation I need to take on the day with passion and purpose.

Can you tell us how you are supporting women to smash their goals, step up to their world of abundance and begin to earn their true worth?

I support women be empowering them the tech know how, marketing strategies, brand identity and most importantly the confidence to become visible online. I believe every woman has something they can teach, some way they can inspire and I assist and build on the realisation of that. 

We also have various online platforms that women can use to showcase their missions or businesses. Like a podcast show, Youtube TV show, a book collaboration project, and community teaching platforms. To add to this we open up an opportunity to teach at our global retreats and live events.

Unstoppable is a movement that far overthrows the want to earn income merely for material things. it’s a movement for women to realise that their mission is far bigger than them and money is merely compensation for the incredible work that they do in this world, whatever that work may be.

Can you highlight 3 key tips to staying motivated as an entrepreneur?

  1. A well thought out and robust mission statement, I like to call it my rock star statement. I spent an entire day figuring out what I was put here to do, what I love, what my skills were and how I could monetise and fund my missions! I have it nearby and anytime I feel demotivated I read over it and it takes me back to my road. 
  2. Accepting and realising that entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It’s tough at times but so are we. When I feel heavy, that I can’t do right for doing wrong, I take some time off, step back and revisit my missions statement if needed I update it, practice radical self-care then carries on.
  3. I’m a creative at heart so I must always be creating, it doesn't matter if it’s a huge project or tiny I have to be dreaming something up and see it come to fruition. Whenever I stop that free flow of ideas, ambitions I feel stuck. Doing the work on yourself and becoming really self-aware is something that is crucial in the journey and I try and evaluate my behaviour, my performance and what makes me happy and not so happy every day.


Who does the team involve behind you?

My family for sure at my teamies.Matt my husband, my 3kids, parents, and auntie Liz who helps massively with looking after the kids when I have to travel.

I also have some very important people in the business who keep things running behind the scenes Kumba Duada and her team who is a social media guru, Martina Ostradecky who is my V.A, client care goddess and affiliate manager. We also employ freelance positions when we are launching something new and recently have found some incredible talent Hollie Sandra Clarke who is our designer, Abby Sealby who repurposes our content, Katie Colella who is incredible with funnels and email marketing and Stephanie White who is an incredible branding photographer. We have also been joined this year by Azriel Ratz who is a Facebook Ads Specialist. 

We have something really exciting launching this year too, a brand new, beautiful website thanks to Sarah Homan. I should also mention that throughout the year I work with different creatives.. photographers, copywriters, videographers etc and coaches!

Lastly, the most important part of all of this is my clients and community. they are part of all of this and anyone that comes along for the ride with us is welcomed as part of this team, this movement. I learned early on that I cannot do all the things, all of the time and actually I’m also not great atallof things! So bringing in talent that far outweighs yours is not only necessary it’s crucial.

Where can you see yourself within the next 3-5 years?

I honestly have not thought that far ahead, of course, I have plans but I allow the unfolding of this to be as organic as it can be. I do know that I will no doubt be focusing more on philanthropy projects full time, travelling more and experiencing the world and creating, who knows what though keep your eyes peeled lol!

What strategies do you have in place when looking at the expansion of your business?

Strategy wise I know that my next team members are a Project development manager and head of operations. The idea is to have a business that runs like clockwork even when you are taking time off to create. That is now of my goals this year. 

Can you tell us what areas you have struggled in professionally?

Comparisonitis syndrome which leads to imposter syndrome. I think this is a huge issue, especially in the online space. We often see overnight success stories but fail to learn the back story of the pitfalls, the adversity, the failures at times that have lead them to that point.

Its so important for us to stay in our own lane, to drown out the noise and again revisit this mission statement of 'why'am I doing this, 'what'am I changing in this world and 'who'is it all for!  When that is solid you can really begin to move instead of holding the fear of failing you can’t fail on a dream that is yet to be built right. 

Have you ever had any other mentor? If so how has this benefitted you to grow?

I actually had 3 mentors in 2018 all of which had very different expertise and skills. I believe it is important to surround yourself with people who inspire you, who have walked the walk and who is where or stand for something similar than you do. I don’t have a coach at the minute but waiting for the right one to come along and help me grow even more.

What outlets do use to market your 3 part training group?

I am a funnel fanatic and queen of all things automated. I want to spend as much time with the ones I love as possible so anything that can be set up to run without me I love. I love Facebook ads, lead pages as my lead gen and email marketing too. I can create content that can continue to serve people even when I have moved to the next piece of content and that is genius.

What do you believe are the common misconceptions about the digital world and how are you using your platform and voice to educate people more?

I think there is a misconception that marketers online are out to make a quick buck, plow the cash into their lifestyle and not focus on the delivery of the actual service or building of the product.

As much as this may be true for some, that is not all! There are incredible people out there dedicated to using the online space for a life-changing cause, world missions and creating real influence for good. 

It’s also perceived, I think that “it’s easy”or people promote that “it’s easy”… any kind of entrepreneurship is not easy, it may be simple on paper but it is not easy and it’s usually the ego that gets in the way. 

Entrepreneurship = bravery and resilience. If you can learn to love the failure then you learn to be a leader as the failures hold the lessons.

What would you like to see changed for millennials in business?

I’m not sure I would change anything, I feel like we are in a time where resources, free content, and inspiration is everywhere and abundant in quality too. I am working towards beginning a scholarship fund for entrepreneurs as that was one of my struggles, funding. So hopefully this would help with more ideas being brought to fruition.

What is the best piece of business advice you have received to date?

“Do something you love and you’ll never work a day in your life!”my uncle who is a Jazz musician bought me a little plaque when I was young and it still sticks with me.

Also “This too shall pass” there are seasons in business, Seasons of huge growth and success and excitement. Then there are droughts and fear and hardships. it is unavoidable. I always try to celebrate when things are going as well as I know they can pass just the same as when things are feeling heavy… I know that will pass too.

What is the number 1 critical lesson you have learned in your career so far?

That I am not everyone's cup of tea. As much as I would love everyone to love me and my work the way I try and love everyone, it just ain’t gonna happen lol. My heart used to sink when I saw someone bashing me, my team, my clients, my work but the more you grow and the more visible you become the more your gonna rock peoples boats. I’m ok with that now and have learned that it’s part of the course. Acceptance!

How do you create an evenly balanced work and personal life?

I actually only open my diary for 2 weeks at a time. I look over all my kid's activities, my family time and dates, me time when I open up the diary for appointments. I don't’ work weekends except if I’m travelling and I work pretty much 10am-4pm and a Thursday from1pm-10pm for my U.S students and I try my best to stick t this. It also lets me drop the mum guilty as they are always at the center of everything.

A seminal point in your career so far?

To be given a Scottish ambassadorship was absolutely incredible. The thought of representing the country that gave me my spirit was a complete honour. 

Also taking 12 women with me on a book writing journey which we achieved number 1 international bestseller for. That was an incredible feeling of pride not only for what we created but for the women who so bravely shared their journeys.

What gives you ultimate career satisfaction?

When my clients win and when they supersede me… fact! That is what makes me realise that I am good at what I do and I do deserve to be a leader.

What challenges have you seen to have been presented during the growth of your business?

Cash flow, when you are a risk taker mixed with a creative the numbers game in my experience isn’t always up to scratch so I’ve been in situations when I’ve invested in something and then expected income hasn’t come in… it’s tough but again it passes and you go into the next investment with more clarity and tread a little steadier.

I also suffer from wanting things done yesterday and when an idea comes I go all in like a steam roller, sometimes much to the surprise of my team. I’m learning to put some ideas on the back burner and focus in on 1 project at a time instead of thinking that all my ideas are good ideas, I give it a few days to settle then revisit it.

Which other leading entrepreneurs and pioneering game changers do you also admire and why?

I admire women like Jessica Alba, Oprah, Michelle Obama, Marie Forleo to name a few…. Conscious entrepreneurs who are trying their best to create real, everlasting change that will far outlive our existence. That’s the women I look up to.

What is a good article or book you have read recently?

I’m reading Michelle Obama’s, 'Becoming' at the moment and it’s an incredible insight into the huge changes she has had to face especially in the public eye. I won’t say too much but if you haven't read it, I’d recommend it. 

A book I really enjoyed was 'How To Win Friends And Influence People,' to sum it up in my eyes, it’s simply about treating others as you would like to be treated and being kind and compassionate even in a crisis situation and of course I adore the beauty that is 'The secret.'

I actually really love to read for fun too anything romantic and about travel, a book that really got to me and stole a little piece of my heart was 'Eat, Pray, Love' I could read it over and over and never get bored.

Top 3 go-to Podcast channels?

  1. 'Addicted To Success' with Joel Brown.
  2. Marie Forleo.
  3. 'The Unstoppable Podcast Show' with me.

How do you define success?

Success for me is the bravery of living through a journey of lessons, good and bad, that leads to a journey of experiences and adventures which may or may not have a lasting impact. It’s little about the final destination and more about what you learned on the way there. When I say it like that it makes me feel successful every day.

What does #BEYOUROWN mean to you?

Ambitious, authentic and being Unapologetically you with an unshakeable belief in yourself, your journey and want you stand for.

Finally, what can we expect from you next throughout 2019?

Jeez, there’s so much in my head that i’d adore getting out there. More opportunities for women to shout about what they do, more togetherness and support within my communities and possibly a live event. 

Something that has really come to light as something I want to start a movement on is the stigma around suicide. Sadly I lost my young cousin 13 years ago and more and more I read about young men and women with so much to give and so much to live for choosing to end their lives. In men it’s a bigger killer than cancer, that is quite mind blowing isn’t it. 

I’m not sure what that looks like, there is so much to research to be done and people I want to speak to but I will take action this year, we can only but try to make some kind of small change or impact and hope that a movement arises with others who have in some way been affected or wish to support. I just want to keep trying to be my best. To always be a little better in some small way than the Jennifer I was yesterday.

Thank you for allowing me to show a little bit of my world! 





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