Diamond Inspire offers inspirational self-love, self-awareness, spiritual and emotional guidance through motivational speaking/singing to bring healing, hope, and confidence to help you pursue your destiny! We create events also with the right niche of people to ignite your destiny into motion. We speak to Dannie Holmes about how her mission is to collaborate positive energy with us in a safe environment to bring awareness to our God-given right to be exactly who we are supposed to be in this world no matter what life has tossed at us. We’ll be discussing how Dannie is here to help you to make effective life choices mentally, physically and spiritually for the advancement of your well being and success!

Hey Dannie, can you introduce yourself to us?

My name is Dannie Gulley, and I am the CEO and founder of Diamond Inspire.  Diamond Inspire was launched to help predominantly women to believe in themselves, love themselves enough to pursue their dreams, passion and monetise it. Being a lifestyle coach, to strategically help them along this journey; and; bringing it into flourish is the ultimate goal.

Can you take us through your journey to where you are now?

I arrived at this place of strategically wanting to help others because I had to help myself through so many of life’s hard knocks. Becoming a mother at a very young age, I had to grow up pretty fast and learn to take care of myself and my daughter the best most effective way I knew how. I indulged into business courses and learned as much as I could about business. After, going through domestic violence, watching my mom, being a victim myself, and after dodging drug addiction, alcoholism, heartbreak after heartbreak, and going through a very painful divorce, I grew a passion for women to survive, grow, love themselves and win at life! My passion is inspiring. others to be the best most authentic confident person he or she can be. I coach them into loving themselves enough to move forward and live the best most abundant life ever! I do this through online courses, workshops and one on one consultations. 

What is a day in the life of you like?

A day in the life of me consists of, prayer and worship because I can do nothing without my Heavenly Father who is the author and finisher of my faith. You can find me, doing whatever I need to do to get myself to the next level. Perfecting my craft is number one, in order that I may become a leader in my industry. I’m usually doing research on my industry, talking to my followers and viewers on social media to see what they want in a Life Coach, reading books or taking short courses.  My business is just starting so I am still in the beginning phase. Building my client base is also paramount so there is a lot of networking going on and social media presence.

What was the concept behind launching Diamond Inspire?

The concept behind Diamond Inspire was taking what I’ve overcome and helping someone else to not have to go through what I’ve gone through.  If I can save someone from making the many mistakes I’ve made, then my purpose is fulfilled. The pressures of life can be extremely overwhelming such as the loss of immediate family members back to back, including your mom and sister as I have,, you have to find a reason to keep going. When I see the beauty of a diamond, I’m reminded that it had to go through a lot of pressure to shine so bright. I’ve been through a lot of darkness in my personal life and my business life but nothing will stop me from reflecting goodness and inspiring others. Diamond Inspire. 

How is Diamond Inspire funded, is it bootstrapped, self-funded ect?

Diamond Inspire is self-funded and I am currently seeking grants to help fund the business. It’s a service that I believe is needed in our communities, in businesses, and in this world. 

Can you tell us more about your brand DNA and ethos at Diamond Inspire?

My brand DNA consists of me. My lifestyle of moving forward with true happiness after everything I’ve gone through, yet I rise 1000 times. Inspiration comes every morning when God opens my eyes. I’m excited about life, my journey forward and my client’s life to be even better than my own as I help them avoid pitfalls I’ve already taken. 

How are you are helping your clients to start over and transform their life into what they truly deserve?

I help my clients start over and transform their life into what they truly deserve by allowing them to see that it’s okay to love themselves enough to put themselves first unapologetically.  I help them to find belief and confidence in themselves again to move forward into whatever they desire. I help them find the courage to take the pen out of others hands and write their own story.

Can you give us 3 useful tips to help us boss up and unleash the freedom within us?

  1. Love yourself more than anything except GOD.
  2. Believe in yourself no matter what.
  3. Become the CEO of your life, write a mission statement for your life and get after it daily!

Who does the team involve behind you Diamond Inspire?

Currently, I am the team of Diamond Inspire. My youngest daughter helps me with marketing and my oldest daughter helps with finances, but; neither are on payroll just yet. They each currently have very good careers of their own.

Where can you see yourself within the next 3-5 years?

I see myself being a leader in my industry over the next 3-5 years.  I actually hope to have several new entrepreneurs under my belt that I’ve helped develop. I want to help launch people forward into their destiny through investing time and money into them so that they can monetise their passion.  

What strategies do you have in place when looking at the expansion of Diamond Inspire?

The first strategy for expansion is funding. The next is showing up in the online space as the expert, networking on and offline to build my client base. I want tons of testimonials from happy successful clients. I still believe that word of mouth, social proof is golden for any business.

Can you tell us what areas you have struggled in professionally?

The biggest thing I’ve struggled with professionally was leaving Corporate America before getting Diamond Inspire up and running to carry me financially. I do not regret it but I do not recommend anyone putting the cart before the horse.

Have you ever had any other mentor? If so how has this benefitted you to grow?

Yes, I’ve had several mentors throughout my life and I’m a firm believer that everyone needs one. A mentor can help hold you accountable to your dreams, which is what has caused me to jump out of my comfort zone and move forward. A life coach is definitely needed. Life Coaches need a life coach. I’m not sure I would’ve been pursued being a Lifestyle Strategist if I didn’t have my Online Entrepreneurship Coach. 

What outlets do use to market Diamond Inspire?

My biggest outlet of marketing is social media and I sponsor a few local things in my community for brand awareness. I’ve committed to an annual business conference for women that I hope to go on for many moons. The second one is coming up in 2019.

What do you believe are the common misconceptions about coaching and how are you using your platform and voice to educate people more?

I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that a life coach is a therapist.  A coach is a guide who helps you arrive at the best decision for your life going forward. A therapist helps with healing from your past, diagnosis the problem and holds a degree in this area.

What would you like to see changed for millennials in business?

Millennials in online business do extremely well because they’ve grown up with computers and are a huge part of this social network era. I don’t think anything needs to change, but I do believe millennial are easily distracted and must have something going on it seems at all times.

What is the best piece of business advice you have received to date?

The best piece of business advice I’ve received so far in building my own business is showing up and doing it afraid & ugly even it’s not done or perfected yet.

What is the number 1 critical lesson you have learned in your career so far?

It is critical that you show up for yourself and definitely show up for your clients. Do not stop building.

How do you create an evenly balanced work and personal life?

I left Corporate America Retail because I wanted/needed work-life balance. Now being on my own, I work Monday through Friday, business hours and I take a personal sabbath day/mental health day for myself. I’m no longer so uptight and I am happier.

The highlight of your career so far?

I have yet to see the highlight of my career. I’m sure once I land that first big client I’ll be on the mountain top but then shortly after, I’ll be looking for the next big client.

What gives you ultimate career satisfaction?

Seeing others mindset change about their life/career and watching them grow and transform gives me satisfaction. Knowing I had a part in their purpose and destiny is priceless. 

What challenges have you seen to have been presented during the growth of Diamond Inspire?

The biggest challenge for Diamond Inspire has been writing the right course to fit such a wide group of clients. One on one consultation is narrows things down to guide them but the course and/or the process sometimes has me second guessing if my client will receive the transformation they’re looking for.

Which other leading entrepreneurs and pioneering game changers do you also admire and why?

I have met some phenomenal leading entrepreneurs in my social media group, led by awesome Online Entrepreneur Teacher/Coach. I admire my Coach because she is on point and is a leader in her industry. She has the professionalism, the personality, she’s relatable and successful.

What is a good article or book you have read recently?

I read a lot of books. I am currently reading, ‘Becoming’ by Michelle Obama. She is authentic, the epitome of success and very inspirational

Top 3 go-to Podcast channels?

  1. TD Jakes’ ‘Motivation.’
  2. Priscilla Shirer’s ‘Going Beyond Ministries.’
  3. Youtube with Dr. Tracy Timberlake.

 How do you measure your own terms of success?

I measure my own terms of success on myself. I was taught years ago, to keep blinders on and have tunnel vision on my own goals before looking at someone else’s progress or what their definition of success looks like. I compete with myself and strive to be a better person in every area of my life each day.

What does #BEYOUROWN mean to you?

#BEYOUROWN to me is taking control of my life and changing the outcome by creating a lifestyle I LOVE and enjoy waking up to. I am the CEO of my life and I am a BAWSE!

Lastly, what is next for you?

What’s next for me is publishing my book I’m currently tweaking with my publisher and starting a long over-due worship CD.



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